Immediately, Lin Chen drove into his car and left with Zhang Tianan, Miao Yunfei and his party drove towards the city.

The detectives sitting in Miao Yunfei's car did not dare to speak along the way.

The reason is very simple. After they knew that the mayor's daughter was choked by Lin Chen, they felt unhappy, but they didn't want to be disliked by Miao Yunfei and find fault with her.


In the afternoon, Lin Chen carried Zhang Tian'an and walked around the entire Liuhe County and the surrounding scenic spots.

When passing by the Hengyuan Lighting Factory, I saw many workers walking out of the gate carrying large and small bags.

Zhang Tianan looked at the workers and said, "Lin Chen, look, many people have resigned today, and the boss of Hengyuan Lighting Factory is running out of manpower..."

"When something like this happens, the whole factory is very infiltrating. It's normal for them to want to go." Lin Chen said with his hands on the steering wheel.

After Zhang Tian'an heard the words, she suddenly tilted her head and asked Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, I don't think you are afraid of corpses or danger. Do you have anything you are afraid of?"

"Everyone has something he's afraid of, and I'm no exception." Lin Chen's eyes were a little deep, and his tone was calm.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tian's curiosity was immediately raised.

"You are no exception, so what are you afraid of?" Zhang Tiannan's big eyes flickered, expecting Lin Chen to say what he was afraid of.

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhang Tian'en with a smile, but didn't say a word.

Zhang Tian'an was very curious, and asked a few more words about what Lin Chen was afraid of, but Lin Chen didn't say anything, which made her feel quite depressed, and she was also guessing what Lin Chen would be afraid of.

After the sky was getting dark, Zhang Tianan received a call from her mother.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Tian'an said to Lin Chen, "My mother said that the meal is almost ready, and asked me to take you there."

"Okay." Lin Chen drove to the entrance of a large supermarket and asked Zhang Tiannan to wait for him in the car. Ten minutes later, Lin Chen brought out a lot of things from the supermarket.

3.0 "Why did you buy these things, for my parents? You bought them last time." Zhang Tianan muttered.

Lin Chen said, "I don't want to owe you a favor when I go to your house for a meal, so I gave your parents something."

Ten minutes later, Lin Chen and Zhang Tian'an arrived in the community. Lin Chen carried a lot of things and followed Zhang Tian'an into the elevator to the 8th floor where she lived.

After opening the door, Zhang Tianan's parents just finished all the dishes and sat in the living room waiting.

After seeing his daughter come back, he immediately saw Lin Chen with a lot of things in his hands.

After seeing Lin Chen bring something to the door, Zhang Tiannan's parents looked at each other and said to their heart that their daughter would not admit to having a boyfriend, but if Lin Chen wasn't her daughter's boyfriend, why are you being so polite? Come tonight To eat, and to buy so many things. .


140 After thinking about it, I will tell you [Subscribe]

Zhang Tian'an's parents took the things that Lin Chen brought up as if Lin Chen was Zhang Tian'an's boyfriend and brought things to see the future husband and mother-in-law.

Zhang Tian'an's mother stood up, walked over, and said, "Lin Chen, come here as soon as you come. What are you doing with so many things."

Lin Chen said two polite words, and Dad Zhang also stood up and greeted Lin Chen, "The food is ready, come and eat."

Seeing that his parents were still enthusiastic about Lin Chen, Zhang Tianan felt a little dazed at this moment.

A thought popped into her mind: If Lin Chen is really her boyfriend, that's not bad...

After this thought popped up in his mind, Zhang Tianan shook his head and stopped himself from thinking wildly.

After Lin Chen sat down, Zhang Tiannan's parents greeted Lin Chen to eat whatever they want, you're welcome.

After eating for a while, Zhang Tian's mother didn't ask if the two were lovers. From last night, she saw her daughter and Lin Chen kissing in the corridor. It was hot, and Lin Chen came to pick up so many things today. , I knew that my daughter was shy when she said that Lin Chen was not a boyfriend. 17

Zhang Tiannan's mother began to ask about Lin Chen's family situation. After asking, she asked about how the company was doing.

Lin Chen said it truthfully. When he was talking about this, Zhang Tianan kept his head down and ate in silence.

Zhang Tian'an was waiting for Lin Chen to say that the two were not lovers, but subconsciously, he didn't want Lin Chen to say it, which made Zhang Tian'an's heart complicated.

In Zhang Tian'an's mentality of waiting for Lin Chen to speak, but not wanting Lin Chen to speak, Lin Chen didn't say anything at the end of the meal, and Zhang Tian'an was silent from beginning to end.

After the meal was over, he said goodbye to his parents with Lin Chen, and came downstairs to the house, Zhang Tianan only reacted.

She looked at Lin Chen in amazement and said, "Lin Chen... You didn't seem to clarify our relationship with my parents just now..."

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, and said, "It seems so, you didn't remind me, I forgot."

Zhang Tianan bit his lip and said in disbelief, "Isn't your brain very useful, your memory is so good, you can forget such an important thing?"

"You didn't remind me, you didn't speak just now." Lin Chen said casually, opened the door and sat up.

If Zhang Tian'an didn't like Lin Chen, she would definitely pull Lin Chen up to clarify, but at this moment, she just lowered her head and sat in the passenger seat obediently, and did not ask Lin Chen to clarify again. .

After closing the car door, Lin Chen started the car, and the car left the community and drove towards the urban area of ​​Tianhai City.

On the way out of the county seat, Zhang Tianai didn't speak.

She thought about a question in her mind, that is, whether Lin Chen really forgot to explain to his parents, or did he deliberately not explain.

Lin Chen's brain is so useful, he can't forget it, so he didn't explain it on purpose.

He deliberately did not explain, what is the purpose of doing this?Is he interested in himself too?

When Zhang Tian'an was thinking wildly, he glanced at Lin Chen from time to time, and when he caught sight of Lin Chen, he quickly looked away, for fear of being discovered by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen saw all Zhang Tiannan's actions, he just smiled lightly and said nothing.

After the car was on the road for more than an hour, Zhang Tianan didn't speak, but he didn't mention clarifying the relationship between the two to his parents, but talked about other things.

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