Two tables of dishes were ordered in the private room. Just when everyone was seated, Lin Chen's cell phone called.

The three characters Qi Hongyuan were displayed on the caller ID. Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled and answered the call.

"Hey, old classmate, I'm in Tianhai City." Qi Hongyuan's voice came from the receiver.

Last time, Lin Chen took Qi Hongyuan to the KTV and asked him to clean up the two enemies with his own hands. The police came, and the Qinghu Gang was also arrested. Qian Qinghu was accused of drug trafficking and the crimes he had committed in the past. , but also to eat a gun.

Afterwards, Qi Hongyuan asked Lin Chen for some money, and he wanted to come back home to worship his parents.

After Qi Hongyuan left, he stayed in his hometown until today.

"It's just right to come back, we are in the hotel now, you can take a taxi directly." Lin Chen said.

"Are you treating a guest to dinner? Alright, I'll be there soon." After Qi Hongyuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, the dishes that Lin Chen wanted came one after another, and Qi Hongyuan also arrived at this time.

Compared with the last time I saw Qi Hongyuan, although he was a lot darker at the moment, he was very energetic, and he didn't look as nervous as before.

Lin Chen introduced Qi Hongyuan to everyone, and after getting to know each other, they sat down to eat together.

At the dinner table, Qi Hongyuan drank a lot of wine, and he said to Lin Chen, "Old classmate, I will remember your kindness to me. I will find a job first, repay the money I owe you, and then repay you well."

Lin Chen shook his head: "Repay the fart, what are you talking about?"

After having a drink with Qi Hongyuan, Lin Chen said, "Since you are looking for a job, come directly to our company. You should learn from others first, and then give you some positions when you are capable."

Hearing that, Qi Hongyuan was naturally very willing, saying that he would definitely work hard when he arrived at Lin Chen's company.

After drinking and eating, they all dispersed.

Lin Chen, Qi Hongyuan and Xia Miaoyan were walking on the street. Lin Chen glanced at Qi Hongyuan and asked, "Will you go and get the money left by your parents after they died?"

Qi Hongyuan nodded and said, "I want to come back. Now that I think about it, my cousin's aunt is really not very good to me, but if I ask for it, they won't necessarily give it to me."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Chen said, "try to ask for it first. If you don't give it, I'll help you find a lawyer and go through legal procedures."

"Okay." Qi Hongyuan nodded again and again.

Lin Chen asked Qi Hongyuan to live at his house, but Qi Hongyuan looked at Xia Miaoyan and Lin Chen, and said with a smile, "No, no, old classmate, I'll find a hotel for fifty or sixty yuan to stay first. I won't bother you for one night..."

After speaking, Qi Hongyuan raised his eyebrows at Lin Chen, showing an expression you know, and then ran away.

Xia Miaoyan was a little embarrassed by what Qi Hongyuan said, she glanced at Lin Chen and lowered her head.

After the conversation at the wine table and on the road, Lin Chen understood that Qi Hongyuan had come out of the dark corner of his heart, and he was very conscious now, so he didn't care about him.

With Xia Miaoyan, the two returned to No. 168 Changpo Road.

As soon as she entered the door, Xia Miaoyan said weakly, "Master, you drank a lot of wine just now, are you alright?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen spread out his hands and said, "Isn't I very stable all the way back? I speak fluently, what can I do?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

Xia Miaoyan seemed embarrassed to say the next words, but after hesitating for a while, she still (promised) said, "I mean you drank some wine, so you can't control yourself and do something you shouldn't do. thing?"

Looking at Xia Miaoyan's weak eyes, with a worried look, Lin Chen joked: "It's okay if you don't mention it. If you say that, I'm really a little...then what..."

Xia Miaoyan felt Lin Chen's gaze, and after her eyes met Lin Chen's for a second, she smiled awkwardly and said, "Master, I know you are joking with me, you will not mess with me... …”

After Xia Miaoyan said this, she ran upstairs like a frightened rabbit.

When she came to the room on the second floor where she often slept, Xia Miaoyan closed the door and reached out to lock the door.

Her hands were in the air...

At this moment, Xia Miaoyan found herself hesitant, should she lock the door? .


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Xia Miaoyan hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to lock the door.

After locking the door, Xia Miaoyan lay on the chuang, staring at the ceiling with her big eyes flickering, not knowing what she was thinking.


The next morning, when Xia Miaoyan woke up, she was going to buy breakfast for Lin Chen, and then took a taxi back to school to go to class.

But when she opened the door, walked out of the room and went downstairs, she found that Lin Chen was already waiting for her on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing Lin Chen, Xia Miaoyan said, "Master, did you get up so early today?"

"Go to bed early and get up early." Lin Chen put down the book in his hand, pointed to the breakfast on the table and said, "Take it, get in the car, or you will be late."

Seeing the breakfast that Lin Chen prepared for her, Xia Miaoyan's smile was quite bright.

After driving Xia Miaoyan back to school, when she was in the car, Xia Miaoyan was always staring at her phone, Lin Chen asked her what she was looking at, and Xia Miaoyan said, "It's the book Covering the Sky. , The author broke out [-] chapters last night, but it's awesome, the author's brain doesn't know how long he can write such a beautiful novel."

Lin Chen smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, the phone he put aside suddenly rang.

When Lin Chen was driving, Xia Miaoyan said, 'I'm coming', and then quickly picked up Lin Chen's mobile phone at 010, pressed the answer button and hands-free, so that Lin Chen could talk on the phone.

"Hello, is it Mr. Lin Chen?" A gentle woman's voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Well, who are you?" Lin Chen said with doubts in his tone.

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