"Hello Mr. Lin, I am a person in charge of the publishing house. I am calling because our publishing house has taken a fancy to your work and wants to negotiate and publish your work," said the gentle and elegant woman.

Xia Miaoyan, who was originally casual, immediately cast a curious look at Lin Chen after hearing this.


Looking for a master to publish?

Could it be that?

Lin Chen's "Covering the Sky" serialized on Lu Fei's Chinese website has the copyright in his own hands, so after the publishing house got Lin Chen's contact information, he directly contacted Lin Chen without going through the website.

"Publish, yes." Lin Chen said.

"Then when you have time, you can come to our publishing house, or make an appointment to meet at a place, and we can discuss the publication of "Covering the Sky"." The woman on the other end of the phone said.

"Master...you..." Xia Miaoyan's beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

Before watching "Covering the Sky", I had been advertising Penguin Chat, and Penguin Chat was the master's business. At that time, Xia Miaoyan was thinking, "Covering the Sky" should not be written by the master, right?

But seeing that Lin Chen had nothing to do all day, and it didn't look like he was writing a book, he didn't ask any further questions.

Unexpectedly, my guess was correct. The novel "Covering the Sky", which was popular in the literary world, was actually written by the master.

Xia Miaoyan's hand holding the phone was a little stiff, Lin Chen had already talked with the publishing house at this time, and the call was hung up.

"Master..." Xia Miaoyan said dumbfounded: "So..."Covering the Sky" was really written by you? I read this book and advertised Penguin Chat before, I thought of it, but I didn't dare to. Sure……"

Lin Chen said, "Yes, I wrote it."

"Then why didn't you tell me before?" Xia Miaoyan asked.

Lin Chen shrugged and said, "What's the difference between saying and not saying."

Xia Miaoyan was immersed in surprise for a long time before she accepted the fact that Lin Chen was the author of "Covering the Sky".

When she was about to arrive at Donglin University, Xia Miaoyan said with a smile: "Master, you are awesome, you can do everything, you can solve cases, you can fight (bhdb), and you can write novels, you are really..."

Before Xia Miaoyan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Lin Chen's words: "Don't be flattering, keep your spirits in class."

After sending the little girl Xia Miaoyan back to school, Lin Chen drove directly to the publishing house she called just now.

Lin Chen is still relatively short of money, and the physical publication of "Covering the Sky" can bring him a good profit.

After arriving at the publishing house, the person in charge who called just now received Lin Chen. This is a twenty-seven-to-eight-year-old woman of the type of a royal sister. She is quite beautiful and speaks very elegantly.

There are two ways of cooperation in physical publishing, one is split, the other is buyout. The split is based on book sales. The better the sales, the more money you get.

A buyout means that the publisher buys out the entire book, and whether the book sells well or not has nothing to do with the author.

Lin Chen is very confident in the book "Covering the Sky", the physical industry in this world is also very prosperous, and many people have the habit of buying physical books to read.

So in the office of the person in charge, Lin Chen signed a publishing agreement with this powerful publishing house. For every book sold, Lin Chen could get 10% of the royalties.

For example, after a book is published, the sales price is 30 yuan, Lin Chen can get 3 yuan, and 3 yuan multiplied by the printing circulation of the book is the publishing fee that Lin Chen can get.

After signing the contract, the person in charge was going to invite Lin Chen to have a meal, but was rejected by Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen returned home, he clicked on Lufei Chinese website, and in the author's backstage, clicked 'New Work'. After entering the page of the new work, Lin Chen entered the four words "Dou Po" on the line of the new work. Heaven".

Due to the popularity of the book "Covering the Sky" for Lin Chen, the book "Breaking the Sky" immediately received a lot of attention after it was published.

The divorce plot of "Fighting in the Sky" caught a large number of readers. In just one day after "Fighting in the Sky" was published, thousands of comments appeared in the comment area, all of which were begging Lin Chen for more updates.

The author of "Covering the Sky" released a new book, which caused quite a stir in the online literary world. The editor-in-chief of Lu Fei Chinese.com saw Lin Chen's new book, and his eyes suddenly lit up. is so attractive.

Looking at the control of the plot and the reaction of the readers, this is another book that is going to be a big hit.

Lin Chen uploaded the first [-] episodes of Dou Break Sphere on a regular basis, so he didn't care anymore.

The next day, Lin Chen went to the company to check the work of the employees.

Due to the increase in employees, the company has also been divided into several departments.

When Lin Chen was discussing the development of a mobile game with his employees, Zhang Tianan suddenly called.

"Lin Chen, in the case of Donglin University's corpse dismemberment that you uncovered, the verdict of the murderer Liu Xiaojing and Zhou Dayong has come down." Zhang Tianai said. .


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After Lin Chen heard Zhang Tianan's words, he asked, "How is the verdict?"

Zhang Tianan immediately informed Lin Chen of the verdict.

Liu Xiaojing, the murderer of Donglin University's corpse dismemberment case, maliciously murdered two classmates and dismembered them to cover up.

Zhou Dayong, the father of a female deceased, admitted that he raped Liu Xiaojing's mother and was sentenced to ten years in prison.

And Liu Xiaojing's twin sister was also sentenced, but the sentence was not as severe.

A decision made by the murderer Liu Xiaojing has caused irreparable damage to several families, and everything is a foregone conclusion.

After understanding this, Lin Chen hummed, saying that he understood, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen continued to discuss the characters, attribute settings, and graphics and composition mode of the mobile game with the staff.

Lin Chen has a deep memory of this mobile game, and told all the data about these mobile games to these employees.

The employees listened and memorized, and a few hours later, Lin Chen asked them, "Do you know how to develop it now?"

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