The other detectives from Tianhai City were quite familiar with Lin Chen's character.

Zhang Tianai was a little embarrassed. When she was about to speak, a female criminal policeman sitting next to Ouyang Chuying spoke up one step ahead of her: ". "Officer Zhang, your serious crime team from Tianhai City has come to six people this time. People, but only five arrived yesterday. We asked about the situation and learned that you are waiting for someone who has assisted you in solving several cases. This is the one who solved the corpse case of Donglin University, and the bus stop booth. Lin Chen from the serial murder case, right?"

The policewoman's name is Liang Hongxue, and she is the deputy leader of the task force. Like Ouyang Chuying, she is from Mohai City.

After Zhang Tianan heard the words, he nodded immediately and said, "Yes, he is Lin Chen who has helped our police solve many cases. This time we specially asked him to help solve this case."

"Team leader Ouyang, Officer Liang, and Lin Chen are very capable in criminal investigation and solving cases. With his help, this case may be solved faster." An old criminal policeman from Tianhai City said. (Zhao Qianhao)

This old criminal policeman's name is Qiu Junbang. When he was at Hengyuan Lighting Factory last time, Qiu Junbang helped Lin Chen to say a lot. He admired Lin Chen very much.

While Qiu Junbang was speaking, Zhang Tianai also took advantage of the situation and sat down beside Lin Chen.

Ouyang Chuying's looks are beautiful, and after hearing the words of Zhang Tian'an and the old criminal policeman Qiu Junbang, her eyes were hooked, and she didn't even look at Lin Chen.

It seems that the cases that Lin Chen solved, this time the police in Tianhai City specially invited him to come, in Ouyang Chuying's eyes, they were nothing at all.

Only the deputy team leader Liang Hongxue and the others looked at Lin Chen one after another.

Donglin University's corpse dismemberment case and the bus station kiosk serial murder case, people in the provincial public security system have heard of these two cases to some extent.

Ouyang Chuying, the daughter of a big family from the directly-administered Mohai City, is naturally unaware of these cases. .


159 Is it dereliction of duty 【Subscription】

"Okay, take your attention back, don't waste time on unimportant things."

When everyone looked at Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying, who was sitting in the main seat, spoke up. Her face was expressionless, and even her voice was emotionless.

If Miao Yunfei's woman is a little cold, this Ouyang Chuying is simply a thousand-year-old ice, so cold that people can't get close.

In Ouyang Chuying's words, don't waste time on unimportant things, which can be understood as two meanings.

The first meaning is that Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannan are irrelevant, they are here as soon as they come, don't spend too much time on them.

The second meaning is that there is no need to introduce Lin Chen too much, discussing the case and solving the case is the focus.

Ouyang Chuying spoke, but no one in the conference room raised the opposite opinion. This girl, who is backed by the big family in Mohai City, the county party secretary of Guangyu County must be polite when she sees her, for fear that there will be a reception. The poor place made Ouyang Chuying unhappy.

Lin Chen leaned on the chair, put his hands in front of Xiong, and didn't say a word.

After the meeting room was quiet for a few seconds, Ouyang Chuying said, "We now know everything about the murder case involving humanoid patterns that appeared in Guangyu No. 717 Middle School. A detailed investigation was carried out by three students and their parents, and the result of the investigation was that eight students and parents on the recommended list did not commit the crime and had no alibi."

"The police in Guangyu County have not made any progress in this humanoid murder case, so let our special team come to help solve this case."

"I think this case will be clueless now, and maybe something went wrong at the beginning."

"There was a problem at the beginning?" A handsome male detective looked at Ouyang Chuying and asked, "Team Ouyang, when you said there was a problem at the beginning, what did you mean?"

Ouyang Chuying glanced at the male criminal policeman and said, "I mean that the police in Guangyu County did not investigate carefully. The eight students and their parents on the recommended list may have slipped through the net."

"Their alibi and no time for committing the crime were forged. The Guangyu County police did not investigate thoroughly and believed it to be true, so the case was deadlocked (bhcd)."

When the police investigate cases, they are perfunctory and careless. These are all existing problems. Everyone here has at least several years of criminal police experience, and they all understand this.

In the conference room, there were several leaders of the Guangyu County Criminal Police Team. As soon as Ouyang Chuying opened his mouth, he questioned their attitude towards handling the case, which made these leaders of Guangyu County not very good-looking.

The criminal police sent from other prefecture-level cities looked at each other in dismay. This Ouyang Chuying really did not give face to his colleagues in Guangyu County.

"That..." The police captain of Guangyu County sneered and said to Ouyang Chuying, "Officer Ouyang, the case that happened in Guangyu No. [-] Middle School, our Guangyu County police really did our best to investigate."

Ouyang Chuying gave a sigh of relief and said, "You have issued an order for a thorough investigation, but whether the police underneath is careful investigation or dereliction of duty, we cannot be sure."

Ouyang Chuying's words pointed the finger at the policemen in Guangyu County.

After speaking, without waiting for the captain of the criminal police in Guangyu County to say anything, Ouyang Chuying looked at Liang Hongxue, the deputy team leader, and said, "Officer Liang, I now feel that it is necessary to tell the eight students and their parents on the recommended list. Proof of presence and lack of time to commit the crime, please investigate again, please lead the team in person and investigate them in the shortest possible time."

Liang Hongxue nodded vigorously immediately and said, "Okay team leader Ouyang, I will definitely investigate carefully, and there will be no mistakes."

"Yeah." Ouyang Chuying nodded, she said, "This is just the first step in our investigation, because two students who were on the first and second places on the recommended list died. Their deaths will not benefit others, only It's good for the students on the recommended list, so we need to find out."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Chuying continued: "Every classroom in Guangyu No. [-] Middle School has surveillance, and there is also a surveillance camera at the gate of the school, but the scene of the crime is not in the classroom or the gate of the school, so the school's surveillance system does not play any role. effect."

"In addition to investigating the students on the recommended list, I think it is necessary to investigate other students. There are five staff members in the school's canteen, and one of the male staff members resigned after the second case. This person was investigating at the time. There is no time and motive for committing the crime, and the police cannot restrict whether he resigns."

"But the people in the commissary can't let it go. The person who resigned should also call him to me as soon as possible, and I will personally interrogate him."

Ouyang Chuying's eyes swept across the faces of the criminal police from time to time, her eyes were calm, and she raised doubts one by one and points that needed to be re-investigated.

In the conference room, only Ouyang Chuying was talking alone most of the time. Others asked a question or two from time to time. After getting Ouyang Chuying's answer, they nodded slightly, indicating that they understood what the group leader meant.

The investigation of many cases has been fruitless, and no clues can be found from various investigations. In fact, at this time, it is very likely that the most basic suspicious points of the cases have gone wrong.

The humanoid murder case in Guangyu County has not been solved for a long time. Perhaps the problem lies in the recommended list or several other basic problems.

Lin Chen didn't speak all the time, and quietly listened to the eldest lady from Mohai City making her remarks.

While listening, Lin Chen also took a stack of information about the case in front of the old criminal policeman Qiu Junbang next to him and looked at it.

After Ouyang Chuying said all her opinions, she scanned the audience and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

"No..." Many detectives replied.

"Okay." Ouyang Chuying said: "Since there is no doubt, just follow what I said just now and go to work in groups. I believe your seriousness and rigor will surpass that of the police in Guangyu County."

The first half of Ouyang Chuying's sentence was fine, but the last sentence embarrassed the police captain of Guangyu County and the others.

After Ouyang Chuying finished speaking, she stood up. Her figure was plump, full, and tall. Without high heels, her net height was 177. If she put on a pair of high heels, her height would exceed 180, which would cause inconvenience to the men around her. little pressure. .

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