160 Guangyu No. 5 Middle School [[-] more subscriptions]

After Ouyang Chuying stood up, other members of the task force present also stood up.

Ouyang Chuying didn't say anything, didn't look at anyone, turned around and walked out of the conference hall.

When the deputy team leader Liang Hongxue saw this, he immediately packed up his things, brought his team members, and, accompanied by the Guangyu County Criminal Police, went to investigate the eight students on the recommended list and their parents' relatives.

After Ouyang Chuying left, the handsome male detective who asked the question just now walked towards Lin Chen. He took a shot at Lin Chen and said with a smile, "Hello Mr. Lin, I'm Tao Hongguang from Dongming City, the cases you solved in Tianhai City. , I know all about it, and it's a pleasure to see you here today."

Others are friendly to him, and Lin Chen naturally treats him with a smile. He nodded, stretched out his hand and shook hands with the young criminal policeman Tao Hongguang, and said a few words.

The criminal police who came from other prefecture-level cities, who knew Lin Chen, also said hello to Lin Chen. They did not reject Lin Chen, nor did they warmly welcome Lin Chen. After all, Lin Chen is very young, and a case can be solved, no Lin Chenyi _ can do it alone.

They felt that the police in Tianhai City also had a lot of credit for the unsolved cases in Tianhai City.

Tao Hongguang from Dongming City was very good at words. After chatting with Lin Chen for a while, Lin Chen asked him, "You are from the Dongming City Public Security Bureau. You should know a man named Ma Zhiyu, right?"

"Ma Zhiyu?" Tao Hongguang's eyes widened slightly and said, "Mr. Lin, do you know the son of our deputy director?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded and said, "I've heard and seen him. He seems to be very famous in your Dongming City and has solved many cases, right?"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Tao Hongguang's face looked a little embarrassed. He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at his colleague from Dongming City behind him. He smiled and said, "En, Ma Zhiyu is quite capable."

Seeing Tao Hongguang's somewhat embarrassed expression, Lin Chen understood that the cases that Ma Zhiyu had solved before, maybe he was not as powerful as the rumors, because of the factors of his deputy director's father.

Tao Hongguang was going to do what Ouyang Chuying ordered. He said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I'm going to work with them. I look forward to this case and you can make a great contribution."

After Tao Hongguang finished speaking, he left with a smile.

Lin Chenhe then walked out slowly with Zhang Tianan and Qiu Junbang.

After arriving at the door of the Public Security Bureau, and there were no colleagues from other prefecture-level cities around, Zhang Tianan looked at the old criminal policeman Qiu Junbang and asked, "Uncle Qiu, that Ouyang Chuying has such a strong aura, and she is in the conference room. , and did not give any face to the leaders of Guangyu County, and directly said that they were negligent in their duties..."

Hearing Zhang Tiannan's words, Qiu Junbang said, "Have you heard of the Ouyang family in Mohai City?"

Zhang Tian'an shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it. When Deputy Bureau Sun mentioned a sentence or two to me, I even went to check it. I couldn't find anything about the Ouyang family online."

"How can this thing be found online?" Qiu Junbang said with a smile: "The Ouyang family in Mohai City has an intertwined relationship network in China. Some members of the family are senior officials of a certain place and hold a lot of real power. ."

"To say the simplest, but also a bit unpleasant, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Tianhai City and the others must be polite and careful in front of the members of the Ouyang family."

After hearing this, Zhang Tianan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Immediately, Zhang Tiannan looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Lin Chen, what do you think of that Ouyang Chuying?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen said lightly, "It's okay, at least in the conference room just now, what she said was eloquent, and there was some truth to it."

"Yeah." Zhang Tian'an nodded and said, "I also think her judgment on the direction of detection is pretty good, but she is so cold, even colder than Sister Yunfei."

Lin Chen didn't say anything. After a long drive, Lin Chen was also a little hungry. He didn't rush to Guangyu No. [-] Middle School, but took Zhang Tianan to the street to eat something before driving to Guangyu No. [-] Middle School. middle.

Guangyu No. [-] Middle School is the best high school in Guangyu County. The county leaders have given the school the most care. The school is very large, with a huge basketball court, football field, and a grove for the students to relax and entertain. small pond.

In terms of the school's teachers and school conditions, Guangyu No. [-] Middle School ranks in the forefront among the surrounding counties.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

Due to the two consecutive murder cases with humanoid patterns, the whole atmosphere of Guangyu No. [-] Middle School has changed.

With the death of the first student, the students wondered who the murderer was, why he was killed, and what happened to the human figure on the ground.

And the death of the second student made these students start to be afraid. What if the next student died?

Many parents who learned of the homicide in the school rushed back directly from other places without taking care of their work. They rented a house outside the school, and either the father or the mother took care of the children at home in person.

When school is over in the evening, there is always a large group of parents waiting for their children to come out of school at the entrance of the primary school.

...... .......

For parents, work is secondary, and children are everything to them. If something goes wrong with children studying in school, what is the use of earning more money.

The parents gathered at the school gate, the only topic they gathered to discuss is how the murderer has not been caught, and how can the children and parents feel at ease if the murderer is not caught.

When Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai arrived at Guangyu No. [-] Middle School, they parked their car in the parking lot outside the school before the end of school in the evening. Zhang Tianai showed the police card, and the guard let them go.

Led by a policeman, Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai came to the place where the first deceased died, next to the basketball hoop.

Because a corpse once appeared here, no students dare to come to play on this basketball hoop.

After reading the first place of death, Lin Chen went to the second place of death, as well as the second place where the human figure appeared on the road leading to the school cafeteria.

"Lin Chen, have you found anything?" After reading a few locations, Zhang Tianni asked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen shook his head and said nothing.

Lin Chen glanced around and said, "You and your team members are busy with your work, I will walk around the school by myself."

Zhang Tianyi heard the words, nodded, turned and left.


PS: This is the fifth update today, thank you brothers for your support. .


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After Zhang Tiannan left, Lin Chen walked alone on the campus of Guangyu No. [-] Middle School.

The police have already split up to work on their own affairs. Because the students are still in class, the eight students on the recommended list have not been interrogated and investigated for the time being.

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