The principal looked at the secretary of the county party committee, who sighed deeply and said, "Okay, before the college entrance examination, you are about Lai Liang's father, and we will keep it a secret for you."

"Since the secretary of the county party committee said so, we will not speak out about it." The principal also spoke.

"Thank you...Thank you..." Zhao Fuhai kowtowed to everyone.

Immediately, a pair of cold handcuffs were placed on Zhao Fuhai's hands. Before being taken away by the police, his bloodshot eyes looked at Lin Chen and said two words: "Thank you..."

Lin Chen didn't respond. He didn't sympathize with Zhao Fuhai, but he just didn't want to ruin a poor family, Lai Liang, who regarded reading as the only way out.

Zhao Fuhai was taken away, and the atmosphere at the scene became a little awkward.

The case was solved by Lin Chen. It stands to reason that the secretary of the county party committee would be very enthusiastic about Lin Chen at this time, thanking him for his help and solving the case.

But in the conference room just now, the secretary of the county party committee and the two deputy county magistrates both learned about the disagreement between Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying. At this time, they went up to shake hands with Lin Chen and expressed their gratitude warmly, which was slapping Ouyang Chuying in the face. .

The secretary of the county party committee hesitated for a while, but took a step forward, shook hands with Lin Chen, and said, "Mr. Lin, thank you for your help, we still have something to do, let's go ahead and see you in the evening."

The secretary of the county party committee and the two deputy county magistrates left, as did many police officers.

Now only the members of the task force are left, and Lin Chen.

The scene fell silent again.

Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying and Liang Hongxue, raised his head slightly, his voice was a little cold, and said, "Ouyang Chuying, Liang Hongxue, I said you two are useless rice buckets, are you convinced?"

In the end, Lin Chen spoke very seriously. It seemed that those who heard these 083 sentences could imprint the words in their hearts.

In front of the members of the task force from various cities, Ouyang Chuying and Liang Hongxue were questioned by Lin Chen like this, and Ouyang Chuying's body was trembling slightly at the moment.

Ouyang Chuying was born into the Ouyang family. When was she treated like this?

Nothing good?big eater?Are you satisfied?

Liang Hongxue's mouth opened. Lin Chen scolded her as an old bitch before, but now she was told this again. She lowered her head, and that face was very ugly.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of Ouyang Chuying and Liang Hongxue, Qiu Junbang hurriedly stood up and said, "Haha, it's good that the case is solved, it's good that the case is solved, this time I want to thank Mr. Lin for helping our task force solve the case, otherwise …”

Before Qiu Junbang's words were finished, Ouyang Chuying bit the red chun, looking like she was wronged, and responded to Lin Chen: "Lin Chen, you win, I lose, but I don't admit that I am Useless rice bucket, when I return to Mohai City, I will take off my police uniform."

"Er..." Tao Hongguang said, "Team Ouyang, no... there's no need for it... You make Mr. Lin a cup of apology tea, and this matter is over. It's not like resignation."


PS: This is the fifth update of today. The 'humanoid pattern murder case' is almost over here. It's been very tiring these two days. Thank you for your support. Not to mention too much, I will try to keep it at the fifth update every day. of. .


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Another criminal policeman also said: "Yes, Team Leader Ouyang, the matter is not that serious. You and Mr. Lin agreed to reconcile after a meal. Why do you need to resign..."

The other members of the task force, you persuaded me one by one.

There are also those who don't speak. Those who don't speak really hope that Ouyang Chuying will take off the police uniform after returning to Mohai City. In this case, the people of the Ouyang family will definitely not let Ouyang Chuying suffer. This grievance will come to trouble Lin Chen.

"You don't need to say more."

After the detectives had all said a few words, Ouyang Chuying's beautiful eyes locked on Lin Chen and said, "I said before, I, Ouyang Chuying, mean what I say, not a woman who doesn't believe her words."

"That's good." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Get out of the public security system earlier, and reduce the burden on the country."

"You..." Ouyang Chuying narrowed her eyes and wanted to stamp her feet in anger, but she didn't want to lose her demeanor, so she held back.

Liang Hongxue kept her head down and didn't say anything. In this case, if she said a few more words, with Lin Chen's character, she wouldn't have to be doubled back by him.

"Don't give it to you, you lose, in addition to taking off your police uniform and going back to your family, you have to bring me tea and water, the second point, but you said it before. With a faint smile on Lin Chen's face, he looked at Ouyang Chuying who was annoyed, and said in a very impolite tone.

The words of serving tea and pouring water are indeed what Ouyang Chuying said, not only she wants to pour tea for Lin Chen, but also the deputy team leader Liang Hongxue.

"Let's talk about it at night." Ouyang Chuying did not regret this, but said coldly.

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded and said a good word: "It's useless for you to solve the case. As long as you have no problem with serving tea and water, you can still do it."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Ouyang Chuying gritted her silver teeth, and her eyes were about to burst into flames. Facing Lin Chen's contemptuous eyes, she really wanted to scold Lin Chen.

But his mouth opened, but he didn't know how to fight back against Lin Chen, which made Ouyang Chuying even more annoyed.

After seeing this, Qiu Junbang hurriedly came out and changed the subject. He touched his chin and said, "When we were interrogating Cheng Yuanan in the temporary conference room just now, why was Cheng Yuan annoyed when asked about the blood on the nunchaku? Why is Ann so nervous? So nervous that he could pass out."

"Yeah, I'm also curious about this." Another detective said, "It was just Cheng Yuanan's reaction that looked like a murderer, (bhch) made us think he was the murderer."

"Wake him up, just ask if you don't know?" Lin Chen said.

Just when Lin Chen's voice fell, a criminal policeman brought out the awakened Cheng Yuanan from the high school teaching building.

Cheng Yuanan had already woken up, but his face was still full of tension. As he walked towards everyone in the task force step by step, he glanced around from time to time.

After Cheng Yuanan came to the crowd, Ouyang Chuying asked coldly, "You are not a murderer."

Cheng Yuanan was stunned. After hearing the words, he nodded again and again and said, "Yes, yes, yes, I am not the murderer, police sister, you finally believe me..."

Cheng Yuanan was very excited, Tao Hongguang said: "Then you should make it clear now what happened to the large blood stains on the nunchaku."

Cheng Yuanan was asked this question, and some did not want to answer. After the criminal police repeatedly asked him, he said: "I...I would buy such a heavy nunchuck. Actually, it is not that I am practicing nunchucks, it is because of me. He will bully classmates in the class. Once he bullied a classmate, he asked people in the society to come to trouble me..."

"I was beaten by people in society. They said that they would see me once in the future, and they wanted to beat me once. I was very scared... So I bought this nunchaku for self-defense..."

"The nunchucks used to be stained with blood. Once after school at night, when I went to my relative's house to help water the potted plants in my relative's house, I saw a thug who beat me in the alley. When those thugs beat me, this thug beat me. The worst..."

"It happened that I had a mask in my pocket. At that time, my blood was surging, so I took the nunchaku out of my school bag... I twisted it into a piece and rushed up from behind to beat him. I just wanted to let out a breath, but I didn't expect two When the stick went down, his head was smashed to the ground by me, and he fell to the ground."

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