"I was very scared at the time. Sayazi ran away. The gangster called the police after the incident. I didn't dare to tell the origin of the blood on the nunchaku. I was afraid that if I injured him, you would arrest me and go to jail..."

After Cheng Yuanan said this, he asked Ouyang Chuying: "Sister police officer, I beat that thug, you won't arrest me and go to jail? They beat me first, I couldn't hold my breath before I moved my hand... …”

Ouyang Chuying was really angry with this guy.

The truth of the matter is like this, wouldn't it be better if you just said it.

I couldn't give an explanation before, I was afraid of taking responsibility, and I was so nervous that I thought it was the murderer.

"I don't know." Ouyang Chuying said angrily: "This matter belongs to the police in Guangyu County, not our task force."

Cheng Yuanan, an ignorant student who bullied his classmates with his big body, did not understand the difference between the task force and other police officers. He continued to say that he was forced to help.

After being asked some more questions, Cheng Yuanan was taken away by the criminal police.

"This case is finally over."

Zhang Tian'an's beautiful eyes fixedly looked at Lin Chen, and said, "Lin Chen, it's all thanks to you this time."

"Yes, Mr. Lin, thanks to your participation, otherwise this case would not have been solved so quickly." Tao Hongguang also echoed.

After hearing that the members of the task force began to thank Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying clenched her fists tightly. She had never been treated with contempt before, but today she has had enough with Lin Chen.

He was also scolded by Lin Chen. He was useless, a rice bucket, and it was impossible to solve a case. As long as he didn't have no brains to pour tea and water...

Ouyang Chuying didn't listen to the people from the task force to talk to Lin Chen, she walked towards the school gate.

Seeing this, Liang Hongxue lowered her head and followed behind Ouyang Chuying, not daring to look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen solved the case, and the old criminal policeman Qiu Junbang was also very happy. He took his mobile phone, walked aside, and called Deputy Bureau Sun of Tianhai City.

The members of the task force and Lin Chen said hello, and they all left behind Ouyang Chuying. When Zhang Tianan saw the others were gone, she stood in front of Lin Chen, stretched out her hand to help Lin Chen tidy up the collar, and said : "Look at you, you don't even know if your collar is crooked."

After helping Lin Chen tidy up the collar, Zhang Tian'an realized that this action was too ambiguous.

"Let's go Lin Chen, the case is over, now I'm going to the Public Security Bureau." Zhang Tianai said quickly in order to ease the embarrassment.

Lin Chen smiled at Zhang Tian'an and said, "No hurry, I still want to find someone."


"Teacher Qin in the third year of high school!".


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Zhang Tianai heard that Lin Chen still wanted to find someone, she was a little curious who it was, after Lin Chen said the words "Teacher Qin in the third year of high school", she became even more puzzled, and said, "Mr. Qin in the third year of high school? What is Teacher Qin doing?"

Before Lin Chen could speak, Zhang Tian'an added another sentence: "Could it be that you never forget Teacher Qin?"

"I've been obsessed with you, so how could I be towards Teacher Qin?" Lin Chen said casually, turned around and walked towards the high school teaching building.

Zhang Tian'an was completely stunned. Lin Chen's words were very casual, but she~ was very concerned after hearing it.

Lin Chen said that he misses himself?Does this guy also say such ambiguous words in his mouth?It doesn't seem like he would say such things to people casually. He said this to himself, does it mean that Lin Chen already has feelings for himself?

Zhang Tian'an doesn't reject Lin Chen. On the contrary, she is more and more willing to stay with Lin Chen now. With this confident and calm guy, it seems that as long as he is around, she doesn't have to worry about anything.

Because of Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tian'an was stunned for a long time. By the time she reacted, Lin Chen had already walked into the teaching building of the high school.

"Why don't you wait for me..." Zhang Tiannan stomped his feet lightly, and hurriedly ran towards the high school teaching building.

In the teacher's office of the third year of high school, the principal, the vice-principal, and Mr. Qin and other teachers all gathered together to talk about what happened just now.

The murderer of the school murder case was school guard Zhao Fuhai, which was unexpected by all the school leaders and teachers.

The principal sighed and said in the classroom, "Hey, Lao Zhao has always acted as a good person, and we didn't care about him blocking the knife for Lai Liang. After that Mr. Lin said it, I think about it now. , Except for the biological father, it is really difficult for others to be so selfless."

"Yeah." Another female teacher said with an excuse: "That sentence is still right. A person who seems to be honest and honest may do something."

"Pity that Wang Huahan, Shi Mengru, Song Ping, these three students..." A male teacher held up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his tone full of regret.

The people in the office also sighed. These three students are all top students in the school. Their death will be a heavy blow to their parents, and it will also affect the school's enrollment rate.

After all, Wang Huahan, who is ranked first, has the hope of being admitted to the best universities in Kyoto.

Teacher Qin sat at her desk and listened to everyone's discussion. She lowered her head and did not speak.

Mr. Qin's eyes were blurred, and he didn't know what to think.

After discussing for a while, the principal said, "Only us in the school know about this matter. That Mr. Lin and the secretary of the county party committee both said that we can't take this matter for the sake of Zhao Fuhai and Lai Liang. If you disclose it, including your family members, Lai Liang will be ruined when this incident spreads, do you hear?"

"Headmaster, I understand."

"Principal, we understand even if you don't say it."

All the teachers echoed their words, saying that they would not spread the news that Zhao Fuhai was Lai Liang's father.

Just then, there was a knock on the office door.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a handsome young man standing at the door.

After seeing the young man, the principal immediately stood up from his seat and said to the young man, "Mr. Lin, you didn't leave, is there something wrong?"

The principal and these teachers have all seen Lin Chen's reasoning just now, and they still admire Lin Chen in their hearts.

Lin Chen smiled from the principal, and then his eyes fell on Mr. Qin, and said, "Principal, I'm here to find Mr. Qin."

"Me?" Mr. Qin, who was sitting in the chair, looked a little surprised, and pointed his finger at his nose.

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