Lin Chen nodded and said, "Yes, Teacher Qin, you seem to be out of class today, can you walk with me in the school?"

When Teacher Qin heard the words, the expression on her face was a little embarrassed. She hesitated for a while, but said, " problem."

Teacher Qin said, and walked towards the door. At this time, Zhang Tianan also ran downstairs to Lin Chen's side.

Zhang Tian was so angry that she was a little unhappy that Lin Chen didn't wait for her. When she ran up, she also heard Lin Chen's words to ask Teacher Qin to accompany her for a walk.

After Lin Chen took Teacher Qin and Zhang Tianan away, a female teacher in the classroom couldn't help but said, "Mr. Lin, wants to take a walk with Teacher Qin... Could it be that he likes our Teacher Qin? "

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

The male teacher with glasses on the bridge of his nose heard the words, shook his head and said, "Don't you see that Officer Zhang is interested in Mr. Lin, that Officer Zhang is much better looking than Teacher Qin."

The female teacher retorted: "What do you know, maybe Mr. Lin likes Teacher Qin's one?"

The male teacher had to respond, but the principal waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's all prepare for the lesson, don't argue about this."


Lin Chen, Zhang Tianni, and Teacher Qin and the three walked out of the office and walked downstairs.

After walking out of the high school teaching building, the three of them didn't say a word.

Lin Chen looked straight ahead, his face was full of waves, Teacher Qin lowered his head, raised his head from time to time to glance at the road ahead, and remained silent.


Zhang Tian'an, who was a little behind, frowned and didn't understand why Lin Chen called Teacher Qin out like this.

The three of them walked towards the grove of the school. Lin Chen spoke at this moment, and he said, "Mr. Qin, can you express your opinion on the matter of Zhao Fuhai?"

Teacher Qin was stunned for a moment and said, "My opinion? What can I say?"

"You and Zhao Fuhai are quite familiar, right?" Lin Chen asked again.

Teacher Qin stretched out his hand to straighten the hair on the temples and said, "It's alright, I will say hello to Zhao Fuhai when I see him. He has helped Song Ping repair bicycles and electric cars for me. Mr. Lin, what are you doing? Ask this?"

Lin Chen shook his head and asked again, "Mr. Qin, are you currently single?"

"Uh..." Teacher Qin was stunned. Just now, Lin Chen asked himself about Zhao Fuhai, but now he jumped to the question of whether he was single or not. The span of this question is a little bigger.

"" Teacher Qin replied.

"Your answer was hesitant, and you stopped when you answered me." Lin Chen said, "I think you may be single now, but someone is chasing you, right?"

Teacher Qin lowered his head and said, "No...No, who...who is chasing me..."

"It's the father of the fifth high school girl on the recommended list." Lin Chen said.


PS: Brothers, here comes the main event. .


201 Teacher Qin's black leather bag【Subscribe】

Teacher Qin was still walking slowly, but after hearing Lin Chen's words, Teacher Qin suddenly stopped in place.

There was panic and consternation in her eyes, her hands were tightly clasped together, and she was unable to speak for a while.

After Zhang Tianan saw Teacher Qin's reaction, with her insight, she immediately realized that what Lin Chen said was most likely true.

On the recommended list, the high school girl Zhang Tianniu, who was ranked 5th, remembered that she was not tall and thin, but her father was very big and had a bad temper. That night, Ouyang Chu Ying almost sent him to the detention center.

It was the female high school student who interceded with Teacher Qin, so she didn't care about him.

Could this teacher Qin really have anything to do with the high school girl's father?

Thinking of this, Zhang "[-]" Tian Ai suddenly had a bit of a bad taste. Standing behind, she quietly took out her mobile phone and turned on the video recording function. Her hand seemed to be holding the mobile phone at will, but the camera shot It was facing Lin Chen and Teacher Qin sideways.

After Teacher Qin recovered from her shock, she calmed herself down and said, "No... Mr. Lin, stop guessing, Xiaoting is my student, her father, how could she pursue me? …”

Xiaoting in Teacher Qin's mouth was the name of the female high school student.

"According to my observation and understanding, the female high school student named Xiaoting was raised by her father and lived in a single-parent family. Xiaoting's home was in very good condition. Her father was in a community in the county seat. There are three houses, which can be worth at least several million." Lin Chen said.

"Ah? Really? So what does this have to do with me?" Teacher Qin whispered.

Lin Chen put his hands behind his back and said, "Mr. Qin, before our task force was in the office for the first time to investigate the students on the recommended list, I saw Xiaoting in a car parked in front of the school. My dad, he was sitting in the driver's seat, smiling, looking at a brand new black bag in his hand."

"He also opened the zipper and stuffed a few notebooks into the black bag. After that, I went back to school."

Teacher Qin lowered his head, clasped the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands, and did not speak.

Lin Chen paused and said, "After interrogating the students, we left the school. At the school gate, you fell. After the fall, Tian Nian went over to help you take off the raincoat on your body. , you glanced at the basket of the battery car."

"While talking to Zhao Fuhai and Tian Ai, your eyes also looked at the car basket. At that time, I followed your gaze and saw a black leather bag in the car basket. The style is exactly the same as the one Xiaoting's father is holding in the car."

"No, it can be said that the leather bag that Xiaoting's father is holding is the one in your car basket."

Zhang Tianan, who was holding his mobile phone and filming quietly, muttered, "Is there? I didn't notice that there was a bag in the car basket at that time."

Lin Chen didn't respond to Zhang Tian'an, he looked at Teacher Qin and continued: "The next day, I went to your office to find you. At that time, I was sitting next to you and chatting with you, leaning against the wall at your desk. The door of the cabinet at the bottom opened slightly, and the strap of a black leather bag was stuck on the door, and through the gap, I saw the black leather bag inside."

"Your mobile phone was in my hand at the time. I glanced at the screen of your mobile phone. You are checking the housing prices in a certain community in the county."

"Mr. Qin, I sorted out these details. Look at what I said next, right?"

Lin Chen reached out and touched his earlobe, and said, "On the recommended list, Lai Liang and No. 3 Xiao Ting are both your students. You like Xiao Ting very much, take good care of her, and have been to her house. Home visits, or go to her home to tutor her."

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