After the murderer had been silent for more than a year without committing the crime, the police in Qiulin County thought he would not commit the crime again for fear of being caught, but unexpectedly, the fourth victim appeared tonight.

Throat - a fatal wound up to three or four centimeters deep, a r610u room cut into a cross shape by a knife, a red dress on the body, and being raped, and a second tongue-head 'mouth appearing on the face '.

All of the deceased in front of him proves that the murderer who has been silent for more than a year, he, has appeared again.

One policeman had a camera in his hand, while the other held an umbrella to shield him from the heavy rain.

The pea-sized rain in the sky raised the water level of this cornfield, and almost all the traces left by the murderer here will be destroyed by this rain.

Due to the heavy rain, the policeman with the camera only took a few pictures, and the camera was soaked by the rain.

The victim can't just lie in the cornfield, soaked in water for a long time, the body will soon swell up.

After the photo was taken, several policemen carried the deceased into the pavilion together.

The person who has notified the forensic doctor is here, but at this time, the forensic doctor must have fallen asleep. Even if the forensic doctor is contacted, he will not be able to come over so quickly.

When the two young men riding electric bikes saw the corpse being carried up by the police, they quickly averted their eyes and did not dare to look at it.

The young man who rode the bike before, he was more courageous, and after glancing at the corpse, his eyes suddenly widened.

The young man was stunned for six or seven seconds before shouting, "Little girl, little girl..."

After shouting loudly, the young man ran up immediately. After running close, he saw the face of the deceased. The young man suddenly felt powerless and almost fell to the ground.

Another young man heard the word "Xiaoya", and after seeing the reaction of his companion, he stared in horror, and walked forward, his face became ugly.

"Do you know the deceased?" the policeman on the side asked after seeing the reaction of the two.

"Xiaoya...Xiaoya..." The young man who rode the bike before knelt on the ground, tears already flowing out.

He cried so much that he didn't pay any attention to the police's questioning.

Another young man's face was ugly, he said tremblingly to the police: "We know her, her name is Li Erya, she is from our village, this friend of mine, he... recently was with Li Erya... …did not expect……"

After hearing what the young man said, the police nodded and understood the relationship between the two and the deceased.


After a night of heavy rain, the air quality became very good. The rain stopped at [-]:[-] in the morning, and many elderly people got up early to breathe this rare fresh air.

In No. 168 Changpo Road, after Xia Miaoyan woke up, she got up carefully without waking up Zhang Tianan.

She got dressed, went to the kitchen on the first floor, and gave Lin Chen a Zhang Tianan to prepare to go early.

Xia Miaoyan and Lin Chen bought a lot of vegetables before and put them in the refrigerator, so there will be no shortage of ingredients at home now.

When Zhang Tiannan came downstairs, Xia Miaoyan had already prepared a hearty breakfast.

Seeing the ingredients on the table, Zhang Tian'an's eyes lit up slightly: "Miaoyan, you got up so early."

"Yes." Xia Miaoyan smiled and said, "Sister Tian Nui, you have to go to work today. Hurry up and eat it to see if it suits your taste."

"It definitely suits your taste." Zhang Tianan said.

"Sister Anni, eat slowly that day, I'll go see if the master is awake." Xia Miaoyan said, and walked upstairs.

When she came to the door of Lin Chen's house, Xia Miaoyan didn't knock on the door, she turned the door handle gently and opened the door.

Xia Miaoyan thought that Lin Chen was still sleeping late, but when the door opened, she saw Lin Chen sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard.

"Master..." Zhang Tianan called Lin Chen, walked over and asked, "So you're awake, I thought you were sleeping late."

Lin Chen didn't speak, his fingers continued to tap the keyboard, and lines of letters and codes appeared on the computer screen.

"I'm not writing a novel." Xia Miaoyan muttered after seeing the code behind the letters on the screen.

"No." Lin Chen replied without stopping his fingers. As he tapped his fingers to input, the interface on the computer screen began to change.

It's just that the interface is full of English and a series of codes, and Xia Miaoyan has no idea what Lin Chen is doing.

"What are you doing, I don't understand..." Xia Miaoyan leaned down, her face and Lin Chen's face were very close.

After Lin Chen entered the last string of codes, the computer screen went black, and Lin Chen took his hands away from the keyboard and stood up from his seat.

"It's nothing."

Lin Chen didn't explain what the code on the computer was. He stood up and said, "Is breakfast ready?"

"Yeah." Xia Miaoyan nodded her little head obediently: "It's done, sister Tian Ai has already started eating below, master, you can go too."

Lin Chen walked downstairs, Xia Miaoyan muttered as she walked: "The rain last night was really heavy, and there was thunder, fortunately there was a day when Sister Nian slept with me, otherwise I would have I'm going to be woken up by Ray."

When Lin Chen came downstairs, Zhang Tianan had almost eaten.

Zhang Tianan praised Xia Miaoyan's craftsmanship. She was about to put a green vegetable in her mouth when the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

Zhang Tianai immediately put down his chopsticks and picked up his mobile phone to answer.

After saying a few words, Zhang Tian'an stood up and said to Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan, "There is a case in the bureau, I have to hurry over, you two eat slowly."

After Zhang Tianan finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving only Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan in the restaurant.

After breakfast, Xia Miaoyan wanted Lin Chen to accompany her to the vegetable market to buy some food, but just as she was about to go out, a guest was already standing outside the door. .


232 Honorary title 【Subscription】

Standing outside the door was none other than Deputy Director Sun in casual clothes.

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