Xia Miaoyan opened the door for Deputy Director Sun. After seeing Xia Miaoyan, Deputy Director Sun nodded slightly and asked, "Where's Lin Chen?"

Xia Miaoyan recognized that Deputy Director Sun was here, she quickly opened all the doors and said, "Master, Deputy Director Sun is here to find you."

Lin Chen just changed a pair of shoes from upstairs and came down. When he saw Deputy Bureau Sun who walked in, Lin Chen nodded to him, saying hello.

Lin Chen and Deputy Director Sun sat down on the sofa. Xia Miaoyan went to the kitchen to make two cups of tea. After bringing the tea to Lin Chen and Deputy Director Sun, Xia Miaoyan went upstairs.

"Haha." Deputy Bureau Sun smiled and looked at the direction where Xia Miaoyan left, and said, "Lin Chen, your little girlfriend has already lived with you?"

Lin Chen took a sip of the tea and said, "Old Sun, why did you come to see me today?"

When Deputy Bureau Sun saw that Lin Chen had changed the subject, he did not continue.

"Lin Chen, do you still remember what I told you when you were in Liuhe County before, Mayor Miao and I were applying for the same thing?"

"Remember." Lin Chen's expression was very dull, as if he didn't care what Deputy Bureau Sun and Mayor Miao applied for him.

"The things we applied for you have already been determined." Deputy Director Sun said, and took out two documents from his arms.

What Deputy Bureau Sun and Mayor Miao applied to Lin Chen was the 'Lifetime Consultant of Criminal Analysis of Qingyang Provincial Public Security Department'.

Tianhai City is subordinate to Qingyang Province, and the people from the Provincial Public Security Bureau are also aware of the cases that Lin Chen solved in Tianhai City.

After Deputy Bureau Sun and Mayor Miao submitted proposals to the Public Security Department, the Public Security Department finally awarded Lin Chen the honorary title of 'Lifetime Consultant of Criminal Analysis'.

Moreover, while receiving this honorary title and enjoying the relevant powers, Lin Chen was also granted the rank of [-]rd-level police supervisor. If Lin Chen is willing to join the public security team, he can do so at any time.

The weight of the honorary title of 'Lifetime Consultant of Criminal Analysis of Qingyang Provincial Public Security Department' is really not small.

With this honorary title and a police rank approved by special cases, what Lin Chen has to do in the future will be very easy, and there will be no obstacles. In some places, the local public security department should take it seriously.

After Lin Chen heard Deputy Bureau Sun's words, he smiled slightly and said, "Old Sun, where did you and Mayor Miao apply for welfare and benefits for me? This title and police rank is not just a different way to let me Join the police force?"

Deputy Bureau Sun heard the words and was slightly embarrassed: "Lin Chen, you accepted this title and police rank, and we will not force you to help us solve the case. If there is any more difficult case in the future, we will ask for your help. , if you don't want to, you can completely refuse."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Eating people is soft-hearted and short-handed. I will take the special rights you gave me. If I really don't want to help you solve the case, I will be honest."

Deputy Bureau Sun wanted to speak, and Lin Chen said first: "Old Sun, I know that you and Mayor Miao have good intentions, and I have accepted your wishes, but you should take back this honorary title and police rank. "

By accepting this title and police rank, Lin Chen will gain a lot of convenience and rights in the future, but if Lin Chen wants power, he doesn't need it at all.

With the man in Kyoto here, why worry about who dares to touch Lin Chen.

Deputy Bureau Sun understood Lin Chen's character, since Lin Chen said so, no matter how much he said, it would be useless.

After a moment of silence, Deputy Bureau Sun nodded, sighed lightly, and said, "Well, I respect your opinion, but I will keep this honorary title and police rank for you first, when are you willing to accept it? I'm giving you these two things and at the same time announcing it to the outside world."

Lin Chen didn't say refusal, nor did he accept.

Immediately, Deputy Bureau Sun took the two documents back into his pocket.

The two sat in the living room and chatted about the case for a while, and then Deputy Bureau Sun got up and left.

As soon as Deputy Director Sun left, Xia Miaoyan walked downstairs.

"Master, why don't you want that honorary title and police rank?" Xia Miaoyan said enviously, "The criminal analysis consultant of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, many people will be polite when they see you."

When Lin Chen heard Xia Miaoyan's words, he said, "You didn't go upstairs just now, but eavesdropped on the stairs?"

"Hee hee, no, I'm just sitting there playing with my phone." Xia Miaoyan stuck her tongue out and said, "Master, why don't you want that title and police title?"

As Lin Chen walked towards the guard, he said, "Didn't I make it clear just now? In this world, there is no free lunch, titles and police rank are just vain jobs without real power, no matter how nice it sounds. It's useless to be vacant."

· · Flowers · ·

Xia Miaoyan heard the words, although she still felt a little pity, but since the master was not interested in those things, she would not say more.

The two went to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables. After returning home, Xia Miaoyan went to work on lunch, while Lin Chen drove the car to the company.

As soon as Lin Chen walked into his office and sat down, his twin sister Shen Qiu walked in with some documents.

Shen Qiu was wearing a professional suit and her hair was meticulously twisted, looking quite capable.


"Boss, I have something to report to you." Shen Qiu looked at Lin Chen and said.

"What's the matter?" Lin Chen asked.

"The server of our Penguin chat software has been attacked by hackers several times recently. Some people want to enter our server and steal the information and user data inside..." Shen Qiu explained the situation that the company had encountered earlier and how Lin Chen spoke up.

"Has the hacker succeeded?" Lin Chen frowned and asked.

Shen Qiu shook his head and said, "The vulnerability was repaired in time, and the hacker didn't succeed, but I think the hacker will launch an attack again. The person who let the hacker attack our server is likely to be another online chat software company."

Penguin Chat has developed very rapidly recently, and many colleagues are jealous and want to imitate Penguin Chat.

After Lin Chen learned about the situation, he nodded, and after talking about the strategy, he didn't stay in the company for much longer, and then Lin Chen returned home.

Xia Miaoyan had already cooked a table of food, and when the two were about to eat, Zhang Tiannan came.

Looking at Zhang Tian'an, Lin Chen said, "Are you going to come back for lunch every day?"

Zhang Tiannan glanced at Xia Miaoyan and said, "No, Miaoyan is usually not here. What am I doing here? Lin Chen, I came back for lunch today, and I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Lin Chen asked.

"In the rainy night serial murder case in Qiulin County more than a year ago, the murderer disappeared for more than a year, and he came out to commit the crime again last night." Zhang Tianan said. .

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