The meal was quickly finished. After the meal, the three of Lin Chen were ready to leave. Wang Chungen's home was a long way from the parking lot at the entrance of the village. It was raining lightly outside, so Wang Chungen found two umbrellas from the house and gave them to Lin Chen and the others, let them use it first, and return the umbrella when they come to Wangjia Village.

Lin Chen and the three expressed their gratitude to Wang Chungen, then Luo Heshu held an umbrella, Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai held an umbrella together, and the three walked towards the entrance of the village together.

After walking for a while, Lin Chen slowed down and glanced behind.

Wang Chungen and his wife stood at the door of the kitchen, watching Lin Chen and the others leave.

The lights from the kitchen fell on their backs, making their faces hard to see.

When Zhang Tianai saw Lin Chen turn her head to look, she also turned her head slightly and saw Wang Chungen and his wife standing at the door of the kitchen.

Thinking of what happened just now, Zhang Tianyu felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Seeing Luo Heshu walking slightly ahead, Zhang Tian'an muttered in a low voice, "What are you looking at, I can't bear to see others~?"

"Why are you reluctant to let others?" Lin Chen looked like he didn't understand what Zhang Tianni was saying.

"Hmph." Zhang Tianan squinted at Lin Chen and hummed lightly, "I changed my clothes and came out just now. I was supposed to sit down next to you, but Director Wang's wife sat down first, Lin said. Chen, don't think I didn't see that Director Wang's wife, after she sat down, she kept rubbing her legs against you, you were rubbed by someone else's wife, aren't you very happy?"

"What's so happy about this?" Lin Chen said.

"I'm not happy, why are you looking back when I'm not happy?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

Lin Chen said: "I look back, it doesn't mean I'm happy."

After saying this, Lin Chen looked at Zhang Tian'an with a half-smile, and asked, "Why, you're jealous when you see other women rubbing against me when you're not sitting next to me?"

When Lin Chen said this, Zhang Tian'an was slightly stunned, her pretty face expression was very unnatural, and her eyes were erratic, and said, "Who, who is jealous, I don't have it, I just can't stand you like that. "

"What am I?"

"I just can't get used to you, I'm too lazy to tell you." Zhang Tian'an turned his head to the side, as if he didn't want to continue talking with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't say anything else. Most of the roads in Wangjiacun village were cemented, and they wouldn't be muddy when walking. After a while, the three of them returned to the parking lot.

After getting into the car, Luo Heshu said, "Mr. Lin, where are we going now?"

Lin Chen started the car and said, "It's not too early, go back to rest, you can get off work too."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Luo Heshu asked, "Aren't we going to investigate further? It's still early. If you have any direction, we can continue to investigate."

Lin Chen waved his hand: "No, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Zhang Tianai turned to look at Luo Heshu, and said, "Officer Luo, you are tired today, go back to rest early."

"Alright." Luo Heshu nodded.

When the car drove into the town, Luo Heshu's cell phone suddenly rang.

After he connected, a little girl's voice came from there: "Dad, have you come back? I seem to have a fever."

It was very quiet inside the car, and Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan could hear the voices coming from Luo Heshu's receivers.

"...have a fever?" Luo Heshu was startled and busy: "Xiaohui, do you have a fever?"

"I touched my forehead, it seems a little, Dad, what time will you be back?" The little girl's well-behaved voice came from the phone.

"Dad is on the road now and will be back soon. You wait for Dad." Luo Heshu became nervous.

"Okay, goodbye, Dad." After the little girl said something, she hung up the phone.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianan asked, "Officer Luo, it's your daughter who's calling, isn't she...not feeling well?"

"Well... She said she has a fever, I have to go back and have a look." Luo Heshu said.

"Do you have any common medicines in your family's antipyretics?" Lin Chen asked while driving.

"It seems not." Luo Heshu said.

Lin Chen speeded up the car, and after a while, the car returned from the township to the county town.

After driving to a pharmacy, Luo Heshu went in to buy some cold medicine, and then got back into Lin Chen's car.

Originally (Wang Wangzhao) Luo Heshu didn't want to trouble Lin Chen to send it, but Zhang Tianan expressed that he wanted to see Luo Heshu's daughter, so Luo Heshu didn't say anything.

Luo Heshu's home lives in an ordinary residential area. Next to the house is a kindergarten.

After getting off the bus, Luo Heshu hurried upstairs, with Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan following behind.

Soon, he came to the floor where Luo Heshu lived. Luo Heshu took out the key and opened the door and walked in. He saw a little girl of five or six years old sitting on a stool in the living room.

In front of the little girl was a small table with a bowl of steaming hot water on the small table, and a kettle beside the small table.

The little girl sitting on the stool, with a ponytail, looks cute and carved in pink and jade. She looks at the bowl of hot water on the small table, her big black eyes are unblinking, as if She was waiting for the hot water to cool down so she could drink it. .


253 Well-behaved Xiaohui 【Subscribe】

When the little girl saw the door open and her father came back, she immediately stood up from the stool.

With a smile on her face, she ran towards Luo Heshu.

"Dad, Daddy..." The little girl rushed in front of Luo Heshu, opened her arms, and hugged Luo Heshu's legs.

She raised her little head, her little face was full of happiness.

Luo Heshu stretched out his right hand and touched his daughter's forehead. The little girl said, "Dad, I have a fever, right?"

"Well, it's a little bit, Xiaohui, will you be uncomfortable?" Luo Heshu squatted down and looked at his daughter with love in his eyes.

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