Xiaohui laughed. She pointed to the small table behind her and said, "No, Dad, I just drank some hot water, so I won't feel uncomfortable."

After saying this, Xiaohui quickly noticed that there were guests at home, and her big eyes looked at Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan who were standing at the door.

Xiaohui was not afraid of life, she opened her mouth and shouted, "Hello, aunt and uncle."

"Okay, Xiaohui, how are you?" Zhang Tianan saw Xiaohui sitting on the stool obediently from entering the room, waiting for the hot water in the bowl to cool down, she felt that her heart was touched, this little girl The girl is really well-behaved and sensible.

"Don't call them uncles and aunts, call them brothers and sisters." Luo Heshu said, saying that 637 should not call Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan old.

"No, you can call me auntie." Zhang Tianan said with a smile.

Xiaohui smiled, then ran to the kitchen and brought out two stools.

Because of the fever, Xiaohui stumbled a little while walking. After she moved the two small stools over, she raised her head and said, "Auntie and uncle, sit down."

Luo Heshu's home is very simple, not even the most basic sofa, the small living room is full of stools.

"Auntie won't sit, Xiaohui, hurry up and drink some hot water."

Zhang Tianan said, walked to the small table, and took the hot water on the table.

The water was not so hot anymore, Zhang Tiannan took a few breaths and asked Xiaohui to come over to drink.

Xiaohui came over, put her mouth to the bowl, took a few more sips, and then carefully drank it.

Xiaohui had a stuffy nose because she had a cold and fever, so Luo Heshu immediately gave her a packet of children's cold granules.

After Xiaohui drank it, she said to Luo Heshu, "Dad, Xiaohui is fine, it's not uncomfortable anymore."

"Yeah." Luo Heshu smiled: "It's fine, just go to sleep. (bbec)"

"Okay." After Xiaohui finished speaking, she ran to the bathroom, washed her face and feet, and was ready to go to sleep.

Zhang Tianan looked at Xiaohui, who was well-behaved and sensible, and asked Luo Heshu, "Officer Luo, how old is Xiaohui this year?"

"I'm 5 years old, in kindergarten." Luo Heshu said.

"Is she always at home alone?" Zhang Tianan asked.

"Yeah, I want to work, so I can only let her learn to take care of herself, but fortunately, the kindergarten where she goes to school is downstairs, and the kindergarten teacher takes good care of her and often sends her home." Luo He The tree sighed, and in his eyes, he could see his apology to his daughter.

"Well, it would be better if the kindergarten is so close." Zhang Tianan said, "But... I still think that Xiaohui is often alone at home, which is quite unsafe."

"no way……"

Luo Heshu shook his head helplessly: "I taught her a lot of precautions. As long as she doesn't open the door to strangers, it's fine."

Zhang Tian'an and Luo Heshu were talking about Xiaohui, while Lin Chen looked at the house where Luo Heshu lived.

The house is one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom. A rental property in this location should not cost a few dollars.

The decoration of the house is very simple, there is no sofa, no coffee table, and there is only an old-fashioned color TV in the living room.

While Zhang Tianan was talking to Luo Heshu, Xiaohui washed her face and feet by herself. She stepped on the little slippers and walked out of the bathroom.

"Dad, uncle, aunt, good night." Xiaohui waved to the three of them and ran into the house to sleep.

After saying a few more words to Luo Heshu, Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai left and got into the car.

"Hey..." Zhang Tianan sighed after getting in the car.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chen asked.

Zhang Tianai said, "I feel so sorry for Xiaohui. Just now, Officer Luo said that she was hungry and made instant noodles by herself. ...she's always staying home alone and rarely going out to play, which is actually not good for her growth."

Lin Chen nodded slightly, but did not speak.

"Lin Chen, do you think Xiaohui is cute?" Seeing that Lin Chen ignored her, Zhang Tianan asked.

"Cute and sensible." Lin Chen said.

Ten minutes later, the two's car stopped at the entrance of a hotel. This was the residence arranged by the county leaders. Compared with the big city, this hotel was much more shabby.

Lin Chen and Zhang Tianni's room is next door. After the two returned to the room, the first thing was to go to the bathroom to take a shower and change clothes.

Zhang Tian'an was wearing Wang Chungen's wife's clothes. She always felt a little uncomfortable wearing other people's clothes.

After going to the bathroom, Zhang Tianan took off his clothes and went under the shower to take a bath.

While taking a bath, Zhang Tian'an's mind recalled what happened today.

First there was the butcher He Liang. He was a little strange. There was a pile of pig bones in the closet of the house. The villagers said that he once had a wife, but then disappeared without a sound. It is very likely that he killed him.

The second is that Lin Chen said that he saw a person standing on the hill, and after seeing Lin Chen turn his head, he turned and ran away.

At that time, ordinary people would not climb that mountain, and Lin Chen firmly believed that he had read it right. Who is that person standing on the mountain?

After taking a shower in wild thoughts, Zhang Tianai decided to go to Lin Chen's house and have another chat with Lin Chen.

She put on the pink bathrobe and went to Lin Chen's room.

Lin Chen also just came out of the shower, but he only wore a pair of shorts on his body. Zhang Tiannan was curious when he saw this, and told himself not to look at it in his heart.

Zhang Tian'an stood beside Chuang and began to ask Lin Chen some questions he didn't understand today.

But when she just finished asking a question, Lin Chen suddenly turned around, his only strong arm wrapped around his slender waist.

"Ah... Lin Chen, what are you doing..."

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