Zhang Tian'an screamed, she didn't understand why Lin Chen came to hug her suddenly, she raised her head and asked what Lin Chen wanted to do, but Lin Chen's mouth had already landed on hers.

Zhang Tian'an was stunned, she didn't expect Lin Chen to be like this, the shyness in her heart made her want to push Lin Chen away. .

Behind Zhang Tianai was the big chuang, and the two fell on the big chuang. .


254 Just go with the flow [5 more for subscription]

Zhang Tiannan felt that his heart had never been beating so fast before.

Before, because of an accident, she was also kissed by Lin Chen, but it was really an accident.

And now, Lin Chen is taking the initiative to wen himself. What does this guy want to do to him like this?

Zhang Tiannan's heart was very tangled, she knew that if she did not reject Lin Chen, she would not be able to stop all this from happening for a while.

There was incomparable hesitation in my heart...but...In the end, Zhang Tiannan didn't do anything, just let the flow take its course...

After a long time, everything in the house calmed down, Zhang Tianai lay on Lin Chen's arms, and the strands of hair on his forehead were slightly sweaty.

Zhang Tianan bit his mouth and lowered his head, not daring to look up at Lin Chen at all.

Lin Chen's hand lightly caressed Zhang Tian's hair. At this moment, Zhang Tian'an in Lin Chen's arms, "Seven Six Three" is like a docile kitten, quiet and very Clever.

After a long silence in the room, Zhang Tianan finally couldn't help but speak.

Her voice was not much louder than a mosquito, and said, "Lin Chen, you... I... we..."

When this kind of thing happened, the distraught Zhang Tianyi wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything.

"What do you want to say, say it." Lin Chen smiled.

Zhang Tian'an still didn't dare to look at Lin Chen's face, for fear of making eye contact with Lin Chen.

Originally, when he moved to Lin Chen's house before, Zhang Tian'an felt that maybe he and Lin Chen would come this far, and this kind of thing would happen, but Zhang Tian'an didn't expect that his first time would be taken by Lin Chen here. Walk.

"I... came to your room just now... I didn't want to have this kind of thing happen to you..." Zhang Tianan muttered: "It's just that there are many things I don't understand about what happened today. Discuss...Lin Chen, why are you...doing such a thing to me today..."

In the past, Zhang Tianan was generous and generous, but now she is as shy as a little girl.

"Do you regret it?" Lin Chen asked.

After hearing this, Zhang Tian'an raised his head slightly, this time he mustered up the courage to look at Lin Chen's eyes.

After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, Zhang Tian'an said word by word, "I don't regret it..."

Lin Chen touched Zhang Tiannan's hair, sighed, and said seriously, "In the future, you Zhang Tiannan will be my Lin Chen's woman."

Lin Chen's words were calm, but in Zhang Tian's ears, there was a different kind of warmth.

"I...will be Lin Chen's woman from now on?" Zhang Tianan repeated this sentence in his heart, and immediately, Zhang Tianan smiled.

She nodded obediently and said, "Yeah."

After a ok, Zhang Tian'an kissed Lin Chen's cheek.

Now that everything happened to the two of them, after a while of being shy, Zhang Tianan wouldn't be so embarrassed anymore.

She leaned against Lin Chen's arms, felt Lin Chen's powerful heartbeat, and asked, "Lin Chen, I didn't want to say it at first, but now that you and I are like this, I will say it."

"What about Wang Chungen's wife?" Lin Chen asked.

"It's good if you know." Zhang Tianan said, "What's the matter with that woman? I and Officer Luo are here, and most importantly, her husband is also there. In front of her husband, under Wang Chungen's eyes, she is here. Stretching her leg over to rub against you, why is that woman so shameless, isn't she afraid of being seen by Wang Chungen and beaten by him?"

When Lin Chen heard the words, he smiled lightly and said, "Wang Chungen had already seen his wife come to rub me with her legs while eating."

Originally, Zhang Tianan said this because he wanted to hear from Lin Chen that he would not approach that kind of woman in the future, and that Wang Chungen's wife was very disobedient to women.

But Lin Chen's words were completely beyond Zhang Tian's expectations.

"You... what did you say?" Zhang Tian'an asked in disbelief.

"I said..." Lin Chen's hand gently stroked Zhang Tian's cheek: "Wang Chungen saw his wife come to rub me, I noticed Wang Chungen when his wife rubbed me for the first time. Wang Chungen saw it the second time, and after that, Wang Chungen didn't pay attention to me and his wife."

"How is this possible?" Zhang Tianan recalled Lin Chen: "Wang Chungen treated us very well throughout the whole process. His wife sold nong shao and picked other men, but he was indifferent when he saw it?"

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded.

Zhang Tiannan touched his chin and said, "Is it because of the presence of Officer Luo? Or because Wang Chungen is timid and afraid of his wife, so even if he sees his wife picking other men, he doesn't dare to say anything. what?"

"But it's not right, that man's belly can be so big, and he can only watch his wife pick other men? This...is a man, can't you accept it?"

"Lin Chen..." After Zhang Tianan said a few words to herself, she looked at Lin Chen and said, "You said...Wang Chungen didn't have a seizure, was it the tranquility before the storm? As soon as we left, he Are you going to beat his wife?"

A mysterious smile appeared on Lin Chen's face, and he said, "This is someone else's family matter. Whether Wang Chungen beats his wife or not has nothing to do with us."

After speaking, Lin Chen yawned and said, "I'm sleepy, let's sleep."

Zhang Tian'an felt very strange. Lin Chen used to say 'I'm going to bed', but now, Lin Chen's me has become us.

"Wait for me, I'll go to the bathroom." Zhang Tiannan put on his clothes under the quilt, cleaned up his own blood on the chuang list, and then ran to the bathroom.

When he got to the bathroom, Zhang Tiannan looked at himself in the mirror, wearing a nightgown, with loose hair, but with a good expression on his face.

She touched her pretty face and whispered to herself, "I used to be a girl...now...I should be...a woman?"

Thinking of what happened just now, Zhang Tian'an's face showed a hint of coquettishness and embarrassment.

That night, Zhang Tianan fell asleep with Lin Chen's arm on her back. She slept soundly and at ease.

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