After a car parked at the gate of the hospital, he looked over and stood up, trying to tell the car to drive away and not stop at the gate to block the way.

But then he saw that a policeman got out of the car, and then the young man in the driver's seat took a man who looked like one hundred and fifty-six in the car, like he was carrying a chicken.

Seeing this scene, the doorman was very surprised, and at the same time he recognized the one-armed policeman who got out of the car.

Lin Chen carried the mysterious man he chased from the mountain to the emergency room of the hospital and asked the doctor to examine and treat him.

Luo Heshu's hand was scratched in the mountain forest and injured a blood vessel, so he also went to ask the nurse to treat his wound.

Lin Chen sat on the stool in the hospital corridor, and Zhang Tianai sat beside Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen." Zhang Tian'an called Lin Chen.

Lin Chen turned his head and looked at her: "what's the matter?"

Zhang Tian'an stretched out his hand and took Lin Chen's arm: "Did you know that I was so worried about you in the forest just now."

"Worrying about me?" Lin Chen put his hand on Zhang Tian'an's head, helped him straighten his hair, and said, "I have nothing to worry about."

"I could not worry about you before, but now I can't."

Zhang Tian'an complained a little: "Who told you to take the wrong medicine last night? As soon as I go to your room, just..."

Hearing this, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "What am I?"

"You're just messing with me, I'm not prepared at all..." Zhang Tian'an mumbled.

"What do you need to prepare for that kind of thing? Although I took the initiative, aren't you very happy when I messed with you?" Lin Chen teased.

Lin Chen's ridicule made Zhang Tianan's face flush with embarrassment. He raised his pink fist and punched Lin Chen's arm hard.

After the two said a few words affectionately, Zhang Tian'an asked about the process of Lin Chen running into the forest to chase the man.

The man caught in the forest was receiving treatment, and he also sent his photo to the county public security bureau for investigation. When he was idle, he was fine, so Lin Chen told Zhang Tianan about the matter of running into the forest before.

At that time, there was a distance between Lin Chen and the man. When he saw Lin Chen and they got off the car, he turned his head and ran wildly. He was wearing a pair of Jiefang shoes. These shoes are not very good-looking now. If you run in the mountains and forests , is very nice to wear.

When Lin Chen ran to where he was before, he had already disappeared. Lin Chen could only judge where he was based on the running movement from the front and the stampede marks on the branches and weeds along the way.

The terrain on the mountain is very complicated, with slippery ground, potholes, and small hillsides. The man was very familiar with the terrain in the mountains, and after running for a while, he was caught up by Lin Chen.

When he saw that Lin Chen was about to approach him, he shouted and ran quickly while looking back at the distance between Lin Chen and him.

As a result, he slammed his head into a big cedar tree, rolled his eyes on the spot, and passed out.

Fortunately, he hit a cedar tree, and the bark of the cedar tree is somewhat soft. If he hit the rock head-on, at the speed at that time, he might have been killed head-on.

When Lin Chen was talking, Zhang Tianan blinked his eyes and sat aside to listen. After listening to this, Zhang Tianan asked Lin Chen to talk about how he ran up the mountain alone last night. She asked Lin Chen how he was at that time. Hei, why didn't he turn on the flashlight of his mobile phone.

Lin Chen's answer is very simple, that is, when he was going up the mountain, it was not completely dark, and he didn't turn on the lights when he was going down the mountain because he was walking up the mountain. When Lin Chen was going down the mountain, he saw that Zhang Tian'an and Luo Heshu's mobile phones were bright, so they didn't need to turn on the lights to go down the mountain.

Zhang Tian'an was very convinced of Lin Chen's memory before, but he didn't expect him to be so good at memorizing terrain.

Zhang Tianan took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and said, "There is no news from the county public security bureau. I don't know if the identity of this man is confirmed."

Lin Chen glanced at Zhang Tian'an's cell phone and didn't say anything.

After a while, Luo Heshu, who had bandaged the wound, walked out of the department. He also walked to Lin Chen's side and sat down.

Not long after, Zhang Tian's phone finally rang.

After the connection was made, the voice of a police officer from Qiulin County came from there: "Officer Zhang, the man in the photo has been identified after his appearance has been compared."

Hearing this, Zhang Tian'an hurriedly said, "Okay, please speak."

The policeman on the other side of the phone immediately told Zhang Tianan about the man in the forest.

The man's name is Liang Xiaochuan, a villager of Daliang Village. According to the information, this Liang Xiaochuan suffers from mental illness, that is to say, he is a mentally ill patient.

Liang Xiaochuan's parents have passed away, and there is a brother Liang Dachuan, Liang Xiaochuan has been looking after him.

What the police have is these basic information. As for why Liang Xiaochuan hid in the forest, watching Lin Chen and the others from a distance, I don't know.

He is mentally ill, and what he does cannot be explained by common sense.

After Zhang Tianan heard this, she frowned slightly, and after hanging up the phone, she looked at Lin Chen: "...that person is Liang Xiaochuan, a villager from Daliang Village, suffering from mental illness."

Lin Chen sat next to Luo Heshu, and already heard the voice in the receiver, Luo Heshu said, "Has a mental illness? A mentally ill person runs in the mountains all day, and hides in the dark in the forest to observe us?"

"We didn't say before that the murderer cut a hole in the face of the deceased, took the tongue out of the hole, and then offered him a kiss. The murderer must be a psychopath."

Zhang Tianan said: "A mental patient is also very likely to do such a thing, and his history of mental illness was checked in the hospital a few years ago, and he hasn't gone for a re-examination for several years. Maybe he is already well. Well, not necessarily."

Lin Chen reached out and touched his chin, but didn't speak.

Luo Heshu said: "That's right, we can't be sure whether his mental illness is cured now. It's not uncommon for the murderer to be a mental patient in the rainy night serial murder case."

Zhang Tiannan and Luo Heshu expressed their opinions. They thought that Liang Xiaochuan was still very suspicious. Since the clue to the pair of high heels on Li Erya's feet was broken, investigating Liang Xiaochuan might also be a breakthrough point.

After the two of them said a few words, Zhang Tian'an immediately cast his inquiring eyes on Lin Chen, Zhang Tian'an asked, "Lin Chen, what do you think?".


265 Go to Daliang Village [3 more subscriptions]

When Lin Chen was about to speak, a group of people walked up the corner of the hospital corridor.

Among this group of people, Miao Yunfei and Qiu Junbang and his party were headed.

This morning, after Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei had breakfast together, Lin Chen went to the corpse freezer at the funeral home, and Miao Yunfei and the others went to the county public security bureau.

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