The clue of high heels has been broken, Miao Yunfei wants to continue to investigate this case, but can't find a useful entry point.

After hearing that Lin Chen, Zhang Tian'an and his party came out of Wangjia Village, they found a suspicious person hiding in the forest on the side of the road. After the suspicious person was caught by Lin Chen again, Miao Yunfei immediately took him with him. People came over.

"Lin Chen." Miao Yunfei took the initiative to greet Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Miao Yunfei, but nodded, but did not respond.

A group of people came to Lin Chen, and after standing still, Qiu Junbang said, "I heard that you have caught a suspicious person, let's come and have a look."

"What is the detailed process of the matter?" Miao Yunfei asked.

"It's like this, when we came out of He Liang's house last night and went to Director Wang's house for dinner, Lin Chen suddenly saw a figure on the top of the mountain opposite..." Zhang Tianan explained what happened last night with 570 in the forest just now. Everything that happened there was told.

After Miao Yunfei and the others heard what Zhang Tiannan said, their eyes lit up slightly.

This Liang Xiaochuan once had a history of mental illness, and now I don't know what the situation is. He runs very fast, and his strength is definitely not small. In addition, he hides in the mountains and forests and observes Lin Chen and the others with binoculars, which makes him even more suspicious. .

Miao Yunfei was a little overjoyed, thinking that this Liang Xiaochuan might be the murderer, right?

But when Miao Yunfei's eyes fell on Lin Chen's face, she was not happy anymore.

Yesterday, she felt that high heels were a breakthrough. Lin Chen said that it should have nothing to do with the murderer. The result of the investigation was confirmed by Lin Chen.

The suspect Liang Xiaochuan caught today, he said later that he might be the murderer, but the result is not, won't he be laughed at by Lin Chen again?

As soon as she thought of this, Miao Yunfei said in a normal manner: "This Liang Xiaochuan is a little suspicious, but we can't be sure that he is the murderer, or we will go to Daliang Village now, go to Liang Xiaochuan's house to investigate, and investigate the four murders. Did he have an alibi on the night it happened?"

(bbfe) "Well, Sister Yunfei, I'll go with you to investigate." Zhang Tianan stood up from his chair and said.

Miao Yunfei glanced at Zhang Tian's lower body and said, "Didn't you say that your leg was injured yesterday? Just stay here."

Zhang Tian'an heard the words, and the expression on her face was a little embarrassed. She didn't expect that Miao Yunfei would mention her leg injury.

Zhang Tian'an subconsciously glanced at Lin Chen, thinking that it wasn't this guy, how could he be 'injured'.

Hearing this, Luo Heshu said, "Officer Zhang, it turns out that you have an injury on your leg. You were running so hard in the forest just now. Your attitude towards handling the case is really good."

After a few words, the doctor who treated the suspect Liang Xiaochuan came out of the department.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianan stepped forward to ask the doctor Liang Xiaochuan's situation.

The doctor said that Liang Xiaochuan suffered a huge blow to the head and was seriously injured. After treatment, he is still in a coma and will not be able to wake up for a while.

However, Liang Xiaochuan was not in danger.

After learning about this situation, the task force and others discussed a few words, and a criminal policeman suddenly said: "By the way, Fang Cui, the tannery worker who changed shoes with the deceased Li Erya, she is from Daliang Village, this Liang Xiaochuan. It's also from Daliang Village, so there shouldn't be anything to do with it, right?"

"You'll find out when you investigate."

Miao Yunfei said something, and then said to Lin Chen, "We are going to Daliang Village to investigate Liang Xiaochuan, Lin Chen, are you going?"

When everyone was talking, Lin Chen was silent all the time. Hearing this, he raised his head, glanced at Miao Yunfei, and said, "Go ahead and tell me the results of the investigation."

"Okay." Miao Yunfei didn't force it, and after saying one line, she walked downstairs with everyone.

At the entrance of the hospital, everyone got into the car and went straight to Daliang Village.

On the way there, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianni, Qiu Junbang and the others had already learned a piece of news from the police in Qiulin County.

That is Liang Xiaochuan's brother Liang Dachuan. His wife had died two years ago. It was the first victim of the rainy night serial murder case, a 36-year-old married woman who worked in a clothing store in the county seat.

After learning the news, the people of the task force spoke out one after another, expressing all the guesses in their hearts.

If Liang Xiaochuan was the murderer of the rainy night serial murder case, then the first person he killed was his own sister-in-law.

Why did he do this?

Qiu Junbang glanced at the crowd and said, "If Liang Xiaochuan is the murderer, and he killed his sister-in-law, he may be mentally ill, or half-conscious and become a murderous pervert."

"There is also a possibility that he is a person with mental problems. His parents are no longer alive, and he lives with his brother and sister-in-law. For Liang Dachuan, Liang Xiaochuan is a younger brother who needs to be taken care of, but for Liang Dachuan's wife, Liang Xiaochuan Xiaochuan is a burden."

"It is possible that the first deceased treated Liang Xiaochuan very badly. He didn't give him food, and he beat and scolded him. Then Liang Xiaochuan became murderous and killed his sister-in-law."

After hearing Qiu Junbang's analysis, another detective nodded and said, "It's possible."

More than [-] minutes later, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan and others came to Daliang Village. When they arrived in the village, under the guidance of the villagers, they found Liang Xiaochuan's home.

Liang Xiaochuan's brother Liang Dachuan is sitting at the door smoking a daze.

Originally, Liang Dachuan had a very good family, married a wife, and the family's economic conditions were okay, and he lived happily every day.

But since his wife was raped and murdered by a perverted murderer, Liang Dachuan's whole world has changed. His wife was killed and Qiang raped, but the police have never been able to find the murderer and have been unable to give justice to his wife, which made Liang Dachuan hate it. He gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

Since then, Liang Dachuan has become decadent, and he has learned to smoke and drink again. He can't live without two packs of cigarettes a day, and the crops in the fields are not well grown.

Neighbors with better relations tried to persuade Liang Dachuan, but to no avail.

When Liang Dachuan saw many police officers walking into his yard, he smoked a cigarette and asked the police about their intentions.

The police in Qiulin County said: "Liang Dachuan, we caught a suspicious person near Wangjia Village today."

"What?" Liang Dachuan suddenly stood up from the ground. .


266 Liang Xiaochuan's house [4 more subscriptions]

With a look of excitement and surprise on Liang Dachuan's face, he asked, "A suspicious person? Is it... Did you catch the murderer?"

After his wife was killed, Liang Dachuan didn't know how painful it was. He was always looking forward to the police to catch the murderer.

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