Now that he heard that the police had caught a suspicious person, he naturally thought about catching the murderer.

"'s unclear whether he is the murderer or not, but he can be regarded as a suspect now." The detective said, "You~ also know this person."

Liang Dachuan was a little disappointed to hear that it was not determined whether it was the murderer or not, but after hearing the latter sentence, he suddenly widened his eyes again: "I-know? Who?"

"Your younger brother, Liang Xiaochuan." Zhang Tianan stepped forward, _ said.

"Uh..." Liang Dachuan was stunned. He didn't expect the police to say that the suspect they had caught would be his own younger brother, Liang Xiaochuan.

After being stunned, Liang Dachuan said with a dark face, "Xiaochuan? Impossible, how could it be his, did you police make a mistake?"

"When we were investigating in Wangjia Village, Liang Xiaochuan was sneaking at us with binoculars on the mountain. When we came out of Wangjia Village today, your brother was quietly watching us in the forest..."

Zhang Tianan told Liang Dachuan some things about Liang Xiaochuan. After listening to Liang Dachuan, he said, "Impossible, we go from Daliang Village to Wangjia Village. There is a long distance on the mountain road. You are on the mountain in Wangjia Village. caught my brother?"

"Yes." Zhang Tian said.

"There is something wrong with my brother." Liang Dachuan pointed his finger at his head and said, "He is usually dumbfounded and his IQ is not very high. If he was a murderer, he should have been caught by you long ago... …”

Liang Dachuan showed hesitation and said, "No... No, Xiao Chuan is not the murderer, you must have misunderstood him."

"Whether he is the murderer or not, we will know after investigation." Zhang Tianan said, "Excuse me, which house does Liang Xiaochuan live in?"

Liang Dachuan's home is also a cement house, which is somewhat old. Next to the cement house, there is a wooden house that looks a little crude.

Liang Dachuan pointed at the simple wooden house and said, "My... brother, I usually live in that room."

Seeing this, Zhang Tianai glanced at Liang Dachuan one more time.

The elder brother and sister-in-law live in a cement house, and the younger brother with mental problems lives in a simple wooden house. It can be seen that Liang Xiaochuan is not treated so well in this home.

Seeing this, Miao Yunfei whispered in Qiu Junbang's ear, "Take someone to find out how the relationship between Liang Xiaochuan and his brother and sister-in-law is."

"Okay." Qiu Junbang agreed, and then led a team of police to investigate.

Immediately, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan walked towards the simple wooden house.

The door of the wooden house is hidden, and the house is made of wooden boards of different shapes.

A detective trotted two steps to open the door of the cabin.

The door opened, and everything in the house came into view.

This house is very simple. It should not be called a room, but a firewood room. Next to the old chuang, there is a large pile of chopped firewood, neatly stacked on one side.

The chuang is very shabby. The chuang sheet and quilt on it are dirty. There are holes in the quilt, like they were pulled out with fingers. Compared with this, the butcher Heliang's room is much better.

There is a cabinet in the chuang head, other than that, there is no furniture.

"If you live in this kind of house, you will be bitten to death by mosquitoes in summer." A policeman muttered while looking at the room full of gaps.

Mosquito bites in rural areas are very fierce.

"It seems that the relationship between Liang Xiaochuan and his brother and sister-in-law is just like that." Miao Yunfei said.

Letting his own younger brother live in such a dilapidated firewood house, a relatively good brother and sister-in-law would not do this.

The police began to search for everything in the room, and soon, several pairs of shoes placed under the chuang were all taken out.

These shoes do not stink, but there is a thick layer of black dirt inside. It looks like they have not been washed for a long time after wearing them. Finally, the odor evaporates and only black dirt is left.

After Zhang Tianan saw the shoes, he immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the shoe print photo taken on the mountain.

Lin Chen ran up the mountain that night. In addition to Lin Chen, Zhang Tianan, Luo and Shu, he also found a fourth person's shoe print. Zhang Tianan wanted to know if the fourth shoe print was left by Liang Xiaochuan.

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After finding the photo, Zhang Tianan turned the sole of his shoe over and compared it carefully.

The first pair of shoes, the sole texture is wrong.

The second pair of shoes is also wrong.

The third pair of shoes, the soles are badly worn, and the uppers are also broken with several holes. These shoes will not leave footprints when stepped in the mud.

The fourth pair of shoes were torn flip-flops, neither.

"How is it?" Miao Yunfei asked Zhang Tiannuan.

Zhang Tianan stood up in disappointment and shook his head: "Sister Yunfei, the texture of these shoes doesn't match."

Miao Yunfei frowned and immediately called Liang Dachuan in.


When Liang Dachuan asked what was going on, Miao Yunfei said, "Are all your brother's shoes here?"

Liang Dachuan glanced at the shoes on the ground and said, "Yeah, they are all here, uh... My brother still has a pair of shoes on his feet, which I bought for him..."

Liang Dachuan seemed to think that his younger brother's shoes were so worn out, and felt a little embarrassed, so he added, saying that he did not buy shoes for his younger brother.

"Are those Jiefang shoes?" Zhang Tian asked.

Liang Dachuan nodded and said yes.

On the other side, a few policemen also found a lot of things in the cabinet of Chuangtou.

There was a knife in the cabinet. The knife was a fruit knife, with a plastic scabbard, and it still looked sharp.

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