Wang Xiaohai stopped and said in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I have a few things to ask you." Lin Chen said.

Immediately, Lin Chen asked while walking, and soon disappeared at the corner of the path with Wang Xiaohai.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan stood there, Miao Yunfei muttered, "What does he want to ask Wang Xiaohai?".


269 ​​He Liang who rides three wheels [2 more subscriptions]

"I don't know." Zhang Tianan shook his head.

"That's right." Zhang Tianan suddenly looked at Miao Yunfei and asked, "Sister Yunfei, you were just sitting in the car, did you see those young people who left on motorcycles?"

"I saw it."

Miao Yunfei said, "They must be some strangers from outside the village who came to Wangjia Village, right? Go, ask the captain of the criminal police, and you'll know."

Lin Chen threw himself here and ran to ask Wang Xiaohai, Miao Yunfei naturally didn't bother to wait for him here.

Zhang Tiannan wanted to wait for Lin Chen, but seeing Miao Yunfei telling her to go, she had to follow behind Miao Yunfei.

After Lin Chen and the others left, the captain of the criminal police in Qiulin County and his party have been conducting inquiries and investigations in the village, but so far, no villagers have said that they saw someone coming down from the hill behind the village last night.

The captain of the criminal police in Qiulin County told Miao Yunfei about the situation. After extensive inquiries, the fifth person on the mountain last night must have known that the police were looking for him.

But the police were just asking the villagers if they saw anyone coming down the hill. The fifth person didn't know that the police had mastered the texture of the soles of his shoes. He would not consider putting the shoes on the mountain for the time being. hidden.

"Leader Miao, should we start a village-wide search for the shoes that left shoe prints on the mountain?" the police captain asked.

Miao Yunfei was a little hesitant. If she didn't look for the shoes, no villager saw someone coming down from the mountain and started looking for the shoes. After the fifth person found out, he would immediately hide the shoes.

There are many households in Wangjia Village, hundreds of people. When the police search for shoes, the fifth person will definitely hide the shoes.

But there is also a possibility that the fifth man was alert and hid his shoes when the police were questioning them in the village.

Miao Yunfei discussed a sentence with the captain of the criminal police, and then asked Zhang Tiannan's opinion, and finally issued an order.

That is to call a large number of police forces from Qiulin County and have them come to Wangjia Village to investigate the shoes of every household in Wangjia Village to see if they can find the fifth person who has been to the mountain.

The captain of the criminal police immediately called Director Liu of Miao Yunfei's decision, and Director Liu naturally cooperated fully.

Following Director Liu's order, all police officers from the Qiulin County urban police station and township police station were dispatched, and police cars drove towards Wangjia Village.

Some passers-by and villagers saw so many police cars driving on the road. They stopped and watched, discussing whether something major happened, and so many police officers were dispatched.

A large number of police forces were on their way. Miao Yunfei from Wangjia Village looked at the captain of the criminal police and asked, "A few young people who are not from Wangjia Village came to the village just now, have you seen them?"

When the criminal police captain heard this, he nodded and said, "I see, some of my people know them. They are employees of a bar in the county town, so they are social youths."

"What are they doing in the village?" Miao Yunfei asked again.

The captain of the criminal police said: "They said they came to the village to find friends, and by the way, they came to the countryside for an outing. We didn't ask them too much."

"That's it." Miao Yunfei nodded slightly. The few just now were young people from the society. They said they were here to play with friends. Their real purpose was unknown.

While Miao Yunfei was talking to the police captain, Lin Chen also walked back.

After seeing Lin Chen's return, Miao Yunfei wanted to ask Lin Chen just now to keep up with Wang Xiaohai, but to ask him something, but he hesitated, but still didn't ask.

Immediately, Miao Yunfei mobilized the police force and told Lin Chen about the large-scale search for the fifth person on the mountain last night.

"Those policemen are already on their way, what do you think, can you check?" Miao Yunfei asked Lin Chen for advice.

Lin Chen looked at Miao Yunfei's pretty face, and said, "Since everyone is mobilizing the police force, it will be here soon, so let's check it out."

"Okay." Miao Yunfei nodded.

Zhang Tianan then passed the photo of the shoe print to the captain of the criminal police and asked the police to pass it on to each other.

Finding a pair of shoes in the village is not a small 'project'. If there are [-] villagers in the village and one person has three pairs of shoes, then the total number of shoes in the whole village is close to [-] pairs.

This kind of large-scale investigation is somewhat difficult, and at the same time it is very likely to be fruitless, but now Miao Yunfei and the others have lost their investigation clues. If there are any clues, they are going to try it.

After passing the photo to the police captain, Lin Chen, Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei walked towards the village together.

Not long after walking, a man riding a tricycle appeared in front of him. Zhang Tianai looked at it and immediately recognized this man as He Liang, the butcher of Wangjia Village.

He Liang was riding his rickshaw. There was a bag behind the car. The bag was bulging, and he didn't know what was in it.

After seeing the three of Lin Chen, He Liang was stunned for a moment, and then his face returned to normal.

"...three police comrades, haven't you left yet?" He Liang said, reducing the speed of the tricycle.

Zhang Tianan asked him, "Where are you going?"

He Liang pouted and didn't seem to want to explain to Zhang Tian'an, but he still stopped the tricycle and said, "There is a family in a village who has a wedding and wants to kill pigs tonight, so call me to help them kill the pigs. Woolen cloth."

Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei's eyes fell on the bulging bag behind the tricycle. He Liang was a slovenly man, wearing a pair of white-washed five-point pants, a shirt with holes on his body, and messy hair. , even this bulging bag in the tricycle (Mod's) car is dirty.

"Can you open this bag and take a look?" Zhang Tianan asked.

"Okay, what do you police want to do? Can we little people not cooperate?" He Liang pouted, got off the tricycle, and reached out to open the bag in the tricycle.

Inside the bag were some pig-killing knives, as well as the contents of the apron and water shoes, and at the bottom of the bag was a raincoat that was too old to be worn.

After He Liang took these things out, he said teasingly: "Here, comrade police, you can see clearly, I just brought a pig-killing knife, an apron and a raincoat. The pig-killing knife and apron are killing pigs. A must for pigs, a raincoat is what I will wear after it rains at night, are these things okay?"

"No problem." Zhang Tianyi said.

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