He Liang said: "It's fine if there is no problem. If there is no problem, I will help people kill pigs."


270 Is it misleading [3 more for subscription]

When He Liang finished saying these words, he got on the car, hummed a little tune, and stepped outside the village.

Just after riding a distance of more than ten meters, a villager came over. This is a farmer in his forties or fifty years old, with dark skin and a cheap cigarette in his hand.

He seemed to be quite familiar with He Liang. After seeing He Liang, he greeted him and said, "Lao He, where are you going?"

He Liang reached out and pulled the brakes of the tricycle. The old car came to a stop with a creaking noise. He said, "People kill pigs, what else can I do."

The villager glanced at He Liang, shook his head, and said, "You are a man, you have been killing pigs for so many years, and you have earned a lot of money. Your car should also be changed, and you are still riding this car. What a lousy tricycle."

"Hehe." He Liang smiled and said, "My car has been with me for so many years. It's easy to use. I can't bear to change it. I won't cheat with you. The family is still waiting for me to kill pigs."

He Liang said, and his foot was about to step on the pedal.

But this time, his foot was empty, not because he didn't step on the pedal, but because the chain of the tricycle fell off with a clatter.

The chain 730 of this tricycle is very loose, and the position of the fixed pedal is also a little swaying, so it is easy to lose the chain.

"Fuck, the chain fell again." He Liang scolded, the chain fell, so he had to get out of the car and reach out to repair the chain.

Seeing this, the villager standing next to him smiled and said, "You still say it's easy to use this broken car? I said Lao He, you often have to go out to kill pigs and go to various villages to sell meat. , why don't you buy an electric tricycle? Buying an electric tricycle is much better than this broken car."

"Don't buy it, my car is fine." He Liang muttered without raising his head.

"Cut." The villager cut and said, "You, killing pigs and selling pork makes so much money, but you're not willing to spend it. You don't buy electric tricycles, you don't buy clothes, and you wear those ragged clothes all year round. I really don't understand why you're saving so much."

After He Liang heard this, he raised his head and glanced at the villager. He stared at the villager for two seconds, his expression changed, then he shook his head and said, "I like it, money can't buy me like it. ."

After he finished speaking, He Liang just happened to fix the chain of the car. He rubbed his (bbaa) hand stained with oil on the ground, then got on the car and left quickly.

The villager shook his head and continued walking.

When He Liang was talking to the villager, Lin Chen didn't leave and watched.

When the villager who was talking to He Liang approached, Lin Chen asked him, "How many years has He Liang's tricycle been riding?"

The villager didn't notice Lin Chen and the others just now, after hearing the words, he looked at Lin Chen up and down, and said, "That broken car must have been around for three or four years. I heard him say before that it needs to be replaced by a tricycle. Yes, but I haven't changed it yet, I can't help it, I only know how to make money, but I don't know how to spend money."

After the villager finished speaking, he saw that the three of Lin Chen were policemen, and asked why the policemen had to go door to door to find shoes.

Zhang Tian'an perfunctory to the villager, and did not tell him the real reason.

Immediately, the villager left with his hands on his back, and Lin Chen still looked in the direction He Liang left.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tiannan looked at each other, Miao Yunfei asked, "What's the matter, why did you ask the villager about He Liang's tricycle?"

"Yes." Zhang Tianan said, "Is there any problem with He Liang's tricycle?"

Lin Chen shook his head, without explaining anything to the two girls, and continued walking towards the village together.

As the three approached the village director Wang Chungen's house, there was a roar of engines from outside the village.

That was when the police support from the county public security bureau arrived, and the captain of the criminal police was already waiting at the entrance of the village, and the policemen who arrived one by one got out of the car.

After all the policemen got out of the car and stood up neatly, the captain of the criminal police began to explain the purpose of letting them come, and sent the photo of the shoe print to their mobile phones, one to two, two to four. Well, soon all the police officers will have a photo of that shoe print on their phones.

Immediately, the police started from the entrance of the village and searched for shoes from house to house, putting aside the shoes that did not look like them, and leaving some similar shoes for further verification.

"The police force from the county seat has arrived and the search has begun." Zhang Tianai said.

Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen sideways at this moment, and said, "Lin Chen, what have you discovered so far, right? Can you tell us what you have discovered?"

Lin Chen responded indifferently: "Everything I'm doing now is just reasoning, and there is no solid evidence."

Zhang Tian'an seemed to hear something at this moment, her eyes lit up slightly, and she said, "Oh, by the way, Lin Chen, when we were downstairs at Officer Luo's house in the morning, when you said something about Officer Luo, you can't rule out one. A possibility, what possibility is it?"

Miao Yunfei didn't know about this, so she asked Zhang Tianan about Officer Luo.

Zhang Tianan immediately told her that when they arrived at the police officer Luo Heshu's house in the morning, Luo Heshu kept saying that the murderer might be a woman, and asked Lin Chen and the others to find the murderer in the direction of a woman.

But the high-heeled shoes on the feet of the deceased have been found, and the owner of the high-heeled shoes is not the murderer.

After learning that the owner of the high-heeled shoes had been found, Luo Heshu's facial expressions were a little weird at that time, so Zhang Tiannan had some doubts about that Luo Heshu.

When Luo Heshu sent his daughter back to the kindergarten, Zhang Tianai and Lin Chen discussed, Lin Chen said that there is a possibility, and just wanted to continue, but Luo Heshu came out of the kindergarten, so he didn't say anything. .

Now after Zhang Tiannan asked, Lin Chen said: "Actually it's nothing, I can't rule out a possibility, it's Luo Heshu's personal guess, that is, he feels that the murderer has never been caught, because the murderer is a woman, he We wanted to catch the murderer, so let's go in the direction that the murderer was a woman, and when he heard that the owner of the high heels had found out that he was not the murderer, he felt that his sworn guess had been overturned, and he felt very embarrassed..."

After listening to Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tian'an frowned: "Does he really think the murderer is a woman... or does he deliberately mislead us like this?"

"That one-armed policeman seems to have done a good job in Qiulin County, he should be fine, right?" Miao Yunfei interjected.

"Well, at first we didn't think there was anything wrong with him, that is, when talking about his wife's problems, Officer Luo's face would always become weird and incomprehensible," Zhang Tianan said.

The three of them talked and walked, and many villagers passed by the three of them.

At this time, a well-dressed woman walked towards the three of them quickly. .


271 Two rooms [4 more subscriptions]

This beautifully dressed woman was winking at Lin Chen at home, and rubbing against Lin Chen's wife Wang Chungen with her legs.

Wang Chungen's wife was blushing at the moment, her long hair was neatly combed, and although there were crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, her face was very good-looking, with a smile at the corners of her mouth, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Officer Lin, Officer Zhang, you are here." Wang Chungen's wife greeted Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannan.

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