Lin Chen and the others naturally saw Wang Chungen's wife, and nodded slightly to greet her.

After Zhang Tianan saw her, he immediately stepped forward a few steps and asked, "We knocked on your door just now, aren't you at home?"

When Wang Chungen's wife heard the words, she reached out and fiddled with her long hair, and said, "Oh, are you knocking on the door? I'm sleeping, but I didn't hear you knocking on the door."

"It turned out to be sleeping." Zhang Tiannan nodded and asked, "Then did you get the clothes I put on the doorknob?"

"I got it." Wang Chungen's wife nodded, indicating that she got the clothes.

Zhang Tianan thanked her for wearing her clothes last night and thanked her for wearing her clothes for herself.

Just after saying thank you, Zhang Tianan suddenly seemed to remember something, she said: "Oh, by the way, Director Wang didn't go to He Liang's house yesterday and asked him to leave a pig's front leg, saying that he would come home today. Relatives? How..."

The meaning of Zhang Tianwen's words is obvious, that is, since you have relatives at home today, why are you still sleeping in the house?

When Wang Chungen's wife heard the words, she smiled slightly, looked outside the village, and said, "Oh, this, my relatives are here. Our old Wang took them to the city for shopping, and they haven't come back yet. Time should come back."

Zhang Tianyu nodded, indicating that he understood.

Immediately, Wang Chungen's wife asked why there were so many police officers in the village all of a sudden. She ran out of the house precisely because she heard many engine noises.

Zhang Tianan explained it to her casually, without going into details.

Miao Yunfei's cell phone rang at this time, she glanced at the caller ID, it was Qiu Junbang, so she walked aside to answer the call.

Lin Chen looked at Wang Chungen's wife and said, "It's very tiring to walk around all day. Can I go to your house for a drink and sit for a while?"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tian'an immediately became a little unhappy. Last night, Wang Chungen's wife deliberately rubbed him, but Zhang Tian'an was still not very happy.

Why is Lin Chen still taking the initiative to go to Wang Chungen's house to sit, and Wang Chungen is not at home.

"Okay, you police comrades worked hard to handle the case. Come and sit at our house for a while. What's the matter? Come and come." Wang Chungen's wife warmly greeted Lin Chen to sit in the house.

Lin Chen stepped forward, and Zhang Tianai followed.

After Miao Yunfei received Qiu Junbang's call, Qiu Junbang said that she had something to host. She glanced at Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan who walked into Director Wang's house, shook her head, and Miao Yunfei turned towards the village entrance. go.

Yesterday, Lin Chen, Zhang Tianan, Luo Heshu and the others just went to the kitchen of Wang Chungen's house, but they haven't been to the main hall.

After entering the main hall, Wang Chungen's wife greeted Lin Chen and Zhang Tian'an to sit down. She asked Lin Chen if he wanted to drink tea or plain water, and Lin Chen said plain water was fine.

"Then you sit here for a while, and I'll go to the kitchen to pour water for you." Wang Chungen's wife said, and walked towards the kitchen outside. Today, her eyes did not stay on Lin Chen.

As soon as Wang Chungen's wife left, Lin Chen immediately stood up from her seat. There was a room on each side of the main hall. Lin Chen walked to the door of the room on the left, and saw that there was a lot of furniture in the room, and he tidied it up very well. Clean and tidy, it should be Wang Chungen and his wife's bedroom.

Wang Chungen's house is in good condition. Many things in the bedroom are new, but the quilt on the chuang is a little irregular. There is a pillow next to it, and there is a flashlight next to the chuang.

Zhang Tian'an also came over and said, "This Director Wang's bedroom is really unique. That chuang looks quite expensive."

Lin Chen didn't speak, walked to the door of the house on the right of the main hall, and glanced inside.

Compared with Wang Chungen's bedroom, this room is far worse. Although it is clean, it has no furniture. It is an ordinary chuang, the quilt on the chuang is neat, and there is a flat pillow on the quilt.

· · Flowers · ·

Under the chuang, there were two pairs of men's shoes. After Lin Chen looked at the room, he returned to his seat and sat down.

Zhang Tianai didn't speak, but Lin Chen suddenly wanted to come to Wang Chungen's house to drink water. After Wang Chungen's wife went to pour the water, Lin Chen immediately went to check their house. Zhang Tianai felt that Lin Chen should have his intentions for doing this. , instead of simply thirsty, want to drink some water, and then look at how other people's houses are decorated.

As soon as the two sat down, Wang Chungen's wife walked in with two bowls of warm water.

She brought the water to Lin Chen and Zhang Tian'an, then took a step back and started gossiping with them.

...... .......

Lin Chen drank the water in the bowl in one gulp. While the three were chatting, several people walked in outside the main hall. One of them was Wang Chungen, and the other two, a man and a woman, were all elderly.

These two are the uncles and aunts of Wang Chungen's wife. They came over for a light meal today and will be back in a while.

After seeing Lin Chen and Zhang Tian'an, Wang Chungen was not surprised, because now the whole village is being searched by police from house to house.

Wang Chungen's wife said to him: "The police want us to take out all the shoes, you hurry up to find them, don't miss them."

"Okay." Wang Chungen nodded, then went to look for shoes.

In fact, there is no need to check Wang Chungen's house, because it was impossible for Wang Chungen and his daughter-in-law to go up the mountain that night, but Wang Chungen had already found it, so Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai compared them, and the result was naturally expected.

Wang Chungen wanted to stay with Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannan for dinner, but the two refused with a smile and walked out of his house.

After walking out of the door for a distance, Zhang Tianan muttered: "Last night, Wang Chungen's wife was still so dissolute, with those eyes staring at you and rubbing her feet against you. Didn't you see it too much?"

Lin Chen shrugged and said, "How do I know."

"Could it be that after we left last night, Wang Chungen beat his wife?" Zhang Tianan murmured: "But it's not like, Wang Chungen's wife has no injuries on her face, looking at Wang Chungen's way, it doesn't look like she has beaten his wife. .".


272 The Murderer's Provocation [5 More Subscriptions]

A mysterious smile flashed on Lin Chen's face, and he said, "whatever you do, let's go."

"Where are you going now?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

"Well... go to Lijia Village." Lin Chen said.

The two immediately arrived at the entrance of the village, just as Luo Heshu was also there, looking for Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan.

Luo Heshu was sent to Lin Chen by Director Liu to assist Lin Chen in finding clues, and the wound on his hand was all right.

Immediately, the three got into the car and went straight to Lijia Village.

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