Lin Chen said that the sixth deceased was not killed by Wang Chungen, which caused a lot of shock among the police. Now that he said that the fourth deceased was not the same, the expressions on the faces of the police seemed very exciting.

Lin Chen quickly found other photos in the bag, he looked at Wang Chungen, and said, "Director Wang, in the rainy night serial murder case, there are a total of six dead, four of them were killed by you, and the other two were killed by others. kill, right?"

After Wang Chungen slapped his wife, his mood gradually stabilized. The expression on his face was fine, but his eyes were filled with despair.

"I..." Wang Chungen opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he just said one word of me, and he couldn't say anything after that.

"You can't say it, (bbbg) it doesn't matter, I'll prove that you only killed four people." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he asked a police officer to move a table.

After the policeman heard the words, he immediately moved out a table from Wang Chungen's house.

The table was placed in front of Lin Chen and Wang Chungen, and Lin Chen began to put a paper photo on the table.

The photos were plastic-sealed, so he was not afraid of getting wet from the rain. After Lin Chen put all the photos he needed on the table, he said, "As I said just now, the three deceased people a year or two ago, the ten people in their room. The zigzag incision is very neat, it is a complete [-]-degree right angle, and the nails of the three hands are neatly trimmed."

Everyone looked at the photos of the first three dead, everything was just as Lin Chen said.

Seeing that he pointed to the photo of the fourth deceased, he said, "Everyone, pay attention to the photo of the fourth deceased, that is, Li Erya."

"The wound in Li Erya's room is different from the first three deceased. The first three deceased are in the shape of a 'cross' at ninety degrees, while the wound in Wang Erya's room is in a slanted 'X' shape. Ya's nails, Li Erya's nails are uneven, with Wang Chungen's pursuit of perfection and cleanliness style."

"If Li Erya was killed by him, the wound on Li Erya's mouth would definitely be in the shape of a 'cross' instead of an 'X' shape, and the nails on Li Erya's hands would also be cut off."

Miao Yunfei, Director Liu, and the others are no strangers to the photos on the table. After Lin Chen said this, they noticed this little detail. Indeed, the wounds of the first three deceased were in the shape of a 'cross', and Li Erya's wound is 'X' shaped with a slight gap.

"This slight difference...I haven't paid much attention..." Director Liu shook his head and sighed.

Now Director Liu's heart is full of joy, Wang Chungen has almost confessed his guilt, and he can't escape if he doesn't plead guilty. As for the other murderer that Lin Chen said, Lin Chen must already know who it is.

But at this moment, behind Director Liu, a questioning voice came: "Mr. Lin, your judgment seems to be wrong."

After hearing these words, Director Liu, Miao Yunfei and the others immediately turned their heads to look behind, and saw that it was the policeman in charge of taking pictures who said this.

When everyone thought that Lin Chen's analysis was right, he said that Lin Chen's judgment seemed to be wrong, which made many people focus on him.

"Why is my judgment wrong?" Lin Chen looked at the policeman and asked.

The policeman glanced at Chief Liu cautiously, and being watched by so many eyes, he seemed very nervous and hesitated, but he still said: "The sixth deceased I found in the woods by the field just now was the one who took her photo. Yes, I've seen it, the nails of the deceased were trimmed, and the wound in Ru's room was also cross-shaped, not an 'X' shape, why do you say that the sixth deceased was not killed by Wang Chungen?"


285 Have feelings with pigs [4 more for subscription]

After hearing this, Director Liu immediately said to the police officer who was in charge of taking the photo: "Come out and take a look at the photo."

"Okay, Director Liu." The policeman felt that he might be able to overturn Lin Chen's inference, and he was somewhat excited. After all, others didn't pay attention, it was him who noticed.

He turned on the digital camera beside him and enlarged the photos he took to show Director Liu Miao Yunfei-they.

Immediately, Miao Yunfei, Director Liu and the others, saw the close-up picture of the sixth deceased.

The wound in the sixth deceased's mouth opened in a cruciform shape, in the shape of a standard cross, not the 'X'-shaped wound of the fourth deceased.

In addition, there is a close-up picture of the deceased's hands. In the picture, the nails of the deceased's hands are neatly trimmed and clean.

Judging from the wound on the xiong mouth and the neat nails, the sixth deceased is similar to the first three and the fifth deceased.

Lin Chen said that the fourth deceased was not killed by Wang Chungen, which was reasonable, but the sixth deceased was very similar to Wang Chungen's.

Zhang Tianan also leaned over, and after reading the close-up photos, her brows slightly wrinkled, could it be that Lin Chen remembered it wrong?Of the six deceased, only Li Erya was killed by others. The five deceased 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 were all killed by Wang Chungen?

When the policeman who took the photo saw the expressions on Chief Liu and their faces, he felt a little smug in his heart.

Although their common goal was to solve the case, when Lin Chen was right and no one refuted it, he was the only one who found something wrong.

"Lin Chen... You said that the fourth Li Erya and the sixth deceased were killed by others, but the wounds and nails of the sixth deceased are the same as the first three and fifth." Miao Yun Fei pointed to the photo on the digital camera and said.

Many police officers thought that Lin Chen's face would become a little ugly, but Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Just when Lin Chen was about to speak, he saw that the group of onlookers suddenly dispersed, and a group of policemen came from among the dispersed villagers.

Among the group of police officers, the one-armed police officer Luo Heshu was the one-armed policeman. At the scene of the fifth deceased's crime, Luo Heshu led the team to the funeral home to check the funeral home and the old man.

The arrival of Luo Heshu and his party stopped Lin Chen, who was about to continue talking. Looking at Luo Heshu, Lin Chen's eyes were very indifferent.

"Lao Luo, haven't there been any news from the funeral home?" Director Liu asked with a smile.

After Luo Heshu saw the smile on Director Liu's face, his brows wrinkled unconsciously, and said, "Well... Director Liu, after investigation at the funeral home, the whereabouts of several personnel are quite suspicious. I have asked people to bring those suspicious persons back to the Public Security Bureau for interrogation."

"No need." Lin Chen's voice sounded, his voice was not small, not only the police present heard it, but the villagers over there could also hear it clearly.

Luo Heshu was slightly stunned and asked, "Mr. Lin, why don't you use it?"

The police behind Luo Heshu were also a little puzzled. After they went to the funeral home just now, they conducted a very careful investigation.

"The old man in the funeral home and anyone you think are suspicious can all let them go." Lin Chen said.

"Uh..." Luo Heshu asked, "Mr. Lin, what you said... Have you caught the murderer?"


Director Liu pointed at Wang Chungen in front of Lin Chen and said, "The murderer of the rainy night serial murder case has been found, it is Director Wang of Wangjiacun. He is very cunning and chose to commit the crime in the rainy night, but unfortunately, he committed the crime this time. A fatal mistake."

Director Liu and his assistant simply told Luo Heshu and others about the matter. After hearing that the murderer had been identified, Luo Heshu and the others showed excited smiles on their faces.

"That's great, the murderer was so arrogant. He killed two dead people in a row last night, and pointed at our police for provocation. Now he's finally caught." A policeman behind Luo Heshu said.

"I didn't expect that the murderer was actually a village director. It was really hidden." Another policeman said.

"Chief, are you going to handcuff him now?" a more aggressive young police officer asked.

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