Director Liu waved his hand and said, "No hurry, Mr. Lin said that the murderer of the rainy night serial murder case is not only Wang Chungen, but also a murderer!"

Hearing this, Luo Heshu raised his head abruptly, and said in great surprise, "There is another murderer? This... There are two murderers in the rainy night serial murder case?"

· · Flowers · ·

"Yes." Director Liu nodded.

Luo Heshu and the team of police officers behind him, just like the police officers before, showed incredible expressions.

"Who is the other murderer?" Luo Heshu looked at Lin Chen and asked.

Miao Yunfei said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, you asked us to bring the butcher He Liang over here. In my opinion, do you think the other murderer of the rainy night serial murder case is this He Liang?"

Following Miao Yunfei's words, many eyes turned to He Liang's body.

He Liang was so frightened when he heard this, he pointed his finger at Miao Yunfei's nose and said, "You... don't talk nonsense, I... how could I be the murderer of the rainy night serial murder case, don't wrong me what!"


He Liang seemed very flustered at the moment. He held an umbrella in one hand and took a step back subconsciously with his legs.

When the police next to him saw this, they immediately surrounded him to prevent him from having a chance to escape.

The police suspected He Liang, but the villagers onlookers didn't respond. After all, He Liang was usually a grumpy person in their eyes, and often slaughtered pigs and sheep. This kind of person is violent, and it is possible to kill people. .

"You're not a murderer?" Zhang Tianan stared at He Liang with a scrutiny, and said, "Since you're not a murderer, tell me, why are there piles of pig bones in the closet in your room?"

"Pig bones in the closet?" He Liang was stunned for a moment, and then said loudly, "Hey, comrade police, the pile of pig bones in my closet is just my personal hobby, and that pig was raised by me. , I have feelings for it."

"Have a relationship with a pig?" Another policeman said, "Have a relationship with a pig, and you want to kill that pig?"

"I...I..." He Liang frowned, and I said a few words, "I'm really not a murderer, I've never killed anyone, and I've never raped them, cut their ruts. How can I do such a disgusting thing."

Facing the police's questioning, He Liang was very flustered. At this time, Lin Chen said, "Don't make it hard for him, he is not the murderer of the rainy night serial murder case.".


286 The thread on the clothes [5 more for subscription]

After Lin Chen came to the village, he ordered the police to bring He Liang from home, and then went straight to Wang Chungen's door.

Since Lin Chen called He Liang, there must be a need for him to come.

After hearing Lin Chen say that the other murderer in the rainy night serial murder case was not He Liang, Director Liu, Miao Yunfei and the others were slightly stunned.

"Isn't the other murderer He Liang?" Zhang Tianai asked Lin Chen.

"He's not." Lin Chen replied with certainty.

He Liang heard the words, the sadness on his face relaxed, and he said with joy: "This young police comrade is very wise, I am indeed not the murderer, the murderer is someone else."

"He Liang is not the murderer?" Miao Yunfei asked in confusion, "Who is the murderer?"

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tiannan were a little confused. Since He Liang was not another murderer of the "Five Ninety" in the Yu Ye serial murder case, why did Lin Chen call him here before?

Director Liu remembered Lin Chen's interrupted question before, and he asked again: "Mr. Lin, you said before that the fourth and sixth deceased were killed by others, but the wounds on the sixth deceased's body and What Wang Chungen killed before is very similar, why do you say that the sixth deceased was not done by Wang Chungen?"

It was this question that made everyone curious just now. It was the arrival of Luo Heshu and his party that interrupted the topic.

"Well, the sixth deceased, judging from the neatness of her wounds and nails, is very similar to those killed by Wang Chungen." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "But There are details on the two bodies that you didn't notice."

"What details?" a policeman asked hastily.

Lin Chen glanced at the policeman, he didn't rush to speak, but looked at Luo Heshu who had only one arm, standing there, and said, "Officer Luo, are there any policemen on the fourth and sixth deceased? You should know the details you noticed, right?"


Luo Heshu asked with a stunned expression, "Mr. Lin, what do you mean...?"

When everyone was wondering why Lin Chen said this to Luo Heshu, Lin Chen spoke quickly, he said, "I mean, another one of the rainy night serial murder case killed Li Erya and the sixth deceased. The murderer is none other than Officer Luo, you."

Lin Chen's words were heard by the police in Qiulin County, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a bolt from the blue.

Luo Heshu is a police officer of the Qiulin County Criminal Police Brigade. Although he lacks an arm and is an unsound person, his work attitude and seriousness are all seen by his colleagues.

It can be said that if the criminal police team were to select the most diligent and hardworking police officers, Luo Heshu would definitely be ranked in the top three.

Now Lin Chen said that Luo Heshu was the second murderer of the rainy night serial murder case, which made it difficult for the police in Qiulin County to accept it for a while.

Just like the villagers in Wangjia Village, they didn't believe Director Wang was a murderer at first.

Wang Chungen, who was standing opposite Lin Chen, raised his head abruptly after hearing what Lin Chen said, and looked at Luo Heshu, his eyes looked very terrifying.

"Lin...Mr. Lin..." After Luo Heshu was shocked, he opened his mouth and said, "Are you mistaken, I am another murderer of the rainy night serial murder case? Hehe, could you? Say something like that?"

The other policemen also started talking, and they felt that the murderer should not be Luo Heshu.

After Director Liu was shocked, he also said hesitantly: "That... Mr. Lin... Lao Luo is an excellent detective of our criminal police team, he..."

Before Director Liu finished speaking, Lin Chen pointed at Wang Chungen and said, "Then Wang Chungen is still an excellent village director, why would he become a murderer, but not Luo Heshu, an excellent detective in your criminal police team?"

Director Liu was stunned by what Lin Chen said, and for a while he didn't know what to say to respond to Lin Chen.

"Mr. Lin." Luo Heshu sighed and said, "I don't know where I offended you. Bureau Liu sent me to you to help you solve the case. I didn't expect to assist you in the problem."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Officer Luo, I won't wrong someone for no reason. Let me ask you, do you remember, did you accompany me to the funeral home in the county town yesterday morning?"

"Remember." Luo Heshu said: "You said you wanted to check the bodies of the four victims, so I took you and Officer Zhang to the funeral home's corpse freezer to check the four bodies."


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