Miao Yunfei hung up the phone and asked Lin Chen, "That Liang Xiaochuan from Daliang Village woke up, do you want to ask him why he was watching you in the mountains?"

Lin Chen thought of Liang Xiaochuan who was running fast in the forest, frowned slightly, and said, "Let's go and have a look."


305 Picked up binoculars [2 more for subscription]

Several people immediately got into Lin Chen's black Audi Q5 and headed towards the hospital in Qiulin County.

After arriving at the hospital, he quickly came to the ward where Liang Xiaochuan was staying.

Liang Xiaochuan has mental problems, and his running speed and strength are not small. He is in a simple single-person ward. At the door of the ward, there is a policeman from Qiulin County and a criminal policeman from the special team.

This morning, after Liang Xiaochuan woke up and turned around, the detective from the task force immediately called Miao Yunfei.

"Team Leader Miao." Seeing Miao Yunfei, the detective from the task force immediately greeted him, and also greeted Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan.

Without saying much, Lin Chen pushed the door directly and walked into this simple single-person ward.

At this moment Liang Xiaochuan, he is sitting on the chuang of the ward, his eyes are a little dull, looking around from time to time, seeing that he has some mental problems.

After seeing Lin Chen and his party coming in, Liang Xiaochuan shrank back in fright, and his dull eyes showed deep timidity.

Liang Xiaochuan's body was trembling slightly, and his eyes on Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tiannan were fine, but when he looked at Lin Chen, he looked very scared.

He would be like this, perhaps because Lin Chen chased him twice.

The detective of the task force knew that Lin Chen was about to start interrogation, so he took out his mobile phone and photographed the interrogation scene.

"Remember me?" Lin Chen asked Liang Xiaochuan.

Liang Xiaochuan shook his head, nodded again, and said in a low voice, "You...you are the one chasing me."

"Don't hit me, I didn't look at you, I didn't look at you..." Liang Xiaochuan looked very scared.

"Yeah." Lin Chen felt that although Liang Xiaochuan's spirit was problematic, at this moment, his thinking was quite clear, and he said, "Don't worry, we are the police and won't hurt you, just tell us, Why are you standing in the distance and peeping at us with binoculars."

Liang Xiaochuan put on his hospital clothes, and the nurse wiped his dirty body briefly. It didn't smell so bad, but his hair was so long that some of it covered his eyes.

Lin Chen comforted him a few words, and when he calmed down and was asked this question again, Liang Xiaochuan said with a dull eye: "My sister-in-law was killed, my brother is very sad, I see my brother is very sad. Sad, I'm sad too, I don't want my brother to be sad, I want to catch that bad guy."

"Then why are you following us and looking at us with a telescope?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

This Liang Xiaochuan didn't seem to go to see other policemen, but just monitored himself and Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at Zhang Tian'an and said, "It's obvious."

"What's the reason?" Zhang Tian'an didn't react.

Lin Chen looked at Liang Xiaochuan, and said lightly, "The first time he looked at us from a distance on that hill, the second time he was hiding in the forest by the roadside to watch us, except you were by my side these two times. , and one more person."

"Luo Heshu!" Zhang Tianan immediately thought of Xiaohui's father.

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "If I guessed correctly, he will follow us because Luo Heshu was seen by Liang Xiaochuan from a distance when he killed the fourth deceased, Li Erya. , he thought Luo Heshu was the murderer of his sister-in-law."

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei looked at each other, and the two women felt that Lin Chen's speculation was very reasonable.

Under questioning, Liang Xiaochuan also told the truth...

Liang Xiaochuan has mental problems and his IQ is not high. After seeing his sister-in-law's death, he did not shed a single tear.

Seeing his brother kneeling in front of his sister-in-law and crying bitterly, Liang Xiaochuan also cried uncomfortably. Although his brother was not good to him, he beat him and scolded him with his sister-in-law, and did not give him anything to eat.

But deep in Liang Xiaochuan's memory, he always regarded Liang Dachuan as the older brother who would take care of him and treat him well.

In the past, Liang Xiaochuan destroyed other people's bamboo shoots because he helped others see the bamboo forest. That time, he was almost beaten to death by Liang Dachuan. After that time, Liang Xiaochuan often ran into the forest.

He sat on the ground in a daze, he climbed to the tree to cry, he was very sad, his brother seemed not as good as when he was a child, he leaned on the trunk to sleep when he was sleepy, and picked wild fruits or grass to eat when he was hungry.

He helped others to see the bamboo forest and destroyed the bamboo shoots. Besides his confusion, there was another reason, that is, Liang Xiaochuan was too hungry.

When he couldn't run, he dug out the bamboo shoots with his hands, peeled off the skin, and sat on the ground, nibbling on the bamboo shoots.

Bamboo shoots are eaten just like that, and the taste is not good, but Liang Xiaochuan eats it very fragrantly.

After being beaten by his brother, Liang Xiaochuan didn't dare to dig up bamboo shoots to eat, so he could only go into the deep forest, because there were orchards planted by others there.

He often stole other people's fruit to eat. In the forest, he was bitten by insects, stung by bees, and once bitten by snakes.

It was a snake that was not very poisonous. After Liang Xiaochuan was bitten, he ran desperately, then fell to the ground and passed out.

Liang Xiaochuan didn't know how long he had been in a coma. He woke up only after the sky started to rain. He felt very uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth and insisted, and sneaked back into the room through the small door of the simple wooden house.

When Liang Dachuan went into his house to get firewood for cooking, he saw Liang Xiaochuan lying on the chuang dirty and shaking, and he beat Liang Xiaochuan with firewood angrily.

At that time, Liang Xiaochuan still had poison from poisonous snakes in his body. He was very uncomfortable. His brother beat him again. Liang Xiaochuan just lay on chua807ng and cried. A man in his thirties cried no different from a child.

On the night of the torrential rain, Liang Xiaochuan picked up a binoculars discarded by others from a trash can in the county seat.

He is very happy, this toy is very interesting, can make far away, become very close.

He hung the binoculars around his neck and did not bring an umbrella. Braving the heavy rain, he happily walked to Daliang Village.

As he walked, he saw Luo Heshu's murder.

Liang Xiaochuan approached quietly and hid in a dark place. He picked up the telescope around his neck and saw everything Luo Heshu had done.

Liang Xiaochuan was terrified. Luo Heshu was a ghost and a devil in his eyes. He ran away after reading it. In the heavy rain, Liang Xiaochuan who ran back to Daliang Village did not know how many somersaults he fell. Started to have a fever.

When the task force and the police in Qiulin County went to Wangjiacun with a lot of movement, Liang Xiaochuan heard the siren, so he went into the forest and found Luo Heshu with the binoculars.

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