"My sister-in-law is gone, my brother is very sad, I don't want him to be sad, I want him to laugh." Liang Xiaochuan said.

Zhang Tiannan looked at this man with a low IQ, and felt uneasy in his heart.

Liang Dachuan treated him like that, but Liang Xiaochuan only remembered Liang Dachuan who treated him well when he was a child. .


306 There is no suspicion [3 more subscriptions]

Some people say that innocent and pure children will not lie, and Liang Xiaochuan, who is in his thirties, has no doubts about his mental age and children.

He ran in the forest, was bitten by mosquitoes, and stung by bees. In his young mind, he had only one purpose, that is, to find the bad guy who killed his sister-in-law and make his brother happy.

But in the eyes of normal people, what he did was useless.

Liang Xiaochuan's narration is very vague. Let me say it here and mention it there, but Lin Chen and the others can still connect everything he said.

Liang Xiaochuan's stomach grumbled from time to time. At this time, the policeman who was going to buy him fast food came back.

The police put the fast food in front of Liang Xiaochuan. The fast food box was opened. There was a chicken leg and some meat in the box. Liang Xiaochuan's eyes lit up.

He ate so deliciously that he chewed and swallowed the bones of the chicken legs.

In the past, when he was hungry, he had nothing to eat. He could only eat dry wild fruits and vegetables, or bamboo shoots that came out of the ground. The food his brother and sister-in-law gave him were leftovers, and there was no food at all.

The fast food in front of him, to him, is simply a delicacy in the world.

Everyone watched Liang Xiaochuan finish the lunch, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan both had pity in their eyes, Lin Chen looked at him and asked, "Are you still hungry?"

Hearing this, Liang Xiaochuan nodded, then shook his head in fear.

Lin Chen stood up and said to the police officer in Qiulin County, "He's not suspected anymore, let him be discharged from the hospital, and then take him to have a good meal, get a haircut, and buy a few sets of clothes."

Lin Chen said, stuffed [-] yuan into the policeman's hands, and copied the video of him just now to his mobile phone.

After doing this, Lin Chen walked out of the hospital.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan followed Lin Chen. Seeing that Lin Chen was walking fast, Miao Yunfei asked, "Where are you going?"

Lin Chen said without turning his head, "Go to Daliang Village~¨."

The two women understood Lin Chen's purpose in going to Daliang Village, and immediately followed behind Lin Chen, and Luo Xiaohui followed obediently.

After getting in the car, several people soon came to Daliang Village.

After getting off the bus, Zhang Tianan muttered, "I don't know if that Liang Dachuan is at home."

Luo Xiaohui was left in the car, and a group of three walked towards Liang Dachuan's house.

After arriving at the door of Liang Dachuan's house, Liang Dachuan was chopping firewood with an axe in the yard. The firewood that had been chopped was all piled up in the wooden house where Liang Xiaochuan lived.

"Liang Dachuan." Lin Chen called him.

After Liang Dachuan heard the words, he gently put down the raised axe, turned his head and glanced here.

He didn't know Lin Chen, but he knew Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan, and knew that the police were here.

Liang Dachuan came over and asked, "Comrade police, what's the matter?"

"Your brother is now under the control of our police, don't you care?" Zhang Tianan asked.

Although Liang Xiaochuan is stupid, he is kind by nature. Although this Liang Dachuan is normal, his actions, beating his own younger brother, are really not a good thing.

After hearing this, Liang Dachuan pouted and said, "I watched the news last night. Didn't you catch the real murderer? He will be released by you soon. What am I worried about?"

"What do you think of your brother?" Lin Chen asked.

"How about what?" Liang Dachuan said.

"Is that why you think he's a burden?"

"Hmm... that's it."

Lin Chen smiled, took out his mobile phone, and found the video he just recorded.

The mobile phone started to play the scene of Lin Chen interrogating Liang Xiaochuan in the ward just now, and Liang Xiaochuan's narration.

"Hold it." Lin Chen handed the phone to Liang Dachuan.

When Liang Dachuan saw that it was his younger brother, he reached out and took it.

Liang Dachuan looked at it casually at first, not particularly curious about the content inside.

But when Liang Xiaochuan spoke his heart out, he said that he saw his brother was sad, and he was also sad, and when he wanted to make his brother happy, Liang Dachuan was a little ecstatic.

The video is playing, but no one speaks.

After the video was finished, Lin Chen reached out and took back his mobile phone, he stared at Liang Dachuan and said, "You often beat your brother, don't give him food, or give him some leftovers, you treat him everything. It's bad, he didn't even remember it, he always remembered you who was good to him when he was a child."

Liang Dachuan was stunned, unable to say a word.

"Although he is stupid, he thinks about you everywhere. Although you are normal, you have never treated him well." Lin Chen's tone was calm, without any emotions mixed in, he said, "Think about it yourself, It's your brother after all."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't say any more, and walked towards the outside.

Zhang Tianan glanced at Liang Dachuan who lowered his head and said, "If you still have any conscience, treat your brother a little bit better in the future. He was bitten by a snake that time, and you didn't ask anything when you came back. I beat him up and said that you and the beast are undoubtedly not scolding you."

Miao Yunfei didn't speak, and the two of them walked out immediately.

After the three left, Liang Dachuan raised his head with a very complicated look in his eyes. He slowly sat on the ground and looked at the firewood house where Liang Xiaochuan had always lived for a long time.

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