
Luo Xiaohui was sitting in the car waiting for Lin Chen and the others. She was very well-behaved, holding a newly bought comic book for her, which she read with great interest.

After seeing Lin Chen, she called, "Brother, you're back."

"Well." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Is the book good-looking?"

"It's beautiful." Luo Xiaohui laughed, and when she smiled, those big eyes narrowed into crescent-shaped eyes, very cute.

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei also walked to the car, and Lin Chen asked Luo Xiaohui, "Do you know the words above?" (Wang Lihao)

"I don't know." Luo Xiaohui pointed at the cartoon and said, "I can only read the pattern, I can't understand these words, brother, can you tell me?"

Zhang Tianan opened the car door, reached out and touched Luo Xiaohui's head, and said, "Brother wants to drive, elder sister will tell you."

Immediately, Lin Chen started the car and drove it to the county seat of Qiulin County.


Lin Chen gave the policeman [-] yuan. After the policeman went through the discharge procedures for Liang Xiaochuan, he took Liang Xiaochuan to have his hair cut and bought some clothes.

Liang Xiaochuan put on new clothes, he smiled happily, and the policemen in police uniforms followed him, and he also behaved very honestly.

After the police gave Liang Xiaochuan a good meal, they sent him back.

When Liang Dachuan saw his younger brother again, his attitude towards him had obviously changed. Under Lin Chen's explanation, the policeman from Qiulin County taught Liang Dachuan a few words severely. .


307 Don't buy shoes [4 more for subscription]

The words Lin Chen and the others said to Liang Dachuan might not have any effect, but the warning given by the local police in Qiulin County was very useful.

The policeman said that he would occasionally come over in the future, and if he found that Liang Dachuan beat Liang Xiaochuan again, he would be held legally responsible.

Liang Dachuan said that he would not be like before, and sent the police away with great gratitude.

After the police left, Liang Dachuan returned home and found that Liang Xiaochuan was gone.

He walked into the firewood house and found that Liang Xiaochuan was sitting on the smelly chuang in the firewood house, happily playing with the newly bought clothes.

Liang Xiaochuan has not worn new clothes for many years.

Seeing this, Liang Dachuan said to Liang Xiaochuan, "Xiaochuan, you don't need to live here in the future. I'll go and clean up a room for you."


After Lin Chen and his party returned to the county town, Miao Yunfei, as the team leader of the task force, had something to deal with. Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai took Luo Xiaohui and wandered the street.

Lin Chen bought a hydrogen balloon for Xiaohui last night, but because of the bald man, the balloon flew away.

When shopping, Lin Chen bought another one for Xiaohui.

Holding the hydrogen balloon, Xiaohui was very happy.


Her little hands scratched on the clothes and said to Lin Chen, "Brother, can you tie the balloon to Xiaohui's clothes? I'm afraid it will fly away again."

Xiaohui was very sad when the balloon disappeared last night.

"Of course." Lin Chen crouched down and tied the balloon string to the corner of Xiaohui's clothes.

The hydrogen balloon flew upwards, tugging at the corner of Xiaohui's clothes from time to time, tied it to the corner of her clothes, and couldn't fly away again.

"Wow...wow..." Xiaohui raised her face and looked at the balloons floating above her head, she happily trotted again.

"Xiaohui, slow down, don't bump into people again." Zhang Tiannan saw Xiaohui running away, afraid that Xiaohui would fall, and hurriedly followed.

"Sister, Xiaohui understands, I won't run fast." Luo Xiaohui really didn't run fast. What happened last night made her still afraid.

Xiaohui trotted and raced against the hydrogen balloon floating above her head. At this moment, she was happy, and a balloon made her very satisfied.

After running for a while, Xiaohui gasped, and she was tired, so she stopped.

Lin Chen walked to Xiaohui and asked her, "Are you thirsty?"

Xiaohui looked at a (bbed) ice cream shop across the road. She was angry, pointed at the ice cream shop with her little finger, and asked Lin Chen, "Brother, can I have an ice cream?"

Lin Chen asked her what she liked to eat, and Xiaohui said without hesitation, "The sweetness of chocolate."

Lin Chen walked across the road, bought Xiaohui a chocolate-flavored ice cream, and handed the ice cream to Xiaohui. She immediately took it and said sweetly, thank you brother.

After taking a few bites of the ice cream, Xiaohui handed the ice cream to Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannan's mouths. She said, "Brother and sister, I have never eaten here, you can eat it."

Zhang Tianan touched Xiaohui's face and said, "Sister won't eat it, you can eat it."

Afterwards, the two took Xiaohui to the largest supermarket in the county. Lin Chen carried Xiaohui into the shopping cart, told Xiaohui what she wanted to eat, and bought it for her.

Xiaohui nodded like pounding garlic, as if she would buy a lot of things.

It was only when she was shopping in the supermarket that Xiaohui didn't say a word. When she walked to the chocolate shelf, she stretched out her little hand and pointed to the chocolates on the shelf: "Sister, I want a box of chocolates."

Zhang Tianan immediately brought her several boxes, but this little girl insisted that Zhang Tianan put the excess back, she had a box of chocolates.

Holding the box of chocolates, Xiaohui was very happy in the shopping cart. When they came to the area selling children's clothing, Zhang Tianan and Lin Chen bought Xiaohui some new clothes.

After buying the new clothes, Zhang Tianan said to Xiaohui, "Xiaohui, you can't wear slippers all the time, it's not easy to walk in slippers, my sister bought you a pair of sandals."

Xiaohui wanted new clothes, but Zhang Tianan didn't expect that she would not buy new shoes.

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