Seeing Xiaohui's insistence, Zhang Tianan asked, "Xiaohui, why don't you want new shoes, sandals are better than slippers."

Xiaohui glanced at the little cartoon slippers on her feet and said, "Sister, I like the shoes on my feet. My father bought them for me. When my father came to pick me up, he saw me wearing these slippers. He'll be very happy, you've already spent a lot of money, don't buy any more."

At Xiaohui's insistence, Zhang Tianan failed to buy her shoes in the end. The quality of the little cartoon slippers on Xiaohui's feet was not very good, but she liked them very much.

After coming out of the supermarket, Xiaohui walked in front with a balloon, Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan followed behind. When Miao Yunfei was not around, Zhang Tianan naturally took Lin Chen's arm.

"Lin Chen, Sister Yunfei and the others will leave for the city tomorrow, what about us?" Zhang Tianan tilted his head and asked Lin Chen.

Zhang Tian'an had a faint body fragrance on her body. When she held Lin Chen's arm, and when she was very close to him, the body fragrance Lin Chen smelled was particularly obvious.

Lin Chen took advantage of the situation to stop Zhang Tian's small waist. Zhang Tian'an is a criminal policeman, and he often exercises and trains. There is nothing to say about his figure, and there is not a trace of excess fat on his slender waist.

"Take Xiaohui around the county town well today, and we'll be leaving tomorrow." Lin Chen said.

Zhang Tianan thought for a while and asked, "Lin Chen, on the way back anyway, you can pass through Liuhe County, otherwise let's not go back to the city directly, let's go to my house."

Lin Chen saw Zhang Tiannan's thoughts, and asked with a smile, "Do you think your parents misunderstood the last time, this time we really have that kind of relationship, do you want to take me to see your parents again? "

"That's right." Zhang Tianan stood on tiptoe and kissed Lin Chen's mouth like a dragonfly: "Are you okay?"

"If you sleep with me tonight, I'll go." Lin Chen had a wicked smile on his face.

Zhang Tianai heard Lin Chen's words, and then looked at the smile on Lin Chen's face, she immediately tightened her slender legs.

Although Lin Chen was very gentle with him for the first time, Zhang Tianan was still a little nervous when he thought of doing that kind of thing with Lin Chen for the second time, afraid that he would feel uncomfortable walking after finishing it.

"No, I want to sleep with Xiaohui. After Xiaohui and my parents sleep at my house, I will accompany you." Zhang Tianan blinked.

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded, but did not continue the discussion on this topic.

On this day, Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan accompanied Xiaohui to play in the county town. After the second day, Lin Chen, Miao Yunfei and his party said goodbye to the leaders of Qiulin County and were ready to set off.

Miao Yunfei wanted to take Lin Chen's car, but after hearing that Lin Chen was going to Liuhe County, she didn't follow.

Before parting, Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen, and Zhu Chun said, "You go back to the city and give me a call, my father wants to ask you to sit at home."


PS: Write a few chapters for daily transitions, and start new plots and cases soon. .


308 The influence of the case [5 more for subscription]

Lin Chen made a phone call and asked people from the province to come directly to Qiulin County overnight. Miao Yunfei had already told Miao Zhengxiong about this.

In this regard, Miao Zhengxiong was also very shocked. In the public security bureau's information about Lin Chen, Lin Chen's family background was very ordinary. He originally thought that he was just a genius in solving crimes, but he didn't expect to have so much energy.

Lin Chen had been a guest at Miao Zhengxiong's house before, and this was the second time that Miao Zhengxiong had invited Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen heard Miao Yunfei's words, he said, "Okay, go back to Tianhai City to sit at your house."

Lin Chen's answer made Miao Yunfei a little happy. Lin Chen was willing to go to his house, which showed that he didn't care about himself as much as before.

"Well, then I'll go first." After Miao Yunfei finished speaking, she got into the car and left with Qiu Junbang and his party.

"Let's go too." Zhang Tianan hugged Luo Xiaohui and said "May [-]".

"Finally do something, don't rush." ​​Lin Chen said.

After speaking, Lin Chen drove to the Public Security Bureau. After arriving at the Public Security Bureau, he walked directly into Director Liu's office.

After Director Liu saw Lin Chen coming, he immediately got up and greeted Lin Chen.

Lin Chen immediately sat down in front of Director Liu and put a stack of money on the desk.

After seeing the stack of money, Director Liu looked a little dazed and asked, "Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"

Director Liu's first thought was that Lin Chen wanted to bribe himself, but there didn't seem to be a lot of money on the table. If he wanted to bribe, he wouldn't take this amount of money. Besides, Lin Chen didn't need to bribe himself.

Lin Chen said the reason and purpose of taking out the money. After listening to Director Liu, he nodded, saying that he understood and would do as Lin Chen said.

After seeing Director Liu's statement, Lin Chen didn't stop, turned around, walked out of the office, and left the County Public Security Bureau.

Zhang Tian'an and Luo Xiaohui were waiting for Lin Chen in the car. After seeing Lin Chen come out, Zhang Tian'an asked, "What are you going to do at the Public Security Bureau?"

"Two reasons, Officer Luo, Liang Xiaochuan." Lin Chen started the car and said, "Leave them some money."

Zhang Tian nodded knowingly, Liang Xiaochuan was very pitiful, Lin Chen left him some money because he wanted to help him, as for Luo Heshu, he probably wanted to let him live a little more in his last days inside, After all, Luo Heshu once also made a desperate contribution to this society.

Zhang Tianan glanced at Luo Xiaohui, who was sitting beside her. She was holding the comic book and looked at it with relish. She had read it countless times.

After Lin Chen drove the car to the gas station to fill up with gas, he drove onto the national highway, and finally entered the expressway. The car accelerated to 110 and galloped quickly on the expressway.

Halfway through the journey, Zhang Tianan took out his mobile phone and called his mother. After saying that he would be home soon, his mother asked, "Xiao Ai, is it Lin Chen who came back with you?"

"Yes." Zhang Tianyu responded.

After hearing this, Mother Zhang's voice was obviously a little happy: "Haha, okay, come back together, I'll call your dad to the vegetable market immediately and prepare a table of good dishes for you."

After the phone call, Zhang Tianan leaned slightly towards Lin Chen, and she said, "My mother is very happy to hear you go back together."

"My daughter is finally taken over, can they be unhappy?" Lin Chen joked.

Zhang Tianai bit the red chun and wanted to give Lin Chen a fist, but for the sake of Lin Chen's driving, the raised pink fist was put down again.

"Wait at my house and see how I clean up you." Zhang Tian'an threatened.

As for Zhang Tiannan's threat, Lin Chen naturally just listened to it, not sure who would take care of him.

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