After driving for a few more hours, the car got off the highway and came to the outside of Liuhe County.

Looking at Liuhe County from a distance, Zhang Tiannan was in a good mood. She hugged Luo Xiaohui, pointed to some river scenery outside the window, and introduced Liuhe County to her.

When the car was parked downstairs at Zhang Tian'an's house, Zhang Tian'an and Luo Xiaohui got out of the car, when Lin Chen's cell phone rang.

Lin Chen took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Xia Miaoyan's little girl who was calling.

Pressing the answer button, Lin Chen called out, "Miaoyan."

"Master..." Xia Miaoyan's sweet voice came from the receiver: "When are you coming back?"

" should be tomorrow." Lin Chen replied.

"Oh." Xia Miaoyan snorted and said, "Master, I saw the news."

"News?" Lin Chen unfastened his seat belt, but he didn't react.

"Yes, the whole process of solving the case in Qiulin County has been fully covered by the TV station in Tianhai City. Now in our school and online, many people are talking about you." Xia Miaoyan said, "This time you broke the case. The case is much more famous than the humanoid murder case."

The news of the whole process of solving the rainy night serial murder case has been broadcast on TV stations in every city in Qingyang Province. This case was suppressed a year or two ago, and many people do not know it. After the case was solved, it was finally made public. .

Many people have seen the news reported on TV, and they admire the young man who reasoned on TV. At first, many people thought that Lin Chen was a policeman, but later they found out that Lin Chen was not a policeman, but only from Tianhai City. Just an ordinary citizen.

A lot of people were talking about how useless it was to satirize the police, but to ask an ordinary citizen to participate in solving the case, so many police officers were not as good as that Lin Chen.

After the news of the rainy night serial murder case was broadcast, the impact was quite large.

Xia Miaoyan said that Lin Chen was not well-known after cracking the murder case with a humanoid pattern. In fact, it was because Lin Chen took the initiative to ask for the protection of Lai Liang, the high school student, not to disclose the details.

Otherwise, the process of solving the humanoid pattern murder case, and finally Teacher Qin's reversal, the influence of this case would not be worse than the rainy night serial murder case.

After the college entrance examination is over, the leaders of Guangyu County will begin to announce the details of the humanoid murder case.

After Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan said a few words, Xia Miaoyan finally said, "Master, will you come to school to find me when you come back?"

In Lin Chen's 4.4 mind, Xia Miaoyan's charming and lovely appearance appeared, he smiled, "Well, I will find you."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Xia Miaoyan looked very happy. After saying goodbye, she hung up the phone.

Lin Chen put away the phone, and after getting out of the car, Zhang Tianan pushed a strand of hair behind his ear, a very feminine gesture.

"Who's calling?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

"Miaoyan called, she asked me when to go back." Lin Chen replied.

Zhang Tian'an snorted softly and didn't care about this matter, then Lin Chen hugged Luo Xiaohui, and the two walked into the elevator.

The door of Zhang Tian'an's house was not closed, and the two walked in directly. Zhang's father and mother were busy in the kitchen. After seeing their daughter and Lin Chen, they seemed very happy. When they saw Luo Xiaohui, their eyes became a little puzzled. . .


309 News from Lu Tengfei 【Subscribe】

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother thought it was just Lin Chen and his daughter coming back, but they brought back a little loli who was carved in pink and jade.

"This is?" Mother Zhang looked at Luo Xiaohui with love in her eyes.

"Mom, her name is Xiaohui." Zhang Tianai said Luo Xiaohui's name.

Xiaohui opened her mouth and said sweetly, "Auntie..."

"Okay, this little girl is really cute." Mother Zhang said with a smile.

The couple asked Xiaohui whose child was, Zhang Tianan smiled and said nothing. After saying hello, Lin Chen and Xiaohui sat on the sofa in the living room.

Zhang Tianan and her parents went to the kitchen, and while busy cooking, they explained what happened to Luo Xiaohui to them.

After hearing about Luo Xiaohui's family, Zhang's mother and Zhang's mother felt regret on their faces. Although Luo and Shu were murderers, they had no prejudice against Xiaohui.

"Xiao Ai, it just so happens that your father and I have nothing to do, so let Xiaohui follow us. Both your father and I like children." Mother Zhang said.

Father Zhang nodded: "We have more than 11 hours, so we can also take care of her."

After Zhang Tian'an heard the words, he glanced at the living room and said, "This matter depends on Lin Chen's decision."

After Zhang's mother heard what Zhang Tianan said, she thought that after her daughter and Lin Chen talked about friends, Lin Chen had the initiative, and her daughter had to listen to Lin Chen in everything.

Mother Zhang talked to Zhang Tianni about her experience. Mother Zhang's experience is that women should be appropriately strong and can control men.

When Father Zhang heard what Mother Zhang said, he shook his head helplessly.

After Zhang Tianan helped in the kitchen for a while, he went to call his good friend Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was also very happy to come to Zhang Tian'an's house for dinner. After seeing Lin Chen, Zhou Yan's eyes lit up, she hurriedly walked over, and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, your reasoning about the rainy night serial murder case is very exciting."

Zhou Yan looked at Lin Chen, full of admiration. This young man not only looks so handsome, but also has an affinity, and he is so outstanding in solving cases.

Not long after the factory smile corpse case passed, Lin Chen solved several cases one after another.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, said a few words to Zhou Yan, and after chatting for a while, he started to eat.

At the dinner table, Lin Chen calmly ate with Zhang Tianai's parents. Facing his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, Lin Chen had nothing to be nervous about.

Xiaohui was sitting next to Lin Chen. She was so small that she couldn't reach the tabletop, so Zhang Tianan put a few thick books under her ass so that Xiaohui could reach it. desktop.

After eating, Lin Chen carried Xiaohui and went downstairs for a walk.

Zhang Tiannan was pulled into the room by Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan was mysterious and seemed to have something to say to Zhang Tiannan.

"What do you want to say to me?" Zhang Tianan asked after tidying up the clothes that were wrinkled by Zhou Yan.

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