Zhou Yan squinted at Zhang Tian'an and asked, "When did you and Lin Chen establish their relationship?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tian'an had a hint of happiness on his face, and said, "It's just two days ago, why are you asking this?"

"Hmph, you didn't tell me when you were looking for a boyfriend, and you just found someone so handsome and capable. You're a bargain." Zhou Yan said with a teasing.

"Cut." Zhang Tian'an said, "Lin Chen found me, and he still took advantage of it."

The two girls teased a few words, and then Zhou Yan lowered her voice and asked, "You guys are sure about the relationship, um...is that yours?"

"Which one?" Zhang Tian'an didn't react, and subconsciously asked back.

"Oops." Zhou Yan was a little embarrassed, but still said, "That's it, what couples do."

Zhang Tianyu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

It was only a few days before he and Lin Chen confirmed their relationship. If Zhou Yan knew that he had already been with Lin Chen, would he feel that it was too fast and that he was too frivolous?

Zhang Tian's expression was unnatural, and Zhou Yan, who was also a policeman, immediately understood.

Zhou Yan pointed at Zhang Tian's nose, with a weird expression on her face: "Okay, okay, Tianan, you...you are not pure..."

The two girls were talking privately and privately in the room. Zhou Yan kept asking questions about that aspect, making Zhang Tianan embarrassed to answer.

Lin Chen held Xiaohui's little hand, and the two walked in the community. At this time, a few children were playing family games on the grass in front of them.

When Xiaohui saw it, she couldn't walk a bit. She looked at the children with big eyes, and she really wanted to play with them.

Seeing this, Lin Chen crouched down and asked, "Want to play with them?"

Xiaohui stuck her tongue out and said, "Yes, but I don't know them, they won't play with me."

"It's okay, my brother will take you to meet him." Lin Chen took Xiaohui over.

This group of children are very outgoing and are willing to play with unfamiliar children. In the play house game, they arranged an identity for Luo Xiaohui. Xiaohui was very happy and played very competently.

A group of children were playing games that were childish in the eyes of adults. Lin Chen sat under a tree, looked at them, and enjoyed this leisure.


In Tianhai City, many citizens already know about the Yuye serial murder case in Qiulin County.

After the citizens were amazed and sighed at the murderer's cruelty, they quickly put aside this perverted murder case that was far from their lives.

In the second-generation circle in Tianhai City, this news shocked them a lot.

There are many reasons why 627 will cause a lot of shock in the second-generation circle.

One reason is that many young masters know about the Donglin University corpse dismemberment case and the bus stop serial murder case that Lin Chen solved. The second is that Lin Chen and Lu Tengfei and their group of supercar club sons and brothers both won the races. , slapped Lu Tengfei and the others in the face, and won a lot of money.

These two things made Lin Chen known to many second generations, but it was because of one person that all second generations in Tianhai City knew about Lin Chen.

That person is Wan Shao, the son of Mohai Wanjia. A few days ago, Wan Shao of Mohai Wanjia said that after coming to Tianhai City, he wanted to clean up a guy who didn't have long eyes.

That guy didn't directly offend Wan Shao, but offended the daughter of the Ouyang Family of the Demon Sea.

As Ouyang Chuying's suitor, after Ouyang Chuying was wronged, Wan Shao naturally wanted to stand up as a flower protector.

Wan Shao's loyal younger brother Lu Tengfei, he learned from Wan Shao's mouth that the person he was going to clean up was Lin Chen, and he jumped up with joy at that time.

The person Wan Shao wants to clean up is Lin Chen, and he will come to Tianhai City soon. Is that Lin Chen still waiting to die?

So, the news spread by Lu Tengfei, let the whole second-generation circle in Tianhai City know.


PS: Brothers, a new month is coming, please ask for a monthly ticket, ask for flowers, ask for all kinds of support, thank you. .


310 million less is coming [2 more for subscription]

After being humiliated and humiliated by Lin Chen twice in racing, Lu Tengfei really wanted to clean up Lin Chen.

He is a leader in the second-generation circle of Tianhai City, and he can also be said to be one of the leading figures. It is a very simple thing to have a force that wants to clean up a person.

It's just that Lin Chen seems to have a good relationship with Mayor Miao. Mayor Miao and the deputy director are protecting Lin Chen again. Last time, Chai Haoqiang sent two carts of people to clean up Lin Chen. Was arrested by the Public Security Bureau.

Then there was Ge Xiangdong, the boy fell in love with a female student at Donglin University and asked the female student to sleep with him on his birthday.

In the end, his subordinates brought the female student there, but Lin Chen accompanied him.

That time, Ge Xiangdong's security staff injured dozens of people, and he was also interrupted by Lin Chen. Afterwards, Ge Xiangdong didn't dare to say anything, so he could only secretly suffer the loss of this dumb.

Lu Tengfei of Lu's Real Estate, his family's property and snobbery far surpassed Chai Haoqiang and Ge Xiangdong, but in Tianhai City, with Mayor Miao standing on Lin Chen's side, Lu Tengfei did not dare to confront Lin Chen. Chen chaos.

If there is chaos, that is, if you don't give face to Mayor Miao, if you don't give face to Mayor Miao, the consequences will not be so easy to solve.

After losing to Lin Chen's [-] million gambling capital, Lu Tengfei's group of young masters of the super running club were planning how to clean up Lin Chen, but they couldn't think of a good way.

Alright now, the person Wan Shao, the son of the Wan family of the Demon Sea, is actually Lin Chen whom Lu Tengfei and the others detest. , but not Miao Zhengxiong can contend.

The news that Mohai Wanshao was going to clean up Lin Chen spread rapidly in the second-generation circle in Tianhai City, and soon, everyone in the circle learned about it.

Many people in this circle have never seen Lin Chen. For this guy who has two skills in solving the case, he will be cleaned up by Wan Shao, but he will only treat it coldly.

People who don't like Lin Chen are very happy, waiting to see this good show.

I have a little crush on Lin Chen, and I feel that Lin Chen hit Lu Tengfei and some of the cool-faced second-generations, but I feel a little pity.

Lin Chen was covered by Miao Zhengxiong, and no one dared to touch him, but the problem was that Mohai Wanjia was going to touch him now. In Tianhai City, no one could fight against Mohai Wanjia.

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