At this time, Lin Chen, he was still sitting on the grass in the community where Zhang Tianni's family lived, watching Luo Xiaohui and the others playing at home.

A group of children had a great time playing. After watching it for a while, Lin Chen felt a little sleepy, so he leaned against the tree trunk and squinted for a while.

When Lin Chen woke up, there was a small thin coat on his body.

After seeing this little coat, Lin Chen looked at Luo Xiaohui, knowing that this little girl took off her clothes and covered her.

The little guy is very sensible and is still playing there.

Lin Chen stood up and stretched, when he saw Zhang Tian'an and Zhou Yan walking over.

"Lin Chen, Zhou Yan and some of her colleagues have made an appointment to go fishing this afternoon, shall we go together?" Zhang Tianan was asking for Lin Chen's opinion.

Lin Chen reached out and rubbed his temples, nodded, and said, "If you want to go, let's go."

Zhang Tian'an was very satisfied with Lin Chen's answer, she immediately walked to Luo Xiaohui who was playing over there, and told her that she was going to go fishing.

Luo Xiaohui, who was having a good time with the children, raised her hands high when she heard that she was going to go fishing and said, "Oh, okay, Xiaohui likes small fish, sister, I'm going too."

"Sister will take you there to see how many fish Xiaohui can catch today." Zhang Tianan gently scratched Xiaohui's nose.

Xiaohui opened her hands, gestured in the air, and said, "I want to catch such a big fish..."

Zhou Yan didn't go to work today. When she was chatting with Zhang Tianan in the room just now, she already knew about Luo Xiaohui's life experience. She also seemed to like this cute little loli very much. . .

Zhou Yan's colleagues are already waiting for her at the reservoir. The reservoir has fishing gear for rent, so you don't need to bring it yourself.

Immediately, several people got into Lin Chen's car and headed towards the reservoir in Liuhe County under the guidance of Zhou Yan.

On the way, Lin Chen asked about the recent situation of the factory where the smiling corpse case happened. Zhou Yan and Lin Chen started talking.

The smiling corpse case still had a great impact on the lighting factory. After Lin Chen solved the case, many employees of the lighting factory chose to resign and find other jobs.

However, there are also a lot of big-hearted employees who are used to working in the factory and stay.

Some people who want to go to work in the factory are afraid of going to dormitory. The factory also has subsidies for renting outside. In general, the lighting factory has not declined because of the Smile Corpse case.

The canteen aunt Gao Yuxiu of the factory canteen, because of her relationship with Zhuo Xingdi, was brought out by the Public Security Bureau for questioning and investigation, and was soon released.

Gao Yuxiu's husband who was working out of town also came back after hearing the news. To Gao Yuxiu's neighbors' surprise, her husband didn't beat her when he knew that he had been taken with a green hat, but was very calm. I said two words to her, divorce.

Gao Yuxiu also wanted to get married in the marriage that existed in name only. Gao Yuxiu's husband came back in the morning, and in the afternoon, the two completed the divorce.

The next day, Gao Yuxiu's husband went out of town. Outsiders could see that Gao Yuxiu's husband had already been in another place.

Many people in Liuhe County knew about Gao Yuxiu. She also took her luggage and left Liuhe County. It is estimated that she will not come back in the next few years.

During the conversation, Lin Chen's car also drove from the township road to the top of a mountain. When driving halfway up the mountain, it finally reached the reservoir in Liuhe County.

Zhang Tianai and Xiaohui jumped out of the car. Seeing such a big, sparkling reservoir, Luo Xiaohui's big eyes lit up and she ran happily.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianan hurriedly followed her and told her not to run around or fall into the water. .


312 Small fishing rod to catch big fish [4 more for subscription]

Zhou Yan's colleagues, both male and female, are all police officers from Liuhe County.

After seeing Lin Chen and his party coming, they also stood up and greeted enthusiastically.

Several of the male police officers were relieved when they saw Zhang Tiannan holding a cute little loli in his hand, and the tall and handsome Lin Chen was beside him.

Such a beautiful beauty, even has a husband and children, it seems that she is out of play.

But soon, the more Zhou Yan's colleagues looked at Lin Chen, the more wrong they were, and only after staring at Lin Chen for several seconds did they recognize Lin Chen.

This time, they became more enthusiastic and talked about solving the case. Lin Chen also smiled and talked to them. The atmosphere at the scene was very good.

There is a room at the entrance of the reservoir, where you can rent fishing gear. Lin Chen rented four sets of fishing gear, and after giving two of them to Zhang Tian'an and Zhou Yan, Lin Chen handed a pair of small fishing rods to him. Luo Xiaohui's hand.

"Xiaohui, this is yours." Lin Chen said.

"Wow." Xiaohui reached out and took the fishing rod, looked up and down, very happy: "Brother, today Xiaohui wants to catch a big fish, a very big fish."

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "It's fine if you catch a small fish. When you meet a big fish 11, you are caught."

Xiaohui tilted her head, not understanding what Lin Chen meant.

Xiaohui grabbed the fishing rod, stepped on the small slippers, and trotted to Zhang Tiannan's side, asking Zhang Tiannan to get her fish food and throw the fishing line.

After Zhang Tianan made it for Xiaohui, Xiaohui moved a small bench and sat on the small bench obediently, holding the small fishing rod in her arms, staring at the water surface of the reservoir with her big eyes, looking forward to catching fish looks like.

Zhang Tian'an also threw the fishing line and sat beside Xiao Hui, while Lin Chen sat beside Zhang Tian'an.

A group of people spoke softly while waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Not long after, Zhou Yan's colleagues took the bait one after another. The fish caught were big and small, the small ones were about the size of fingers, and the bigger ones could weigh five or six pounds.

Zhang Tiannan was staring at the fish float, and when she was looking forward to getting on the fish, she felt the fishing rod in her hand moving, and the fish float was pulled closer to the water.

Zhang Tianan understood that the fish was hooked.

With a quick hand, she dropped a pound of crucian carp up.

The fish with the hook in her mouth was bouncing around on the ground. Xiaohui's eyes were full of hope. She looked at the fish that her sister caught, and then looked at her little fishing rod, thinking why there was no fish on her fishing rod. What about the hook?

Another half an hour has passed, except for Xiao Hui, everyone has caught fish.

Xiaohui frowned and asked Lin Chen, "Brother, why haven't I fished my hooks yet? You've all caught so much..."

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