"You have to be patient when fishing, don't worry." Lin Chen touched Xiaohui's head.

"Oh, okay." Xiaohui pouted, her big eyes staring at the fish floating on the water again.

After a long time, Xiaohui saw that her fish float was suddenly pulled down. She saw that her brother and sister caught fish like this, so she was happy to shout that she caught a fish.

But before she could speak, she felt that the fishing rod in her arms was heading towards the reservoir uncontrollably.

Xiaohui was frightened, she felt that she could not sit still, but her two little hands were still holding the fishing rod tightly, not letting go at all.

Just at this moment, Zhang Tianan turned his head and saw Xiaohui who was about to be dragged into the reservoir.

Zhang Tianan exclaimed, and quickly reached out and hugged Xiaohui. After hugging Xiaohui, she found that the fishing rod in Xiaohui's arms was pulling too hard, not to mention Xiaohui, she would be pulled to the reservoir. went inside.

"Be careful." Lin Chen quickly stood up and pulled Zhang Tian'an and Luo Xiaohui back a little distance, feeling the huge pulling force from the fishing rod, Lin Chen said, "This fish is definitely not small."

The situation here also made Zhou Yan and the others look over. After seeing Lin Chen and the three holding the fishing rod, and the huge waves churning in the water, Zhou Yan rushed over first.

"Oh, it looks like I've caught a big fish." A policewoman exclaimed and ran over to help.

"Look at the waves, this fish is not small." A policeman sighed.

Another policewoman also stood up and said, "This fish might weigh dozens of pounds."

Everyone stood up because of the fish that fell, and surrounded them.

"You guys help Tian Ai to control the fishing rod, I'll jump off." Lin Chen said to Zhou Yan and the other two policewomen.


Several people nodded and immediately stepped forward to grab the fishing rod in Xiaohui's arms.

This fishing rod is very small, and the bearing capacity is not very good. If you don't go into the water, you can't catch fish with the rod.

Lin Chen took off his clothes and outer pants, wearing a pair of underwear, and jumped into the reservoir with a normal sound.

"Wow wow wow..."

The fish's mouth was hooked by the hook, and it felt uneasy, tossed its body vigorously, and splashed high.

"Wow, what a big fish."

Xiaohui exclaimed, her two little hands were holding on to the fishing rod tightly.

The big fish was churning, and the management staff of the reservoir ran over when they heard the movement. After seeing such a big fish being caught, the management staff of the reservoir frowned. If the fish was dropped by Lin Chen and the others, it would be a big deal to him. In other words, it's a loss.

When the manager saw the small fishing rod in Xiaohui's arms, she breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself, "Fortunately, this fishing rod cannot catch such a big fish."

But the female manager was not happy for a few seconds, when she saw Lin Chen holding a 633 fish over one meter long in her arms and walking up from the reservoir step by step.

This fish is really big, with a body more than one meter long, at least a hundred kilograms.

In the mouth of the big fish, there is a fishing hook with a fishing line, which is the fishing rod in Xiaohui's hand.

The big fish is struggling, but compared to Lin Chen's strength, this fish is too far behind.

"Xiaohui caught a fish, Xiaohui caught a fish..."

Xiaohui jumped up happily. When she saw her brothers and sisters caught fish just now, she was envious. Now that she caught such a big fish, she couldn't be happier.

Lin Chen moved quickly, and quickly carried the big fish over one meter long to the shore.

The female administrator of the reservoir immediately brought an electronic scale and ruler. The fish weighed 139 pounds and was [-] centimeters long.

Xiaohui ran to the side of the big fish, and the small hand gently stroked the big fish, and whispered: "Don't move, big fish, big fish, we will eat you in a while, if you move again If you're not good, we won't eat you."

Hearing Xiaohui's words, Zhang Tianan and the others were dumbfounded.

This time, I came to the reservoir for fishing, because I fell into this big fish, and I got a lot.

The big fish was thrown into the trunk of the car by Lin Chen, and it was getting late, so everyone went back. .


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On the way back, Xiaohui, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, pointed fingers from time to time, and murmured over and over how she caught the big fish.

Children like to be praised, and Xiaohui is no exception. After being praised for a few words, Xiaohui's eyes narrowed into crescents.

The fish that Xiaohui caught was really too big, if Lin Chen and the others ate it, they would definitely not be able to finish it.

Such a big fish is troublesome to slaughter. Lin Chen wanted to go to the vegetable market and pay someone to get it.

However, Zhang Tiannan said no, saying that his father was an expert at killing fish, and it would be fine to leave it to her father.

Back in the community, Xiaohui ran in front, Zhang Tianai and Zhou Yan followed behind her, Lin Chen grabbed the big fish weighing more than [-] kilograms and walked upstairs.

After Zhang Tianan opened the door, Xiaohui ran in as if offering a treasure, and shouted to the back room, "Uncle, auntie, I caught a big fish. Come out and see."

Zhang's father and mother, who were in the back room, came out immediately after hearing Xiaohui's voice.

When they saw the fish that Lin Chen was carrying, Zhang's father and Zhang's mother showed a surprised expression.

Father Zhang rubbed his hands, looked at the fish up and down, and said, "It's so big, how can I eat it..."

"Let's have a full fish feast tonight, and call Zhou Yan's family over." Zhang Tian'an suggested.

"Okay, okay, I'll take care of this fish." Father Zhang rolled up his sleeves and was ready to fight.

Lin Chen brought the fish into the kitchen, Zhang's father immediately took the knife and started to get busy.

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