Lin Chen stood by and watched, Zhang Tian'an didn't lie, Zhang's father did take care of the fish twice. It took Zhang's father more than half an hour to clean up this big fish weighing more than [-] kilograms.

Part of it was put in the refrigerator, and the other part was used for tonight's whole fish feast.

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother knew that their daughter was going back to the city tomorrow, and they worked extra hard on tonight's dishes.

Lin Chen went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed into clean clothes.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the whole fish feast that Zhang's father had been busy with for a long time was finally done, and all Zhou Yan's family were invited over.

Fish head soup, sweet and sour fish, braised fish, steamed fish, etc., were placed on the table.

Zhang mother's craftsmanship did not say, everyone was very happy to eat.

Xiaohui held a pair of chopsticks and received praise from her uncle and aunt, and the smile on her face never disappeared.

After eating this meal, Zhou Yan's family went back. Lin Chen took Xiaohui and was going to open a room outside. Zhang Tian'an's house had two bedrooms and two halls, and there were no extra rooms.

When Lin Chen was about to leave, Zhang's mother stopped Lin Chen, saying that it would be fine to stay at home and not to go out and open a room to spend money.

With the tacit consent of Zhang's father and mother, Lin Chen lived in Zhang Tian's house. After Zhang Tian'an went to take a bath, Lin Chen coaxed Xiaohui to sleep.

Xiaohui was also tired, and soon fell asleep, Lin Chen gently placed her beside Chuang.

After Zhang Tiannan took a bath, he returned to the room, Lin Chen reached out and pulled Zhang Tiannan into his arms.

Zhang Tianai felt the change in Lin Chen's body temperature, she turned her head and glanced at Luo Xiaohui, who was sleeping beside her, and said softly, "Xiaohui is...not good~"?"

"Be gentle, you won't wake her up." Lin Chen said.

Zhang Tianan sipped the red chun and closed his eyes.

The lights in the house were turned off, and the ambiguous atmosphere was heating up. After a long time, it calmed down.

Zhang Tian'an was lying in Lin Chen's arms, she said softly, "You haven't taken safety measures these times, what if you get pregnant?"

Lin Chen touched Zhang Tiannan's hair, and his answer was simple: "Then give birth."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tianan murmured, "I don't want to give birth to a child so early. How can I be a policeman after giving birth to a child?"

"Do you still want to be a policeman for the rest of your life?" Lin Chen teased.

Early the next morning, Lin Chen was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

After answering the phone, the voice of the twin sister Shen Qiu came from the receiver.

Shen Qiu's voice was a little anxious: "Boss, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

"What's the matter?" Lin Chen knew that Shen Qiu had called himself so early, so there must be something wrong.

"Boss, Lu Tengfei from Lu's Real Estate has just come to our company." Shen Qiu said.

"Lu Tengfei?" Lin Chen asked, "What did he come to the company for?"

"He came with some people and sent you an invitation letter for a welcome reception... He said that Wan Shao from Mohai City is coming tonight, let you... let you..." Shen Qiu said Here, the tone was a little hesitant.

"Let me what?" Lin Chen asked casually.

"He said to let you... wash your neck, wait... wait to die..." Shen Qiu said: "And his people also smashed some of our company's computers. We called the police, but the police have not arrived yet. ."

Shen Qiu told what happened, Wan Shao arrived tonight, and Lu Tengfei went to No. 168 Changpo Road to find Lin Chen early.

After failing to find Lin Chen, Lu Tengfei went to Lin Chen's company and said arrogantly that Wan Shao was here tonight, and asked Lin Chen to take the invitation to the welcome reception to accept Wan Shao's punishment.

In Lu Tengfei's mouth, that Wan Shao seems to be able to dominate everything. If he is going to clean up Lin Chen, Lin Chen will take the invitation, personally go to the welcome reception, and send it to the door for Wan Shao to clean up.

Before leaving, Lu Tengfei also asked his subordinates to smash some computers in Lin Chen's company, and the employees who stepped forward to stop them were also injured. Shen Qiu was at a loss, so he called Lin Chen.

"... Boss... That Lu Tengfei has a lot of energy, I've never heard of it, do you want to... come back?" Shen Qiu said hesitantly: "Or... Boss, don't come back for the time being. Bar?"

After Lin Chen heard the words, he said, "Send the injured employee to the hospital first. There's no need to call the police. I'll rush over after breakfast."

"But... Boss, will you be in danger when you come back?" Shen Qiu was a little worried.

"It's okay." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Tian'an had already woken up, and after seeing the cold expression on Lin Chen's face, (Li Qian's) she realized that something must have happened.

Zhang Tian'an hurriedly asked Lin Chen what was wrong, Lin Chen glanced at her and didn't explain anything.

After getting up and having breakfast, Lin Chen said goodbye to Zhang Tian's parents, took Xiao Hui and drove towards Tianhai City.

In the afternoon, the car returned to the urban area of ​​Tianhai City. Zhang Tianan still had a day off, so she could accompany Luo Xiaohui first.

After bringing Zhang Tianan and Xiaohui into the house, Lin Chen asked Xiaohui to choose a room by herself, and then he drove to the company.

Walking into the company, you can see a mess on the ground, broken computer screens, broken mainframes, and the ground is full of plastic debris and various wires.

When the twin sisters Shen Qiu and Shen Yue saw Lin Chen coming, the two girls' eyes lit up and came over immediately.


PS: This is forced, I try to write something different. After this plot is over, it will be a new case. Thank you brothers for your support. .


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Shen Qiu and Shen Yue called out in unison. The expression on Shen Qiu's face was okay, but Shen Yue's ability to bear it was relatively poor, because the arrival of Lu Tengfei in the morning made the sisters and the employees in the company panic.

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