These employees in the company have never heard of Wan Shao, but many people know about Lu Tengfei's name in Tianhai City. Now that Lu Tengfei comes to the door, those fresh graduates are all very scared. .

They like this job very much, and the boss is also very good, for fear that because of Lu Tengfei, the company will not be able to continue.

Lin Chen nodded and asked Shen Qiu, "How is the injured employee?"

Shen Qiu said: "Two people's bones were broken, three were slightly injured, and the fractured ones were still being treated in the hospital. For those with minor injuries, I sent them home to rest."

"Well." Lin Chen said, "they are work-related injuries, try my best to compensate them."

"Okay..." Shen Qiu looked at Lin Chen with complicated eyes, and asked hesitantly, "Boss, what shall we do next...?"

The younger sister Shen Yue also said: "Boss, the Lu family is very powerful, our company is not a rival at all..."

Lin Chen's ancient well had no waves, and the two daughters could not see Lin Chen's mood at the moment from his face.

Lin Chen looked at the smashed computer and said, "You don't need to worry about this matter, 847, you just need to be responsible for the normal operation of the company."

The two women didn't say anything more. Lin Chen was the boss. Since he said so, just do what he said.

Immediately, Lin Chen said, "Where's the invitation that Lu Tengfei gave me?"

Sister Shen Yue nodded and said, "Boss, I'll get it for you."

Shen Yue trotted into his and Shen Qiu's office and took out an invitation.

Not everyone can participate in the reception to welcome Wan Shao. Naturally, an invitation is required to enter the venue. Lu Tengfei personally sent an invitation to Lin Chen.

It's just that the words on the invitation are very rude, and it reads: "Wan Shao arrives at [-]:[-] tonight, come early, or Wan Shao will be displeased and the consequences will be at your own risk!"

It was a short two-line character, written in large fonts, and each stroke fell into the paper. It can be seen that the person who wrote these characters should have been very angry at the time.

Shen Yue glanced at the two lines of words, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

The boss Lin Chen is young and handsome, and he treats the two of them very well. I really don't want anything to happen to him.

Lin Chen put away the invitations at will, and he said to Shen Qiu: "(bbfa) There is no need to clean here. It's time for the company to expand its scale. After tonight, change the office location."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left.

The two sisters, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, looked at each other, and the sister said, "Sister, the boss said that the office will be changed after tonight. He... he has the confidence to overcome this difficulty?"

"I don't know." Shen Qiu put his arms in front of Xiong and said, "I hope the boss is fine."


After leaving the company, Lin Chen didn't go anywhere. He returned to his residence. Xiaohui had already selected a room. Her room was Zhang Tian'an's room, and she wanted to sleep with Zhang Tian'an.

After Zhang Tianan saw Lin Chen's return, he hurriedly stepped forward to ask how things were going. Zhang Tianan knew what happened to Lin Chen and was a little worried.

Lin Chen didn't say anything, she said to Zhang Tianyu: "Now that there is a child at home, can you improve your cooking skills and let Miaoyan cook for us every day?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianan remembered a sentence, if you want to keep a man's heart, you have to keep his stomach first.

Cooking your own food is hard to eat, so you should work hard.

"Well..." Zhang Tianan pondered slightly and said, "After Miaoyan comes, I...I will learn to cook with her, okay?"

"Yes." Lin Chen smiled and nodded.


Haoyu Hotel is the only five-star hotel in Tianhai City. The decoration, facilities and services can be said to be the best among the hotels in Tianhai City.

The cheapest room in the hotel costs 1888 yuan a night, and the top-level presidential suite costs [-] yuan. This price is incomparable to Mohai City and Kyoto, but for ordinary people, it is really unaffordable.

The 6th floor of the hotel has been fully contracted by Lv Tengfei. The professional venue layout company has decorated the entire 6th floor in a unique style. The lighting, ribbons, and dry ice spray on the ground cost the cost of the layout alone. Lu Tengfei made a lot of money.

The drinks at the reception were made of high-quality white wine and red wine, and the ingredients at the reception were the best and freshest dishes of the Haoyu Hotel.

The welcome reception this time was of a high standard, but Lu Tengfei wanted to flatter that Wan Shao well.

Wan Shao arrived at the airport in Tianhai City at seven o'clock in the evening. Lu Tengfei wanted to meet Wan Shao, but Wan Shao refused, saying he didn't need it.

Arriving at the airport at [-]:[-], and arriving at the Haoyu Hotel at around [-]:[-], all of this was done by Lu Tengfei.

At five or six o'clock, luxury cars worth at least one million were coming towards the Haoyu Hotel. There were either handsome men or beautiful women in the cars.

The sons and buddies of Tianhai City participated in this welcome reception for the purpose of making friends. They would not bring their female companions there. Those rich families were all dressed up brightly and their hair was carefully combed, hoping to attract thousands of people. less attention.

The doormen of the Haoyu Hotel, seeing so many luxury cars, so many sons and daughters, are curious in their hearts, what kind of reception is on the 6th floor today, in the second-generation circle, there are so many here people.

There is a special elevator on the 6th floor. There are several security guards at the entrance of the elevator. You need to hand in an invitation before you can take the elevator to the second floor.

In fact, there is no need for such troublesome things at all, but Lu Tengfei really wanted to show in front of Wan Shao and deliberately made so many tricks.

One by one, the son and the daughter went up to the 6th floor, and Lu Tengfei was already waiting on the 6th floor.

At half past six, all the second generation invited by Lu Tengfei were present.

This time, these two generations got together and didn't talk about business matters. They talked about one person, and that was Lin Chen.

Since Wan Shao said that the main purpose of coming to Tianhai City this time is to clean up Lin Chen, then there must be a good show tonight.

"I heard that Lu Tengfei also sent an invitation to that Lin Chen. Do you think he will come?" A girl in a white dress laughed. She is the daughter of the boss of a small business. The branches turn into phoenixes.

"Haha." Another rich daughter said, "That Lin Chen seems to have solved a lot of unsolved cases, but I heard that when Tengfei went to send him invitations in the morning, he couldn't find Lin Chen, and even smashed that Lin Chen's company. Now, in my opinion, Lin Chen is hiding somewhere else and doesn't dare to come back."

"After Wan Shao cleans up that Lin Chen, I wonder if there will be a chance to chat with Wan Shao." Another girl said. .

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