"Really." Xiaohui replied.

"Okay, then, let's eat the kind of noodles that my sister made tonight every day, okay?" Lin Chen asked.

Xiaohui was stunned when she heard this. Her big eyes flickered and she hesitated: "Brother... Then... Then can I... eat... instant noodles occasionally?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen laughed, and Zhang Tianan also smiled helplessly.

This little girl is quite comforting, the noodles she made are not delicious, she said it was delicious, and Lin Chen said that she would keep eating it in the future, so she couldn't calm down.

"Cooking also has to have a process of improvement." Zhang Tianan said, "When Miaoyan comes, I will ask for leave to learn from her for two days."

After chatting for a while, Xiaohui focused on the cartoon animation on the TV. Zhang Tianan reached out to get his mobile phone, but found that his mobile phone was upstairs.

She took a shot at Lin Chen and said, "I didn't call my parents to report their safety after I came back. Lin Chen, give me the phone."

Lin Chen took out his mobile phone and handed it to Zhang Tianan.

After Zhang Tianan unlocked it, when he was about to open the dialing interface, the phone suddenly vibrated and a text message came in.

When he opened the text message, Zhang Tianan saw that it was a text message to remind him of a balance change. When he saw the string of numbers on the text message, Zhang Tianan's beautiful eyes blinked in disbelief.

"The amount transferred from other bank: ** yuan."

After seeing this string of numbers, Zhang Tianan began to count up to ten million.

After counting the string of numbers displayed in the text message several times, Zhang Tianan finally confirmed that Lin Chen's card balance is now over [-] million.

More than [-] million... What is this concept?An ordinary person can't make so much money without eating or drinking for several lifetimes!

"Lin Chen, this..." Zhang Tianan looked at Lin Chen with a face full of astonishment.

Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing to be surprised, you will get used to it later."

"You went out to work just now, and because of that incident, you made this money?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

Lin Chen said yes, Zhang Tian'an asked Lin Chen very curiously.

In the past, Lin Chen was too lazy to explain, but now that Zhang Tiannan is his own woman, Lin Chen had to explain it to her briefly.

· · Flowers

After explaining, Lin Chen said, "I don't object to you being a criminal police officer, but if you are tired, I will help you say hello to Lao Sun and ask him to leave you without pay."

"Well... I'll think about this again..." Zhang Tian'an said.


Early the next morning, Zhang Tianan took Xiaohui to a nearby kindergarten.

Lin Chen went to the new company address of Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd.

The company's new location is Jianglin Building in the center of Tianhai City.

At this moment, the employees of Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. are busy on the 66th floor of Jianglin Building.

In the new office location, all the configuration facilities have been replaced with new ones. Compared with the place that Lin Chen temporarily rented before, this place is simply a shotgun for a cannon, a completely different environment.


The employees are very happy. They can go in and out of the Jianglin Building every day, and tell others that they work in the Jianglin Building. For them, it is a matter of face.

The twin sisters Shen Qiu and Shen Yue were supervising the arrangement of the office. After seeing Lin Chen coming, the two sisters immediately walked over with a smile.

After talking with Lin Chen, a young man walked towards Lin Chen.

"Old classmate." Qi Hongyuan called Lin Chen.

Lin Chen turned his head to see Qi Hongyuan, and said with a smile, "Are you satisfied with this place?"

"Satisfied, this place is much better than the previous place." Qi Hongyuan said with a smile.

The employees started working at the new office location, and Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. was on the right track.

In the evening, Lin Chen invited all the employees of the company to have a meal in the big hotel, and then went back to their respective houses.


Anhe Mental Hospital is built on a hill. Although the location is remote, the environmental facilities are still good.

The mental hospital is not small and can accommodate hundreds of mentally ill patients.

The entire mental hospital is surrounded by high walls and barbed wire fences. Outside the walls, there are trees that are not dense.

At night, this mental hospital built on a hill seems very quiet, only the sound of some mental patients singing is occasionally heard from the accommodation building.


PS: This is the eighth case in this book. This case is a bit difficult. I will try my best to write it well. .


325 The case of the terrifying lunatic asylum

When someone started singing on the other side of the dormitory building, soon a second person would sing along, then a third, and then a fourth.

The songs they sing are not the same. Some people sing the national anthem, some people sing classic songs, and some people just screech and babble, and it's impossible to hear what he's singing.

Some of the mental patients in the same dormitory will show impatience when they see their companions singing.

The supervising nurses in the dormitory building will not interfere with the patient's singing at night. As long as they don't sing all the time and don't make a lot of noise, they don't bother to care.

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