In the mental hospital, for the sake of saving, at night, the entire treatment building is dark, no lights are turned on, and there is only a faint light at the entrance on the first floor of the accommodation building.

The faint "six, seven, seven" light of the lamp seemed so insignificant compared to the endless darkness around him.

At the gate of the Anhe Mental Hospital, the lights in the guard room are very bright. In the middle of the night, the entire mental hospital, the entire hill, and the guard room are relatively bright.

"Quack quack..."

In the not-so-dense mountain forest, an unknown bird flew from the sky and made a somewhat lonely call. This kind of call is easy to imagine in this mountain forest.

A sleepy young man in his twenties in the guard room was awakened by the sound after hearing the bird's call.

After discovering it was a bird, he scolded: "Grass, numb, numb, disturb Lao Tzu's sleep again, and shoot you dogs with an air gun tomorrow."

After the young man scolded for a few words, he went back to sleep in the guard room.

It was very late at night, mosquitoes were flying outside the guard room, and insects and small frogs were crawling on the ground, but these small animals were blocked by the screen window and could not enter the guard room.

A little frog jumped to the door of the guard's room, its small eyes looked inside twice, and launched an attack on the mosquitoes flying on the screen door. After eating a few mosquitoes, it jumped away again, hiding. into the dark grass.

When the sky was bright, in the silent mental hospital, a woman screamed in surprise.

The voice was not very loud. After the scream, a female nurse hurriedly ran towards the guard room.

The young man in the guard room was still sleeping, and the female nurse ran to the door of the guard room. She stretched out her hand and opened the screen door, and shouted to the young man lying on the table, "Captain Xin, Captain Xin, someone is dead, someone is dead. now..."

This female nurse is not tall, but she is very strong. Her arms are almost the size of a man's. Her legs are thick.

In an ordinary hospital, when recruiting nurses, you may consider the appearance of the nurses you are applying for. A good-looking nurse can give you a better feeling of being taken care of.

In a mental hospital, if you apply for a nurse, you must first have a related major, and then you must be strong enough. There are mental patients in the mental hospital, and their behaviors and practices are unpredictable, and sometimes they will make some extreme actions. , if you're a slender little nurse, you'll only suffer when they go overboard.

Lying on the table, the young man called Captain Xin opened his eyes in a daze, looked at the strong female nurse, and said blankly, "What did you say?"

"It's dead, it's dead... Captain Xin, come over and take a look..." The female nurse looked anxious, clasping her hands tightly and stomping her feet on the ground.

After Captain Xin confirmed what the female nurse said, his eyes widened slightly and then narrowed again. He yawned and put on a thin coat. In this forest, in the early morning, the temperature was still relatively low. low.

After putting on his coat, Captain Xin called other security guards in the mental hospital and ran towards the crime scene with the female nurse.

Under the leadership of the female nurse, a group of people came to the scene of the crime.

The crime took place on a grass behind the dormitory building. On the green grass, lay a man in a mental hospital uniform.

This person is lying on the ground, and without looking at his hands and feet, it is difficult to determine whether he is lying on his back or lying on the ground.

Because the patient's head is gone.

The grass was stained with dark red blood. The patient lay motionless on the ground. Captain Xin and the security guards frowned when they saw the corpse on the ground.

A security guard stretched out his hand to cover his nose and mouth, and approached the corpse. When he came to the neck of the corpse, he could see that the cut of the neck was very uneven. A lot of blood in the deceased's body came from there. gushing out from the headless neck . .

The neck is facing a small tree, and most of the blood is sprayed around the root of the small tree. The blood has not dried completely, and it seems to be watering the small tree that has not yet grown.

Captain Xin felt a little disgusted, but he also walked towards the corpse.

After squatting beside the corpse, Captain Xin stretched out his hand and took off the sick clothes on the deceased.

The hospital gown was lifted, and the mouth of the deceased was exposed. At the heart of the deceased, there was a stab wound with the flesh everted. This stab wound was not large.

On the abdomen of the deceased, there was a second wound. Compared with the wound on the heart, the wound here was very large, and it was almost like opening the deceased's stomach.

Captain Xin's brows were furrowed. He looked at the fracture on the deceased's neck, and at the wounds in Xiong's mouth and abdomen. He raised his head and said, "There should be bloodstains left, so let's look everywhere. "

The other security guards nodded, and Captain Xin said what he said.

After standing up, Captain Xin said to the nurse, "Go to the ward immediately and quickly determine the identity of the deceased. Hurry up, be sure to hurry up."

After the nurse heard the words, she immediately ran to the dormitory building to notify other nurses and began to round the room.

After the nurse left, Captain Xin led the crowd to start looking for bloodstains everywhere.

The patient's head was cut off, and the head was not seen at the scene. The murderer must have hidden it somewhere.

The sky was gray, and Captain Xin turned on the flashlights. After searching around the scene for a while, they quickly found bloodstains.

Along the bloodstain, they searched, but the bloodstain on the ground was intermittent, which made their search very difficult.

After more than [-] minutes, following the blood on the ground, several security guards came to the back mountain of the mental hospital.

The back mountain of the mental hospital is separated from the mental hospital by barbed wire, but the barbed wire is not high, only more than one meter. Ordinary people can cross the barbed wire at this height.


PS: This is the eighth case in this book: 'The Horror Lunatic Asylum Case', and there will be updates in a while. .


326 The Back Mountain of the Mental Hospital

In this back mountain of the mental hospital, ordinary mental patients cannot come here, and mental patients are also afraid of this back mountain.

Because this back mountain is a cemetery, where some deceased mental patients are buried.

Most of the mentally ill people who will be buried here are lonely and have no relatives in this society. After they died, the hospital buried them in this cemetery in the back mountain nearby.

Pieces of wooden plaques are inserted on this grave, and these plaques are the tombstones of those who died of mental illness.

This kind of wooden tombstone is very simple. The name of the deceased is written on it with a brush. Some of the characters are crooked. After being drenched in the rain, the handwriting on the wooden sign is even more difficult to read.

A security guard shone a torch on a barbed wire fence and said, "There is blood here."

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