The security guards looked over, and sure enough, fresh bloodstains were found on the barbed wire.

Their eyes turned to the cemetery behind the barbed wire, and another security guard said, "It is very likely that the murderer hid his head in this cemetery."

Facing this quiet and gloomy cemetery, where there is no sunlight all day long, Captain Xin pouted and seemed a little hesitant.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said, "Go, go in and have a look." 11

Several security guards climbed over the barbed wire fence and walked into the cemetery.

There are a lot of big trees growing in the cemetery, walking on the road of the cemetery, stepping on the dead branches, making a clicking sound.

The flashlights in the hands of the security guards were shining everywhere, and no trace of the murderer was found in this cemetery.

"Quack quack..."

In the cemetery, the call of an unknown bird sounded. The call was very abrupt, and it was very close to several security guards. Under this environment and light, they were startled in an instant.


Captain Xin scolded: "These damn birds, don't appear in front of Lao Tzu during the day, or you will collapse with one air gun."

Another security guard also scolded, walking in the cemetery and was startled, not everyone can not be angry.

The group continued to slowly approach the cemetery. They could clearly see the wooden plaques inserted on the ground. There was a corpse under the ground behind each wooden plaque.

What they are more afraid of is that a person will suddenly appear behind the trunk of the big tree in the cemetery.

Captain Xin held a flashlight in one hand and grabbed a thick branch from the ground in the other hand. He stirred the spider web while scanning the surroundings.

When they came out of the middle of the cemetery, they stopped, and a security guard said: "I walked all the way, and there was no blood in it. Could it be that after the murderer killed someone, he just dropped some blood on the barbed wire, Didn't bring that head in."

"It's possible, let's go out and look for it." Another timid security guard wanted to leave soon.

All the security guards turned their attention to Captain Xin. Captain Xin was the youngest here, but he was the captain and they all had to listen to him.

"Look again." Captain Xin said.

When the other security guards heard this, they had no choice but to continue searching.


A few minutes later, a security guard suddenly shouted, and his voice echoed in this cemetery, very abruptly.

"what happened?"

The other security guards hurriedly asked.

The security guard who screamed has stepped back a few steps from the road and stepped on a cemetery.

His face was terrified, he pointed to a big tree over there, and said, " look..."

Everyone immediately looked in the direction his hand pointed, and they were stunned.

I saw a human head on the branch of a big tree.

This man had short hair on his head, his empty eyes were open, his mouth was slightly opened, his facial expression was a little distorted, and his entire face was covered in blood.

In the dim environment, in this lonely cemetery, a head with open eyes rests on the branch of a tree, as if the head is watching you from the tree.

The fracture under the head was very uneven, and in some places there was a piece of meat fluttering with the belt, and blood flowed down drop by drop.

After Captain Xin saw the head on the tree branch, he looked around, and the nervous expression on his face slowly subsided.

"Don't move this head yet, let's go out first." After Captain Xin finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, took a few pictures of the head on the tree branch, and then walked out of the cemetery.

The other security guards quickly followed.

On the other side, the head nurse and nurses of the mental hospital have begun to check every room in the dormitory building to determine who the deceased is.

Captain Xin rushed to the dormitory building, and he called to the nurses, "No need to check, you all come here."

The head nurse trotted the nurses to Captain Xin's side. The head nurse asked, "Captain Xin, have you found the head of the deceased?"

"I found it." Captain Xin's tone was calm. He turned on his mobile phone and showed the head nurse a photo of the deceased's head.

The head nurse frowned slightly when she saw the head on the tree branch. She was not frightened, because what she saw at the scene and what she saw in the photos were two different visual impacts.

"Quickly recognize the identity of the deceased, hurry up." Captain Xin looked anxious.

The head nurse and the nurses looked at the head photo together, and soon a nurse recognized it.

The deceased's name was Zhou Ping, who suffered from schizophrenia and 633 mania. He was a dangerous patient in the eyes of nurses.

"Does Zhou Ping have any family members this time?" Captain Xin asked, looking forward to the nurse's answer.

"Yes, Zhou Ping has family members." The nurse replied immediately.

After Captain Xin heard the words, he looked elsewhere. After a few seconds of silence, Captain Xin said, "Call the police and notify the family of the deceased."

"Okay." The head nurse nodded and obeyed Captain Xin's orders.

The head nurse went to the police, and another nurse went to the archives to find Zhou Ping's files, found the phone numbers of Zhou Ping's relatives, and informed them.

Anhe Mental Hospital is located in a remote suburb outside the urban area of ​​Tianhai City, under the jurisdiction of Anku District, Tianhai City.

The police station in the jurisdiction of Anku District, after receiving the alarm call from An He mentally ill, the criminal police team was in immediate situation and rushed to the scene quickly.

After arriving at the scene, the interpols checked the headless corpse on the grass behind the accommodation building. Captain Xin of the mental hospital accompanied the group of interpols.

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