After the forensic doctor examined the wounds of the deceased, he said: "In addition to the head of the deceased, the heart was also dug out, and other organs and tissues in the body were not found to be missing for the time being."

"The murderer cut off the deceased's head and dug out his heart?" A female detective frowned. .


327 Do it at will or have ulterior motives [4 more for subscription]

The forensic doctor took back the blood-stained, gloved hand from the deceased's abdomen. He nodded and said, "Yes, now the deceased's head has been found, and the deceased's heart is still missing."

"Will the head we found in the cemetery in Houshan, the heart of the deceased, also be there?" Captain Xin said to the police.

The criminal police did not talk nonsense, and let Captain Xin lead the way. After walking for a while, they came to the cemetery in the back mountain of the mental hospital.

At this moment, the sky is already bright, and there is a lot of light in the cemetery, which is not as gloomy and terrifying as before.

After walking into the cemetery and coming to the tree where the deceased's head was, the detectives stopped one after another.

The head on the tree branch still had its eyes open, staring at the detectives. The bottom of the head was stuck on a branch, and it looked like a head had grown out of the tree.

Two detectives climbed the tree, took off the head of the deceased, and put it in a sealed bag.

Other detectives began to search for the heart of the deceased in the cemetery.

After searching, the female detective just now looked at a small dirt bag next to a tree in the cemetery.

This little dirt bag is very small, and there is a branch sticking beside the small dirt bag.

The female detective slowly approached the small dirt bag. She squatted down and pushed away the soil on the small dirt bag. Then, a bloody, warm heart appeared in front of the female detective.

This female detective had seen many such scenes, but she was still taken aback by this heart.

Under her greeting, all the detectives and Captain Xin gathered around.

"The heart still has a temperature, it belongs to the deceased." The forensic doctor grabbed the heart in his hand and said to the crowd.

"Put the deceased's head on a branch, and bury the deceased's heart in the ground..."

The female detective touched her chin and muttered, "What is the purpose of this murderer?"

"Yeah." An old criminal policeman next to him echoed: "The head is on the tree, the heart is in the ground, is the murderer doing this at will, or is it for ulterior motives' 々?"


The company moved to a new office location. At the dinner table in the evening, Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan drank a lot of wine.

The next day, when Lin Chen was still sleeping on the chuang, a pair of chubby little hands grabbed his arm.

Immediately afterwards, a milky voice came into Lin Chen's ears: "Brother, brother, Xiaohui is going to school, I can't open the door, I can't go out..."

After hearing this voice, Lin Chen woke up.

He rubbed his eyes, looked at Xiaohui who was standing beside Chuang with a worried face, and asked, "Where's your sister Tianan?"

Since returning, Zhang Tian'an has been sleeping with Xiao Hui, and Lin Chen is still sleeping alone in the room.

"I don't know." Xiaohui shook her head: "When I woke up, I didn't see my sister, but I saw a piece of paper on the table, I don't know how to read, brother, look at this piece of paper... "

Xiaohui said, put her little hand into her pocket, and took out a piece of paper she had folded.

Lin Chen picked up the piece of paper and glanced at it, it was written by Zhang Tiannan: "Lin Chen, I received a call from the bureau, there is a case to deal with, you are responsible for sending Xiaohui to school, remember to give it to her Buy breakfast."

After reading this note, Lin Chen understood that Zhang Tiannan should have gone out very early, when he and Xiaohui were still sleeping.

"Brother, what is written on it?" Xiaohui, who was illiterate, blinked her eyes, curious about what was written on the paper.

Lin Chen touched Xiaohui's head, and said, "Sister Tianan has something to do, and asked me to take you to school."

"Oh." Xiaohui nodded, then stretched out her hand to pull Lin Chen's arm: "Brother, get up quickly, or I'll be late."

"Good good..."

Lin Chen hurriedly got up from the chuang, went to the bathroom to wash up, came out of the bathroom, and changed his clothes, Lin Chen picked up his phone and glanced at it.

It's half past nine, Xiaohui is late, but kindergarten is not an elementary school, so it's okay to be late.

Xiaohui was carrying the new schoolbag that Zhang Tianan bought for her, and she still stepped on the little slippers that Luo Heshu bought for her.

"Brother, can we go?" Xiaohui asked.

Lin Chen glanced at Xiaohui up and down, and asked Xiaohui if she brushed her teeth and washed her face.

Xiaohui nodded earnestly, indicating that she carried the stool to the sink to brush her teeth and wash her face. When Luo and Shu went out early, Xiaohui cleaned up herself.

Lin Chen walked to the door, hugged Xiaohui, and said, "You're in a hurry, it's alright, it's still early, you're not late."

Xiaohui looked at the sky outside and asked, "Really? Brother."

"Really, how could my brother lie to you." Lin Chen was ashamed.

After hearing that she was not late, Xiaohui rubbed her little hands together and exhaled, looking finally relieved.

Taking Xiaohui to have a breakfast, Lin Chen sent her to a nearby kindergarten.

The facilities and environment of this kindergarten are much better than the one where Xiaohui used to be.

Xiaohui walked into the gate of the school. She was carrying a small schoolbag and stepping on small slippers. She turned around and waved to Lin Chen: "...bye brother, I'm going to school."

Lin Chen also waved his hand: "Brother will pick you up at night."

"Okay." After Xiaohui finished speaking, she stepped on her little slippers and ran into the classroom.

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