Those slippers were not very comfortable for her, but they were bought by her father, and she was reluctant to change them.

After leaving the kindergarten, Lin Chen drove towards the company.

The company's office is now in the Jianglin Building in the urban area, which is still a little far from No. 168 Changpo Road.

After being stuck on the road for a while, I finally came to the company.

As soon as he arrived at the company, Qi Hongyuan came over immediately after seeing Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at the expression on Qi Hongyuan's face, and knew that he should have something to say.

"Old classmate, I just received a call, I want to take a leave of absence." Qi Hongyuan looked sad and sad.

"What happened?" Lin Chen asked.

Qi Hong (Wang Hao) lowered his head far and said, "I have a friend in a mental hospital who just received a call from his family saying that he...was killed last night and his head was cut off. , the heart was also dug out...I...I want to go and see..."

Qi Hongyuan was mentally ill back then and kept saying that someone was going to kill him. When he said that he was going to kill, he was sent to Anhe mental hospital by his aunt.

However, due to cost and other reasons, Qi Hongyuan was picked up after not staying in the mental hospital for long.

"Friends in the mental hospital?" Lin Chen frowned slightly, and the employees next to him who heard the conversation between the two cast curious glances.

"Yeah, I treat him as a good friend." Qi Hongyuan lowered his eyes.

Lin Chen reached out and patted Qi Hongyuan's shoulder, and said, "I have nothing to do, let's go and drive you there."


PS: About the mental hospital, it's a bit difficult to write, and the writing is relatively slow. I hope you understand. This is the fourth update today. .


328 Arrive at Anhe Mental Hospital [5 more subscriptions]

When Qi Hongyuan heard Lin Chen's words, he hesitated a little, and said, "Old classmate, there's no need to trouble you, I'll just go by myself... He has already been killed, I'm just going to see... I can't help you much. ."

"I have nothing to do, let's go." Lin Chen didn't talk nonsense to Qi Hongyuan, turned around and walked out of the company.

The twin sister Shen Qiu originally came out with a report to show Lin Chen. After seeing Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan leaving, she sighed helplessly.

After the two got into the car, Qi Hongyuan told Lin Chen with a sad look about himself and the deceased Zhou Ping.

After Qi Hongyuan's parents had an accident that year, his cousin sent him to Anhe Mental Hospital.

There are generally three situations for entering a mental hospital.

The first is the voluntary admission of patients.

The second is the protective compulsory admission of patients.

The third type is the security-based compulsory admission of patients, which refers to patients who have caused accidents and are forcibly admitted and discharged from the hospital by the public security department.

A mental hospital is very unfamiliar to ordinary people, but those who have been to a mental hospital and come out of it can feel the horror inside.

In a mental hospital, if you're honest, you'll be fine, but if you're always making trouble, the nurses and security guards will make you feel better.

Depending on how disobedient you are, nurses and doctors will choose different ways to clean up your 937.

Usually a tranquilizer, followed by electroshock therapy.

Psychopaths who have been treated with tranquilizers will become very obedient, and those who have been electrocuted will be even more obedient.

No matter how ill-tempered people are, when you get inside, they can also treat you obediently, like a grandson.

Qi Hongyuan's mental state at that time was very unstable. He opened his mouth and shut up and said that someone was going to kill him, he wanted to kill, and he had already killed a lot of people.

In his disobedient situation, the hospital nurses gave him a few injections of tranquilizers, and once was almost caught to taste the taste of electric shocks.

In the room where Qi Hongyuan lives, there is a patient named Zhou Ping. He suffers from schizophrenia and mania. His condition is much more serious than that of Qi Hongyuan.

Zhou Ping's temper was very short-tempered. When he saw Qi Hongyuan who was nervous, he felt that he was too annoying and rushed to fight Qi Hongyuan.

Qi Hongyuan resisted, but he was not Zhou Ping's opponent.

Zhou Ping beat people very hard, so the nurse came in time. After pulling the two away, Qi Hongyuan stayed where he was, and Zhou Ping was forcibly brought into a room.

After Zhou Ping came out (bbae) from that room, he became honest, didn't speak, and was dumbfounded, like a piece of wood.

Even if they didn't know each other, these two people with mental problems actually sat down and had a heart-to-heart conversation the next day.

The way they speak is different from that of normal people. They say a word here, say something there, and sometimes they talk about another thing that spans a lot.

When two psychopaths are chatting, if you stand by and watch, you will find it difficult to understand their communication.

That day, Zhou Ping patted Qi Hongyuan on the shoulder and said to him, "I'm very good at fighting. I'm not afraid of anyone except those who wear white clothes. If you follow me in the future, no one can kill you."

Qi Hongyuan, who was insecure, followed Zhou Ping from that day on. Zhou Ping gave him a sense of security, and he did what he could to Zhou Ping.

The two paired up in a mental hospital, and the nurses who were close to each other wondered if they had an abnormal relationship.

Some mental patients, because of their particularity, the hospital does not charge, or the government reimburses him for the medical expenses in the mental hospital.

Qi Hongyuan's cousin felt that the cost was too high, and she didn't want to waste money, so she took Qi Hongyuan away, rented a house for Qi Hongyuan in the nearby suburban countryside, and gave him a meal a day.

After Qi Hongyuan got his revenge and became more conscious, he went to Anhe Mental Hospital. It happened that Zhou Ping's family also went there to see Zhou Ping that day, so Qi Hongyuan left contact information with Zhou Ping's family.

Today, after Zhou Ping's accident, Zhou Ping's family called and cried with Qi Hongyuan about it.

"I can still remember chatting and talking to him like a lunatic back then..." Qi Hongyuan gave a wry smile after saying this, his eyes were a little wet: "No, I was a lunatic at that time, I didn't have much at that time. The sense of security is that Zhou Ping said that he is very good at fighting, that he can protect me and reassures me."

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