Lin Chen could see that the relationship between Qi Hongyuan and that Zhou Ping was not deep, but that memory made Qi Hongyuan consider Zhou Ping a very good friend.

"He was cut off, and his heart was dug out..." Lin Chen drove the car and muttered, "The hospital staff did it, or was it some other mental patient?"

"I don't know, Zhou Ping's mother just said that Zhou Ping died and she was very sad, and then hung up the phone and didn't ask me to go there. I thought of it myself." Qi Hongyuan said.

Lin Chen nodded and said nothing more.

Halfway through the car, Lin Chen found that there was no more gas in the gas tank, so he went to the gas station to add a tank of gas, and then continued to drive towards Anhe Mental Hospital on the outskirts of Anku District, Tianhai City.

On the map navigation, there is no route for Anhe Mental Hospital. Fortunately, Qi Hongyuan knows the road. After turning a road and driving uphill, there are trees and bamboo forests on both sides of the road.

I have to say that although it is a bit remote, the scenery and environment are still good. The roads up the mountain are all cement roads, the roads are wide and the road conditions are very good.

After driving up the mountain for only a few minutes, we arrived at the gate of Anhe Mental Hospital.

The guard room at the entrance is guarded by security guards, and you can see a lot of police cars parked in the mental hospital.

The security guards would naturally not let the foreign vehicles driven by Lin Chen.

Parked the car on the side of the road, the two walked towards the gate, and the security stopped them and asked them their purpose.

After Qi Hongyuan said that he was a friend of the deceased Zhou Ping, the security guard's face was a little weird. He waved his hand, indicating that Qi Hongyuan and Lin Chen could go in.

Qi Hongyuan walked quickly in front, and Lin Chen was a few steps behind.

As he walked, Lin Chen looked at the mental hospital. The walls of the mental hospital were at least about three meters high. On the three-meter-high wall, there was also a barbed wire fence with a sign of lightning hanging on it. Ordinary mental patients wanted to escape. If you go, the wall is a big obstacle.

Entering from the gate, you can see a building on the front. This is the complex building of Anhe Mental Hospital. Behind the complex is the treatment building, and there is a residential building for the mentally ill.

The mental hospital also has a cafeteria, but it is only used by those who can still take care of themselves. Some people are paralyzed in chuang, or they are more dangerous. They all have specialized nurses to deliver meals to them.


PS: This is the fifth update today. .


329 Unsharp Knife 【Subscription】

Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan were walking in the mental hospital. Today because of Zhou Ping's death, the mental patients in the hospital have not been released for the time being. There are only a few nurses in the hospital.

After walking for a while, a fat nurse glanced at the two of them and asked them whether they came here to see patients or what.

After Qi Hongyuan said his intentions, the nurse pointed to the dormitory building in front and said, "The police are all over there."

Without the nurse saying it, Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan also saw the police over there.

The criminal police are busy at the scene. This murder is a bit special because it happened in a mental hospital.

If the murderer is a mentally ill patient, the characterization and final judgment of this case is unknown.

After the two approached the accommodation building, they immediately heard the cries of a man and a woman. They walked around the accommodation building and saw a middle-aged couple sitting on the grass and crying.

On the grass not far from them, a corpse was covered with a white cloth, with a little blood on the white cloth.

After Qi Hongyuan found the corpse covered with white cloth on the ground, his footsteps paused slightly and his fists clenched tightly.

After taking a few deep breaths, Qi Hongyuan walked over there.

After saying hello to the parents of the deceased Zhou Ping, Zhou Ping's parents nodded and began to cry that their son died too badly, that his head was chopped off and his heart was gouged out.

Qi Hongyuan squatted down to comfort them, although he wanted to see this former friend, but Zhou Ping has no head now, the broken neck must be very scary, he does not have the courage.

Lin Chen was standing at the back, and when he was about to walk towards the lawn, an exclamation suddenly sounded: "Lin...Mr. Lin Chen?"

Lin Chen turned his head to look, and saw a young female detective looking at him with a surprised expression.

Her words also made the policemen around look over.

Now in Tianhai City, these police officers all know Lin Chen and have seen the video of Lin Chen solving the case. Lin Chen has now become the idol of many police girls.

"Hey... it's really Mr. Lin..."

"Mr. Lin is here to solve this case?"

"If Mr. Lin is involved in this case, there is hope for this case."

After those police officers confirmed Lin Chen's identity, they spoke involuntarily.

From the corpse dismemberment case of Donglin University to the serial murder case in the rainy night, so far, all the unsolved cases that Lin Chen has intervened in have been solved without any defeat.

In the hearts of these police officers, there is a view that it seems that as long as the case involving Lin Chen is involved, it will definitely be solved.

"Mr. Lin, you are here..."

The young female detective trotted and came to Lin Chen. She stared at Lin Chen's handsome face and looked at it. She said in her heart that Lin Chen that she saw with her own eyes looked much better than on TV. Woolen cloth.

Lin Chen nodded to the female detective, and the female detective hurriedly shot at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, my name is Ji Yuxiang, a detective from the Anku District Bureau."

Lin Chen shook hands with her, and Ji Yuxiang said excitedly, "I didn't expect to see you here today, Mr. Lin, you are my idol, I really want to ask you for an autograph."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Ji Yuxiang reached out and covered her mouth.

Under such circumstances, as a criminal police officer, she should not have said such words.

It was also because he was so excited to see Lin Chen.

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing." Ji Yuxiang stuck her tongue out, looking very embarrassed.

At this time, the other detectives present also came forward to greet Lin Chen.

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