After saying hello, Lin Chen didn't say much to them, and walked into the lawn.

Seeing this, Ji Yuxiang hurriedly followed behind Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen came to the corpse, he glanced at Zhou Ping's corpse covered with white cloth, and then his eyes fell on the small tree next to the corpse.

This small tree planted in the lawn, the soil next to the root is round, slightly lower than the soil next to it.

Next to the roots of the tree, it was full of coagulated and semi-coagulated blood.

"Has the position of the corpse been moved?" Lin Chen asked.

Hearing Lin Chen asking herself a question, Ji Yuxiang seemed to calm down and replied, "The position of the corpse has not been moved. The current position is the same position when the corpse was found."

Lin Chen nodded slightly. The neck of the deceased was close to the small tree, and the position of the corpse did not move. That is to say, after the murderer cut off the head of the deceased, a part of the blood in the deceased's body came from the wound on the neck. gushing out, flowing towards the tree.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

The neck of the deceased was like the spout of a water hose, watering the tree with his blood.

"Give me a pair of gloves." Lin Chen said to Ji Yuxiang.

There were also other male policemen next to him. After hearing Lin Chen's words, they immediately brought a pair of gloves and handed them to Lin Chen.

Putting on gloves, Lin Chen lifted the white cloth on the deceased's body.

The white cloth was lifted, and the first thing that caught the eye was the headless neck of the deceased.

The wound on the neck was crooked and pitted, the muscle tissue on it was cut out of shape by the knife, and there were several fresh dents on the exposed vertebrae.


The strongest connection between the human head and the body is the spine, which is connected to the base of the skull.

The vertebra of the deceased Zhou Ping was broken by the murderer with a knife.

"The forensic identification result is the knife used by the murderer. It is a small knife, and it is not very sharp." Lin Chen said without raising his head.

Ji Yuxiang nodded hurriedly: "That's right."

If the murderer used a sharp knife with a relatively heavy weight, the neck section of the deceased would not appear pitted and crooked, but would be cut with one stroke, the muscle tissue of the section would be flat, and knife marks would be left on the vertebrae.

On the white vertebrae exposed on the neck of the deceased, there was not a single line of knife marks, but there were a few marks pierced by the knife's tip, which indicated that the knife was not big. separated from the vertebrae.

Lin Chen immediately lifted the whole white cloth, and saw the wound on the deceased's heart and the cut abdomen.

The wound on the heart is not scary, the huge wound on the abdomen of the deceased, at this moment, the intestines and liver in his stomach are exposed.

The intestines, the two kidneys, the stomach... swaying gently, like a bowl of tofu, trembling, trembling, trembling.

Ji Yuxiang looked at the deceased's cut abdomen and said, "The forensic judge's judgment is that the murderer first stabbed the deceased's heart, killing him, then cut off the deceased's head, finally cut open the abdomen, and took away the deceased's body. heart.".


330 Entering the back mountain [2 more for subscription]

After Lin Chen heard what the female detective Ji Yuxiang said, she nodded slightly, his observation was similar to the forensic doctor's judgment.

The murderer chose to stab the victim's heart with a single knife, making him lose his ability to resist quickly, and then he could use a small, not particularly sharp knife to cut off the victim's head.

It is conceivable that when the murderer cut the victim's head with the not-so-sharp knife, he put the knife on the neck of the deceased and slashed back and forth. After cutting the skin, the knife cut into the flesh. .

When encountering a tissue that was more difficult to cut, he cut back and forth more forcefully. The knife was in his hand, like a saw. After cutting all the muscles on the victim's neck, he began to cut. Work on the spine of the dead.

Cut off the head, then cut open the victim's entire stomach from the xiong cavity, take away the heart of the deceased, and the murderer did not touch the other things on the deceased's body.

"We now suspect that the murderer may not be a mental patient in the hospital, but a staff member of the mental hospital, or ran in from outside." A male criminal policeman said to Lin Chen.

"Oh? How to say..." Lin Chen asked.

Without waiting for the male detective to explain, Ji Yuxiang hurriedly interjected and said: "After our careful evidence collection, no fingerprints of the murderer were found on the body of the deceased, at the scene...that is to say, the murderer should have committed the crime while wearing gloves. And it was done very meticulously, leaving no trace of his crime."

"The murderer is so thoughtful, we think that the mentally ill cannot do it. If the mentally ill committed the crime, there should be a lot of flaws."

"Yeah." The male detective said, "So far, we haven't found any favorable clues."

Lin Chen nodded, indicating that he understood.

He asked, "Where are the head and heart of the deceased, have you found it?"

"I found it." Ji Yuxiang said: "The head and heart of the deceased were found in the cemetery in the back mountain of the mental hospital' ˇ."

Lin Chen took off his gloves and said to Ji Yuxiang, "Well, take me to the cemetery to see."


Of course Ji Yuxiang is willing to take her idol to another crime scene.

Under the leadership of Ji Yuxiang, Lin Chen came to the outside of the cemetery in the back mountain.

After seeing the low barbed wire in front of him, Lin Chen whispered, "The barbed wire here is so low, aren't you afraid of the mentally ill going into the cemetery..."

Ji Yuxiang heard the words and explained: "We also asked the nurses in the mental hospital about this. They said that the patient's range of activities is not here. Generally, no mental patient will come here, and they know that this is a cemetery. Those who are mentally ill also feel scared."

Lin Chen nodded slightly, and stepped over this low barbed wire.

Ji Yuxiang saw that Lin Chen stepped over easily, but she who had never entered this cemetery, she had to step in even with every step.

When the front foot was about to go in quickly and the back foot was about to follow quickly, Ji Yuxiang's pants suddenly heard a screeching sound.

After hearing this voice, Ji Yuxiang's face showed a trace of panic, and she had a premonition of something bad.

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