After Lin Chen heard the movement, he also looked back.

When Ji Yuxiang's back foot landed, she found that her trousers legs were caught by barbed wire and ripped apart. The trousers at the big tui were hooked with a big hole, and the pink underwear inside the trousers was exposed. came out.

Lin Chen, who turned around, happened to see the pink panties in the slit of the trousers, Ji Yuxiang noticed Lin Chen's eyes, she screamed, and quickly reached out to cover the position.


Ji Yuxiang wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

She felt extremely embarrassed, she took Lin Chen to see the second scene, but when she stepped over the barbed wire, she tore her pants, and also let Lin Chen see the place that she shouldn't see.

Ji Yuxiang didn't blame Lin Chen for seeing it, she knew that Lin Chen didn't mean it, but felt very embarrassed and embarrassed.

He behaved so stupidly, I don't know how Mr. Lin thought of himself.

"Are you okay?" Lin Chen looked calm.

Ji Yuxiang covered the body with both hands to prevent her fair thighs from showing, she shook her head and said reluctantly, "No, it's alright..."

Glancing at Ji Yuxiang's upper body, he reminded: "Take off the jacket and wrap it around the lower body so that others can't see it."

"Okay." Ji Yuxiang agreed, and quickly took off his police uniform jacket, tied it around his waist, and blocked the torn pants at his thighs.

After being tied, Ji Yuxiang breathed a sigh of relief, she went to see Lin Chen, and saw that Lin Chen had turned and walked inside.

Looking at Lin Chen's back, Ji Yuxiang muttered, "Mr. Lin saw it just now...but he doesn't seem to have any it me...isn't it pretty enough?"

Thinking of this, Ji Yuxiang patted her head quickly, blaming herself for handling the case well and not allowed to think wildly.

Ji Yuxiang followed quickly, and the two walked in this large cemetery.

Lin Chen's eyes swept across the wooden plaques on the ground. The brush characters written on them were very vague, some were still legible, and some were directly dyed. It was impossible to tell who the deceased buried behind the wooden plaques was.

Ji Yuxiang saw Lin Chen staring at the wooden plaques on the ground, she explained: "...these wooden plaques are the simple tombstones of this cemetery. The hospital buried them here."

"If a wooden sign represents a person, then there are a lot of people lying in this cemetery." Lin Chen whispered.

"Yeah." Ji Yuxiang nodded, she tightened the jacket tied around her waist, and said, "There used to be a lot of mental patients (Zhao De's) in this mental hospital, but in recent years, they have been in the jurisdiction again. A hospital with better treatment conditions has been built, and there are not many mental patients in this mental hospital now."

Some of the wooden signs on the cemetery have been rotted, and it can be seen that it has been a long time.

After the two continued walking for a while, they came to the big tree with the deceased's head on the branch.

The place where the head was placed was marked by the police, and Ji Yuxiang pointed to the location of the tree branch and said, "Mr. Lin, the head of the deceased was found at that marked position. The head of the deceased was inserted into a branch of the tree branch. When the security guards of the mental hospital found out, they were taken aback."

Hearing this, Lin Chen looked at Ji Yuxiang and asked, "Have the security guard of the hospital entered this cemetery?"

"Yeah." Ji Yuxiang didn't think much, and said, "After they found the body on the lawn behind the accommodation building, they looked for the head of the deceased everywhere."


331 The head is on the tree and the heart is in the ground [3 more subscriptions]

Ji Yuxiang pointed to the location of the branch of the big tree again, and said, "They searched for a lot of places, and finally found the head of the deceased on the branch of the tree."

"Well..." Lin Chen touched his chin: "What about the heart of the deceased?"

Ji Yuxiang said: "The heart of the deceased was buried in the ground by the murderer, right here. I found it at the time."

When looking for the heart of the deceased, it was Ji Yuxiang who found the small earthen bag next to the tree, and when she opened the small earthen bag, she saw the heart of the deceased.

After arriving at the location of the original small earthbag, Lin Chen immediately saw that there was a small pit on the ground, the soil in the pit was stained with a lot of blood, and next to the small pit was loose and dug soil.

Ji Yuxiang pointed to the pit: "It's here."

Lin Chen walked to the side of the small pit, and his eyes fell on a branch stuck on the ground beside the small pit.

"Did you plant this branch, or was it the murderer?" Lin Chen raised his head and asked Ji Yuxiang.

Ji Yuxiang immediately replied: "When I found this small earthen bag, there was this branch next to the small earthen bag. It should be that the murderer buried his heart here in 620, picked up a branch and inserted it into the small earthen bag. Next to him, the purpose of his doing this..."

Having said that, Ji Yuxiang's eyes fell on the wooden signs in the distance, and said, "It is estimated that it is the tombstone of the deceased."

Lin Chen visually observed the position of the tree where the heart was buried to the tree where the head was placed.

When Ji Yuxiang saw that Lin Chen didn't speak, she asked a question and said, "Mr. Lin, the murderer killed the deceased, chopped off the deceased's head, put the head on the branch of the tree, buried the heart in the ground, and inserted it next to it. A branch, he does this, do you think he has no other purpose?"

Lin Chen heard the words, stood up slowly, and whispered: "Head on the tree, open eyes, heart in the ground, with branches sticking beside..."

After saying this to himself, Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and after staying in place for a while, he said, "Okay, you can leave."

"Mr. Lin, do you think the murderer did it on purpose or at will? He hung his head on a branch and buried his heart in the ground. Did he have any other intentions?" Ji Yuxiang couldn't wait to ask again, wanting to follow Lin Chen got a response there.

She had never been in contact with Lin Chen and didn't understand Lin Chen's character, so she asked so many questions.

Lin Chen shook his head slightly, didn't say anything, and walked straight to the outside of the cemetery.

Seeing this, Ji Yuxiang showed disappointment on her face. She followed Lin Chen and walked outside.

There is no wall on the edge of this cemetery, but it is also blocked by barbed wire. It is not impossible to turn over the barbed wire on the edge of the cemetery, but it is easy to be injured and very laborious.

As soon as the two walked out of the cemetery, a line of criminal policemen came head-to-head. After seeing the leading policeman, a smile appeared on Lin Chen's face.

This leading police officer is none other than Zhang Tianan, who went out early in the morning and left a note for Lin Chen, asking Lin Chen to send Xiaohui to school.

"I just finished interrogating the staff of the mental hospital, and I didn't expect to hear the news of your coming. Did you come to help me solve the case when you heard the news?" Zhang Tianan said to Lin Chen with a smile.

"The deceased Zhou Ping was Qi Hongyuan's former friend in the mental hospital. I just sent him here to take a look." Lin Chen replied.

The criminal police behind Zhang Tianan greeted Lin Chen. They were all members of the serious crime team of the General Bureau of the Municipal Bureau.

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