Zhang Tianai worked with Lin Chen on a lot of cases. Originally, she was a member of the second team of the serious crime team, and the team leader was Fang Xinzhou. Now Fang Xinzhou has been withdrawn, and Zhang Tianan has come to serve as the second team of the serious crime team. the team leader.

The power of the team leader is naturally higher than that of the team members. Now the detectives behind Zhang Tian'an are all obeying her orders and dispatches.

(bbah) "Have you seen the second scene in the cemetery?" Zhang Tian'an asked, his eyes falling on Ji Yuxiang who was beside Lin Chen.

"I've seen it." Lin Chen nodded.

Zhang Tian'an stared at Lin Chen's eyes for two seconds, she understood a little bit of the meaning in Lin Chen's eyes, and didn't ask Lin Chen if he found anything.

At this time, a criminal policeman behind Zhang Tianan asked Ji Yuxiang: "Officer Ji, your police uniform...why are you tied to your body?"

"Oh..." Ji Yuxiang looked a little embarrassed: "I just took Mr. Lin to the cemetery, and accidentally cut his pants and covered it with his clothes... I was too careless."

"Oh, that's it." The detective nodded, indicating that he understood.

After Zhang Tian'an heard the words, he glanced at Lin Chen one more time.

Everyone started walking towards the accommodation building. Lin Chen asked Zhang Tianan, "After interrogating those staff, did you find anything?"

"Not yet."

Zhang Tianan said: "We suspect that the hospital staff is more likely to commit the crime, because if the mentally ill commit the crime, it is very likely that a lot of clues will be left behind. Just now we questioned the doctors, nurses, and security guards. , most of them have an alibi."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tian'an paused slightly: "But their alibi is only superficial. We haven't gone deep into the investigation. This point, a colleague is already responsible for investigating."

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "You guys also suspect that mentally ill people committed the crime, but at night, those mentally ill people are either tied to the chuang, or locked in the room, or the iron door to go downstairs is locked, How did the murderer bring that mental patient from upstairs to the lawn and attack him?"

"When we suspected that a mental patient was committing a crime, someone mentioned this." Zhang Tianan said: "Actually, when we first heard about this case, we thought it should not be difficult, because in ordinary mental hospitals, Surveillance cameras are installed in many places.”

"You mean, this Anhe mental hospital, there is no surveillance installed in the dormitory building?" Lin Chen asked.

"Well, not in the accommodation building, not in the treatment building. There are only a few monitors in the general building and the guard room, but those monitors are too far away from the scene of the crime to be effective at all," Zhang Tianan replied.

"Why don't they install monitoring? To save costs?" Lin Chen looked at the outer wall of the mental hospital, and there were no monitoring facilities on the large wall.

Zhang Tianan immediately explained it to Lin Chen.

There are differences between public and private mental hospitals. This Anhe mental hospital is a private mental hospital.

At that time, there were not many mental hospitals in Tianhai City, but Anhe mental hospital was established to accommodate many mental patients. .


332 Too Unprincipled [4 More Subscriptions]

The Anhe Mental Hospital is very large in scale. There is a residential building, a treatment building, and a comprehensive building. There are also basketball courts, small football fields, lawns, and groves for leisurely walks in the mental hospital.

At that time, Anhe Mental Hospital had a good reputation in Tianhai City. Anhe Mental Hospital had a good environment, complete facilities, and professional doctors and nurses. Many families with mental patients who needed treatment would choose to send their patients here. , I hope to recover.

At that time, the Anhe Mental Hospital was very prosperous, but after that, there were several medical disturbances in the hospital. The first medical disturbance was when a nurse injected a patient with drugs such as tranquilizers, and the injection caused the patient to become unconscious. In the end, he never woke up again, and turned into a icy-cold corpse.

The second time was a mental patient with severe mania who fell ill. The nurses and security guards went to arrest him and try to control him. As a result, the mental patient fought desperately with the security nurse and accidentally died.

The third time was an accident while applying electric shock therapy to a patient.

After several medical disturbances and accidents, the reputation of the Anhe Mental Hospital is not as good as it used to be. Many people say that the private mental hospital is not good.

As far as schools are concerned, public schools are much, much better than private schools, and mental hospitals are similar in comparison.

Due to the bad reputation and the construction of the nearby public mental hospital, many family members of the patients picked up the patients from the Anhe mental hospital and sent them to the public mental hospital.

However, some people have not heard of the scandal in the Anhe mental hospital, or the public mental hospital cannot accommodate it, and patients are sent to the Anhe mental hospital.

Anyway, Anhe Mental Hospital was very profitable from the beginning, and gradually declined.

In today's huge mental hospital, the number of mental hospitals in the hospital is far less than before.

According to the relevant leaders of the mental hospital, the residential building and the treatment building of the mental hospital used to be monitored, but some monitors were smashed by patients, and some were damaged. In order to save some expenses, after the monitoring broke down, the mental hospital No more spending money to install a new batch of monitors.

As for the lock-up of the concierge in the dormitory building at night, the nurses said that the mentally ill patients with a relatively high degree of danger were tied to the chuang or locked the door after taking medicine at night.

The rooms of some mental patients are not locked, because some rooms do not have independent bathrooms, and they have to go out to the toilet at night.

Regardless of whether the house is locked or unlocked, the door to the downstairs is locked. Without the key on the nurse, these mentally ill patients cannot get out of the building at all.

The door is locked, and the mentally ill can't get out. Based on this, the criminal police involved in the case even more believe that the murderer is most likely a hospital staff member.

Because the staff member had a key on his body, if the staff member committed the crime, he could wait until the night to quietly bring the deceased down from the upstairs of the dormitory, take him to the lawn behind the dormitory building, and then kill the victim.

After committing the crime, the staff member either went back to the dormitory building to sleep, or went to rest elsewhere.

"Have all the anti-theft windows in the accommodation building been checked? Are there any loose windows?" Lin Chen asked.

"Well...this...I haven't checked it yet." After Zhang Tianan finished speaking, he immediately instructed the criminal police behind him to check all the security windows in the accommodation building to see if there were any loose security windows.

The detectives immediately went to investigate the security window, and Ji Yuxiang was still with Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai.

After returning to the lawn where the corpse was found, Ji Yuxiang said goodbye and left to change his pants. As soon as she left, Zhang Tian'an asked Lin Chen, "Did you see something you shouldn't see just now? ?"

"What shouldn't be seen?" Lin Chen wondered, "What shouldn't be seen?"

Zhang Tian'an pouted and said, "The police officer Ji took you to the cemetery in the back mountain. Her pants were torn by barbed wire and wrapped in a coat. From my point of view, her pants must have been torn seriously. Otherwise, she wouldn't use a coat to cover it, she's torn pants with big legs, but you're next to her, will you see things you shouldn't see?"

"You're still a little observant." Lin Chen smiled and said, "Come on, take me to see the nurse who found the body, and the security guards who came to look for the head of the deceased later."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Zhang Tianai wanted to know if Lin Chen had seen something he shouldn't have seen, but after hearing that Lin Chen was going to see the nurse and security guard, she understood that Lin Chen was going to participate in this case.

Zhang Tian'an put the Ji Yuxiang matter behind him, and when the two walked to a place where no one was around, Zhang Tian'an took Lin Chen's arm, and said to Lin Chen in a coquettish tone, "You are so kind. ."

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