Behind the screen mesh door, is a heavy wooden door.

Lin Chen glanced at the guard room, and then asked Captain Xin, "Are you the captain of the security team?"

Captain Xin nodded and said, "Since they all call me Captain Xin, of course I am the captain."

"How long have you been working here?" Lin Chen asked.

"Well, it's been more than two years." Captain Xin replied.

Lin Chen asked the other five security guards how long they had been working here.

"I've been working here for many years since the mental hospital was built," said the security guard in his forties.

"I've been here for over three years," said the second security guard.

"I've been working here for over five years," said the third security guard.

"I'm almost four years old," said the fourth security guard.

"I've been like him for almost three years," said the fifth security guard.

After Captain Xin and the other six had answered, Lin Chen asked the 0.9 chubby Nurse Zhu, "How about you, how many years have you worked here?"

"Me?" Nurse Zhu pointed her nose at her. She recalled it a little and said, "It's all done. After getting paid on the 23rd of this month, I've been working here for five months."

"Do you like this job?" Lin Chen asked with a smile.

Nurse Zhu felt a little baffled by these questions asked by Lin Chen, and she replied, "I work to earn money, I can't say whether I like it or not. If I had a choice, I would prefer to be a nurse in a regular big hospital. "

"Comrade police, what are you asking about? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the case, right?" Captain Zhu asked curiously.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Lin Chen said.

He said it was okay, but Lin Chen said in his heart: This hospital is weird. .


334 There is a problem with this hospital [2 more subscriptions]

In the Anhe Mental Hospital, except that the back of the dormitory building was blocked, all the patients came out at this moment.

Take a walk for a walk, play ball, and some are sluggish, just sit on the lawn and pull the grass.

In a mental hospital, you can treat these patients as dangerous children.

In the guard room at the entrance, after Captain Xin finished speaking, Nurse Zhu looked at the dormitory and asked Lin Chen, "Comrade police, are you finished? I want to take a leave of absence after asking. "

Lin Chen didn't speak, Zhang Tian'an stepped forward slightly and said, "Nurse Zhu, you can't leave here for the time being."

"Ah?" Nurse Zhu was a little surprised and asked hastily, "Comrade police, why, why can't I leave here?"

"You are the first person to discover the body. Our police may have something else to ask you later." Zhang Tian'an hesitated slightly and said, "Well... Well, at least you don't leave the hospital during the day."

After Nurse Zhu heard this, she nodded and said, "That's okay, I'll leave at night."


Captain Xin, who was standing in front, stretched, yawned, and asked, "What, I was on duty last night and I was very tired. Now 803 is sleepy, can I go to bed?"

Lin Chen looked at this Captain Xin, and he said lightly, "Well, I've finished asking my questions for the time being, and I can go to rest."

"Okay." Captain Xin nodded, reached out and patted his mouth twice.

A few dozen meters from the guard room, there are several rooms next to the hospital complex, which are the dormitories of the members of the security team.

Captain Xin took a few steps over there, then he stopped and said to one of the security guards in their thirties: "Lao Zheng, eat less at noon, and make more braised eggplants, I want another one. Fried eggs, and get me some chili too."

The security guard who was called Lao Zheng heard the words and raised his hand: "Okay, remember."

"Well." Captain Xin nodded, stepped forward, and walked towards the dormitory.

Zhang Tianan glanced at the departing Captain Xin, and then looked back at Lin Chen. Zhang Tianan noticed that Lin Chen was also staring at Captain Xin.

After noticing Lin Chen's gaze, Zhang Tianan muttered in his heart, "Does Lin Chen think there is something wrong with this Captain Xin?"

"Since I've finished asking, then I'll go to work too." Nurse Zhu, who was short and chubby (bbba), said something and walked towards the treatment building.

The other five security guards also quickly dispersed, two went to the guard room, and three went to the complex building.

When the Anhe Mental Hospital was at its peak, there were more than [-] security guards in the hospital, and now there are only six security guards left, and these six security guards still have heavy responsibilities.

When a patient becomes ill and is more dangerous, they have to rush over immediately to control the patient, so that the nurse can give the patient an injection treatment.

When only Lin Chen and Zhang Tian'an were left in place, Zhang Tian'an asked Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, you seem to have been staring at that Captain Xin just now?"

"Is there?" Lin Chen said indifferently.

"Yes." Zhang Tiannan nodded his head and said, "Why, do you think Captain Xin is suspicious?"

"No." Lin Chen shook his head.

"No?" Zhang Tianni felt that from the question Lin Chen asked and his performance, he should have seen some clues.


Lin Chen glanced at Zhang Tianan's pretty face and said, "It's not that Captain Xin has a problem, it's this mental hospital that has a problem."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tian'an was stunned for a moment.

It's not that Captain Xin has a problem, but that there is a problem with this mental hospital?Anhe Mental Hospital, what's the problem?

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