"What do you mean, what's wrong with this hospital?" Zhang Tianan asked in confusion.

Zhang Tianan had just finished speaking when he saw a police car approaching quickly on the road outside Anhe Mental Hospital.

Zhang Tianai looked at the approaching police car, and when the security guards in the guard room saw that it was a police car, they immediately let go.

The police car quickly stopped beside Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai, the door of the passenger seat opened, and a girl dressed modestly and with fluttering hair stepped out of the car.

After seeing this girl, Zhang Tianan immediately recognized that she was Jiang Yaxian, the daughter of the boss of Emperor Sky Entertainment. Zhang Tianan had seen her on TV before.

After seeing Jiang Yaxian, Zhang Tianan immediately understood who was driving.

Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian are best friends. Many police officers in the Public Security Bureau know this.

"Hi, Lin Chen." Jiang Yaxian was wearing flat sneakers. After getting out of the car, she greeted Lin Chen with a smile on her face.

Lin Chen looked at Jiang Yaxian and nodded. At this time, the driver's door was also opened, and Miao Yunfei got out of the car.

"Sister Yunfei." Zhang Tianan greeted Miao Yunfei.

"Well." Miao Yunfei glanced at Lin Chen, and asked Zhang Tiannan, "How is the case going?"

Zhang Tianan said: "At present, we suspect that the hospital staff committed the crime, because the mental patients in the dormitory building are locked when they sleep at night, and the mental patients have no keys and can't get out of the dormitory building. There are staff in the hospital, but after our preliminary investigation, most of the staff in the hospital have an alibi..."

Zhang Tianan began to tell Miao Yunfei about the situation here. Miao Yunfei nodded slightly while listening.

Jiang Yaxian also had the look of a curious baby on her face, her two big eyes staring at Zhang Tiannan blinking.

Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianni, Jiang Yaxian, if these three beauties are the prettiest, it's really hard to compare them. It can only be said that they each have their own characteristics, and they are all beautiful and refined beauties.

Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian had very curious expressions on their faces when Zhang Tianan said that the murderer buried the head and heart of the deceased.

Jiang Yaxian's green and jade fingernails are painted with pink nail polish. The nail polish looks very nice and is not coquettish at all.

She frowned and said, "The murderer put his head on a tree branch, buried his heart in the ground, and inserted a branch next to it as a tombstone... It's so strange, what's the meaning of this?"

Miao Yunfei didn't speak, what she was thinking was not much different from Jiang Yaxian.

Zhang Tian'an shook his head and said, "It's impossible to tell whether the murderer did it on purpose or at random. There hasn't been much progress in the case yet."

"Lin Chen." Jiang Yaxian called out to Lin Chen, with a smile on her pretty face: "You are very good at solving cases, what is the purpose of the murderer doing this?"

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan also looked at Lin Chen together, wanting to hear Lin Chen's answer. .


335 Is the key stolen? [3 more subscriptions]

Facing the curious eyes of the three girls, Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I don't understand the murderer's intention for this moment."

Hearing this, the three women's faces were a little disappointed, but this is also normal. Maybe the murderer did it at will, and of course he couldn't guess the inner purpose of what he did.

After a few people talked for a while, Zhang Tianan said to Miao Yunfei: "Sister Yunfei, this case is handed over to me by the Deputy Bureau, why are you here, are you trying to solve this case together? ?"

After Miao Yunfei heard the words, she said lightly: "Well, our group has no case to deal with recently. I heard that there was a murder case here, so I'll come over to have a look."

After saying this, Miao Yunfei's eyes subconsciously glanced at Lin-chen.

In fact, Miao Yunfei will come here, one reason is because the serious case group does not have a case on hand, and another reason is that Miao Yunfei feels that Zhang Tianai and Lin Chen have such a good relationship, and the case in the Anhe mental hospital is handled by Zhang Tian Nui is in charge, and Lin Chen should also come.

So Miao Yunfei drove over, but on the way, she received a call from Jiang Yaxian.

Jiang Yaxian has been really busy recently. After hearing that Miao Yunfei was going to handle the case, she was a little curious, so she asked Miao Yunfei to pick her up from the company, and the two came together.

Zhang Tianai had no objection to Miao Yunfei's participation in this case, because of the arrival of Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian, Zhang Tianai briefly ignored Lin Chen's statement that there was something wrong with this mental hospital.

The group walked towards the accommodation building, and just after walking a short distance, a policeman trotted over.

After coming to Zhang Tian'an, he said, "Officer Zhang, as you said, we went to check the security windows of the dormitory building, and found that one of the security windows on the third floor was loose."

"Oh?" Zhang Tianan glanced at Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian, and said, "Then let's go take a look."

"Okay." Jiang Yaxian agreed. For a daughter of an entertainment company like her, participating in criminal investigation is a very novel thing.

Of course, if Jiang Yaxian was asked to look at the body, this girl would definitely not dare to look at it.

Following the policeman's footsteps, the four entered the gate of the accommodation building. Lin Chen carefully observed the accommodation building. There were two exits on the first floor, one at the front and the other at the back.

The back door is a security door. The door has accumulated a lot of dust, the door handle is also rusted, and the cobwebs on the door and the wall can be judged that this door should not have been opened for a long time.

The front door is an iron gate with a fence. There is a lock on the door, and a large iron lock is added. At night, both locks are used at the same time. Without a key, it is impossible to access the door from the inside. out.

After arriving on the third floor, everyone came to a window in the aisle. The anti-theft window of the window looked very old. It was a reinforced anti-theft window.

In this accommodation building, there are old-fashioned steel anti-theft windows, which were installed when the hospital was built.

The anti-theft ability of this steel anti-theft window is better than that of the more common aluminum alloy anti-theft windows.

After coming to the edge of the window, the policeman reached out and grabbed the steel anti-theft window on the window, and pushed it hard outside.

The reinforced anti-theft windows made a creaking sound, and some rusted places were pushed by the police, and the rust pieces fell off one after another.

The place where the lower part of the security window was fixed on the window has fallen off, and the top fixed place is relatively firm. After being pushed out, it becomes a movable security window. mouth.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan stretched their necks, looked down from this opening, and saw a big tree growing under the window.

The tree is seven or eight meters high, and the height of the windowsill is about eleven meters. If you want to go down from the third floor, you can jump to the big tree first, and then climb down from the tree.

"It's quite high, can't you go down here?" Jiang Yaxian also glanced down and asked Miao Yunfei and the others.

"At this height, if you use this tree, you can go down." Miao Yunfei explained.

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