Zhang Tianan looked at the policeman and said, "Is there any sign that this security window has been pushed before?"

The policeman stretched out his hand and scratched his head. After thinking about it, he said, "I don't remember very clearly, but it seems that this security window has never been pushed."

Lin Chen also walked over to take a look, and he said, "If you jump from here to the tree, the branches of that big tree will definitely be broken. You see, the branches of this tree have not been broken, and there is one more thing. The height of the tree is seven or eight meters, and the height of this window sill is eleven or twelve meters. Even if you can go down, how can you come up?"

"You can come up with a rope, but that's going to be laborious."

"Yeah." After hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tianan snorted, and she looked at the security window and said, "Indeed, it seems unlikely that the murderer will get out through the security window, not to mention he has to bring with the victim."

The policeman patted the rust on his hands, and he said, "In this accommodation building, only this window can be pushed, and there are no other problems."

"Since the murderer can't take the deceased out of here, he can only go through the main entrance."

Miao Yunfei glanced at Lin Chen, then she reached out and touched her chin, and said, "If you go to the main entrance, only the staff have the key... Judging from the current situation, those staff have alibi , then there is another possibility."

"What's the possibility?" Hearing her best friend's words, Jiang Yaxian's curiosity was aroused.

Zhang Tianai also stared at Miao Yunfei, Miao Yunfei looked at the two of them and said, "There is another possibility that the murderer is a patient in this dormitory building. The reason why he can freely enter and leave this building is because Because he stole the nurse's key and the nurse didn't take it to heart."

"That's right." The detective's eyes lit up and he said, "It is indeed possible that a nurse's key was stolen by a mental patient, so he could walk out of the building at night."

"Are the mentally ill's modus operandi so careful? You seem to say that there are no clues left." Jiang Yaxian said.

"Whether the mentally ill can be so meticulous in committing crimes, it's still best to check whether the staff has lost the key." Miao Yunfei said.

Zhang Tianan was in charge of this case. After Miao Yunfei came, she is now in charge.

The criminal policeman immediately called all the nurses in the hospital. Usually, nurses had the most contact with patients. They were more likely to have their keys stolen than those security guards. .


336 A little clue [4 more for subscription]

The nurses' dormitory, on the second and third floors of the treatment building, was summoned by the police, and all the nurses were called to the door of the dormitory on the second floor.

The nurses stood in a row, the squat nurse Zhu was among them, and the head nurse was standing at the front.

When the detective who called the nurses saw Miao Yunfei and the others, he said, "Miao team leader, all the nurses in the hospital are here."

Miao Yunfei nodded, her eyes swept over the nurses, and she asked, "I called you together again to ask one thing, do you all have the keys to the door of the dormitory building on your body? "

After the nurses heard the words, they immediately said that not everyone in this group of nurses had the key to the door, and half of the nurses did not have a key. Although Nurse Zhu was a newcomer, he had only worked for less than five years. months, but the head nurse still gave her a key "[-]".

All the nurses with keys stepped forward, and Miao Yunfei immediately asked, "Have you ever lost the keys on your body?"

"Lost?" The head nurse heard the words, turned to look at the little nurses under her hands, and she said, "I don't know about them, no one has told me, but my key has always been with me and I haven't lost it. Pass."

"Neither do I," said a little nurse.

"My pants are not easy to hang keys. Usually, my keys are thrown in the dormitory. I rarely use them. They are the doors that they close." Another nurse replied.

"My keys have also been thrown in the dormitory."

"Mine has never been lost."

After several nurses said that they had not lost the key, a young nurse raised her hand with a nervous expression on her face. She said, "I, I lost my key."

"Have you lost your key?" The head nurse said in a surprised tone, "Did you use someone else's key to close the door last night?"

"No." The female nurse who said she lost her key explained, "My key was last year. When I was giving medicine to a patient, I came out and found that the key was missing from my body. I searched everywhere and couldn't find it. For fear of being scolded by you after I said it, I didn't tell you, and the next day, I found that my key fell under a patient's chuang."

"I lost the key overnight?" Zhang Tian'an said.

"Yeah, I lost it one night and found it the next day." The little nurse replied.

When Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan were questioning these nurses, Lin Chen looked at the nurses' dormitories.

The doors of the female nurses' dormitories are relatively sturdy iron doors, and stainless steel security windows are installed on the windows of each room.

The security windows on the side where the patients live are old-fashioned steel security windows, and the security windows of these nurses are stainless steel security windows that do not look old.

Glancing over those stainless steel security windows, Lin Chen looked back at the old-fashioned steel security window where the patient lived.

Lin Chen's eyes were lowered, thoughtful, his expression was noticed by Miao Yunfei.

Miao Yunfei was curious about what Lin Chen was staring at those security windows, but now the main thing is to investigate whether the nurses' keys have been lost, so she didn't ask for a while.

"The key has been lost overnight. If the murderer is a patient, is it possible for the patient to issue a key that can be unlocked in one night?" Zhang Tianan speculated.

"Distribute the keys?"

After the head nurse heard the words, she shook her head and said, "Our patients are unable to leave the hospital, and there are no conditions or tools in the hospital that can be assigned keys. If the patient takes the key overnight, it is impossible to create a lock that can be opened. with the same key."

It is indeed unlikely that a key with the same tooth marks could be made by hand.

After saying a few words on this matter, Zhang Tianai motioned for the rest of the female nurses who did not speak up to continue.

When it was a young nurse's turn, the expression on her face was a little strange. She raised her eyes and glanced at Zhang Tian'an, and said, "I... my key has never been lost."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to her waist, and immediately there was a metallic sound of clattering keys colliding from her waist.

After all the nurses had finished speaking, only the female nurse's key was lost for one night and then found. However, one night and the environment of the mental hospital did not allow the patient to create a key that could be unlocked.

Miao Yunfei looked at the nurses. For some reason, she always felt that a female nurse had a strange expression when she answered the question.

So she swept her eyes from the nurses, and said a few words in a stern tone, telling these nurses that the questions asked by the police should not be hidden, and that there is something to say, perhaps a small detail can help the police. cracked the case . .

She also said that if she didn't report it, there would be serious consequences. The female nurse, who had been hesitant before, gritted her teeth, stepped forward, and said, "Comrade police, I'm sorry, I lied just now."

"Xiao Meng, what are you panicking about?" Nurse Zhu, who was short and stout, was friends with this nurse Xiao Meng. When she heard that her friend was lying, Nurse Zhu became a little worried for her friend.

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