Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan's eyes lit up slightly, staring at Nurse Meng, and said, "Come on."

Nurse Xiao Meng glanced at Miao Yunfei and the others timidly, and explained, "My key... I lost it, it was lost in the hospital..."

The head nurse was a woman in her forties, and when she wasn't smiling, her face looked a little serious.

"You lost your key? What's the key on your body?" the head nurse asked in a louder voice.

Nurse Xiao Meng didn't dare to go to the head nurse, she said weakly: "After I lost my key, I also looked for it, but I couldn't find it. I was afraid that the head nurse would punish you, so I didn't dare to say it. Take her key, go outside and get the lost key back."

Nurse Xiao Meng said, and pointed to Nurse Zhu, who was short and stout.

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me earlier when the key was lost?" The head nurse immediately widened her eyes. The old woman's eyes widened, still somewhat majestic.

"I... I didn't know this kind of thing would happen..." Nurse Xiao Meng said nervously.

"It was suspected that the 1.2 staff of the mental hospital committed the crime, but they all have alibi, if a mental patient commits the crime, those patients will not be able to leave the building." Jiang Yaxian said with a bit of joy: "Now I know that it was lost once. There are several keys in this building, which means that it is very likely that the key was taken by a certain patient."

Zhang Tian'an nodded slightly, and she asked the little nurse, "When did you lose your key?"

"Just... it seems like two or three months ago." Nurse Xiao Meng replied.

After Nurse Xiao Meng said this, the head nurse's expression changed slightly.


PS: This is the fourth update of today. This case is not easy to write... I wrote four chapters after sitting in front of the computer for more than ten hours...

My eyes hurt so much, I went to wash my face, and then continued to write….


337 People Who Hate Zhou Ping 【Subscription】

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai's attention were all on this nurse Xiao Meng who said she had lost the key.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan didn't notice when Nurse Xiaomeng said the approximate time of losing the key and the head nurse's expression changed.

As for Jiang Yaxian, who was standing beside Miao Yunfei, she happened to be looking at the head nurse, and when she noticed the strange change in the head nurse's expression, she said, "Head nurse, what's wrong with you?"

When the head nurse heard Jiang Yaxian's words, she turned her head slightly, looked at Jiang Yaxian, and said, "What's wrong?"

"I see that the expression on your face is a bit strange." Jiang Yaxian looked up and down the head nurse.

"Strange?" The expression on the head nurse's face was very calm, and she said, "What do you mean by strange? I heard that Xiaomeng lost a set of keys, so she didn't report it to me, but went outside to match one by herself. I was really angry when the bunch of keys came back, if she hadn't lost the bunch of keys, that Zhou Ping wouldn't have died."

After Jiang Yaxian heard the head nurse's words, she sighed and didn't care about the expression on the head nurse just now.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan didn't see the expression of the sergeant 11 before, and they didn't care even more when they heard the conversation between Jiang Yaxian and the head nurse.

"Sister Guo, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Nurse Xiao Meng looked very frightened and said sorry three times in a row. She looked at Nurse Guo with pleading eyes and said, "I thought the keys were thrown away, or In which corner was not found...I...I didn't know such a thing could happen."

"Humph." Nurse Guo squinted at Nurse Xiaomeng, and said coldly, "Don't make excuses for yourself, you should have come and notified me when you lost the key, but you didn't, do you think you are qualified? ?"

The short and stout Nurse Zhu and Nurse Xiao Meng were friends. When she saw Nurse Guo, she was very angry. When her friend was helpless, she stood up hesitantly and said, "Head Nurse...this...Xiao Meng, she is also I didn't know this would happen..."

"She doesn't know?" Head Nurse Guo was very temperamental. After Nurse Zhu came out to speak to Nurse Xiao Meng, she poured her anger on Nurse Zhu: "If she doesn't know, it's all right? If the key is lost, even if there is none. In today's murder case, what would happen if the patient ran away with the key? Do you know, ah?"

"Well... even if the patient ran away with the key, he wouldn't be able to escape from the hospital. There are security guards at the door." Nurse Zhu whispered.

"You still want to talk back to me, don't you? What do you refute what I say? The patient can't escape from the hospital? How do you know that the patient can't escape from the hospital, and what should you do if you run out of the hospital and can't find it? Are you responsible? Are you responsible for this?"

After Head Nurse Guo heard what the short and stout Nurse Zhu said, her voice became a little louder, making Nurse Zhu's body tremble slightly.

From Nurse Guo's attitude and words, we can see what kind of little leader she is usually. These nurses should have been scolded by her a lot.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai listened to what Nurse Guo said, but they didn't say anything.

Nurse Xiaomeng lost a key. Judging from the current situation, there is a great possibility that the key lost by Nurse Xiaomeng was taken away by a patient and hidden, and the patient who took the key was out of ten. Eight or nine is the murderer of this murder.

Head Nurse Guo took a few breaths and asked, "Officer, can we leave? Some patients still need our care."

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen with inquiring eyes, wanting to see if Lin Chen had anything to ask.

After feeling the eyes of the two women, Lin Chen nodded slightly and said to Nurse Guo, "Did the deceased Zhou Ping happen to him the day before or a few days before he was killed?"

Head Nurse Guo heard the words and said, "It seems... no, the patients in our hospital are all queuing up to take medicine on time, and they are all treated very well. Generally, they are very quiet and nothing will happen. of."

"The deceased Zhou Ping had schizophrenia and mania, right?" Lin Chen looked at Nurse Guo and asked again.

"Yes, the patient's mania is relatively serious. He used to beat patients often, and our nurses were also beaten by him." Nurse Guo said: "But after the doctor in our hospital adjusted the dose for him, Zhou Ping became irritable. Things are much better.”

"Since he has mania and has beaten a lot of people, there should be some mental patients who will hate him." Lin Chen said, "Has Zhou Ping done anything to anyone recently, or any patient hates Zhou Ping."

For Lin Chen's question, Nurse Guo and the nurses behind her all answered.

Zhou Ping has beaten a lot of people. Qi Hongyuan has been beaten by him before. Some of the patients who have been beaten by him have some mental problems. They were beaten today, but they forgot in a few days. Some were timid and after being beaten by Zhou Ping, Seeing Zhou Ping, they all run away.

Some patients were also short-tempered. When Zhou Ping beat them, they all resisted, but their physique was not as strong as Zhou Ping's, so they couldn't beat Zhou Ping.

A nurse said: "A few days ago, Zhou Ping had a hand with a patient. The patient fought with him, but he couldn't beat Zhou Ping. After Zhou Ping was controlled by us, the patient stared at Zhou Ping with fierce eyes."

Another nurse said, "There are a lot of patients who hate Zhou Ping, but those patients don't seem to have the guts to kill Zhou Ping, right?"

Lin Chen snorted and said to Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tian, ​​"We can investigate from this aspect."

"Okay." Miao Yunfei immediately turned around and instructed the police behind her, asking the nurses to lead the police to find those patients who hated and hated Zhou Ping.

After saying a few more words, Lin Chen said that he had no questions to ask, so that Nurse Guo and the others could leave.

Head Nurse Guo turned around and glared at Nurse Xiaomeng and Nurse Zhu. She gave an order to the other nurses, and then most of the nurses left to work, leaving only Nurse Xiaomeng, Nurse Zhu and the other two ages. Big nurse.

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