"Is it all six days off?" Lin Chen asked.

"Well, some are, some are not. The head nurse and the nurses who have been there for a long time all work five days off and two." Nurse Zhu said.

"Apart from the two of you, how many of the nurses are new?"

"This, I'm not very clear, the shortest time may be me and Xiaomeng." Nurse Zhu said.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tian'an were a little curious. Why did Lin Chen ask Nurse Zhu and Nurse Xiao Meng how many hours they had to take? It seems that these questions have nothing to do with this case?

After Lin Chen finished asking, he pointed to the stainless steel security window on the nurse's dormitory window and asked, "After you two come to work, is the security window in this dormitory right there?"

Nurse Xiaomeng and Nurse Zhu looked back at the dormitory and nodded: "Yes, when we come to work, there are security windows on the windows."


339 Occasionally let them work [3 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen pointed his finger at the iron gate that separates the nurse's dormitory from the patient's dormitory. He said, "Isn't there an iron gate there? Why do you have to install these stainless steel security windows on the windows of your dormitory?"

Nurse Zhu and Nurse Xiaomeng looked at each other. Nurse Xiaomeng was more introverted. She didn't say a word. Nurse Zhu, who was short and stout, said, "Well, maybe it's because the security window is added to make it safer. Who would care about such a trivial matter? ~Go to mind."

"Officer." Nurse Meng turned around and looked at the security windows: "What's wrong with these windows? Is there a problem?"

Lin Chen smiled lightly: "No problem, I just ask casually."

"Oh." Nurse Xiao Meng nodded slightly when she heard the words, and was immersed in the worry of legal responsibility again.

At this time, on the other side of the corridor, a man who appeared to be in his thirties, wearing a hospital suit and with a stubby head, walked over.

Even if this man didn't look at the sick clothes on his body, his dull eyes and dull appearance, he knew that he was not big. He looked like a normal person.

In the man's hand, he was holding a plate with several plastic bowls and chopsticks on it, and there were some leftovers in the bowl.

The man turned his head to look at Lin Chen and the others, then withdrew his gaze, looked at Nurse Xiao Meng, and walked over.

When he was about to come to Nurse Xiaomeng, the man said to Nurse Xiaomeng, "Sister Xiaomeng, I have fed them all the meals, and some of them have not been eaten, and they said they can't eat any more."

This man, who looked at least in his thirties, was calling a nurse in his twenties his sister, and his tone was weak, like a child who came to report after finishing what the adults ordered.

Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian glanced at the man, and felt a little uncomfortable with him calling out a sister.

Nurse Xiaomeng's eyes fell on the plastic bowls on the tray in the man's hand. After seeing that there was not much left in the bowls, Nurse Xiaomeng's eyes showed a touch of satisfaction and said, "Well, if you can eat those that can Now, Xiao Fan, thank you, sister."

The man known as Xiao Fan had a naive smile on his face after hearing what Nurse Xiao Meng said.

He stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Then... Sister Xiaomeng, you... can you give me another candy?"

"There's no candy, go go, go back quickly, how can there be so much candy for you to eat." Nurse Zhu's temper was not as good as Nurse Xiao Meng, she waved her hand, like chasing flies, and told Xiao Fan to hurry back .

The embarrassment on Xiao Fan's face immediately turned into grievance. He took a step back and said, "I... I've already helped you, can't you give me a piece of candy? I want candy, I I want candy today."

In his thirties, he is no different from a child at this moment, and there is a coquettish tone in his tone.

This coquettish tone and demeanor, coupled with the age of thirty-something, seems to give people goosebumps and a little disgusting.

"No, no, I don't have to eat candy today." Nurse Zhu still waved her hand and wanted to drive Xiao Fan back.

Seeing this, Nurse Xiao Meng grabbed Nurse Zhu's hand immediately, she smiled and looked at Xiao Fan, who was in her thirties, and said, "Yes, there is candy, wait here, I'll get it for you. "

Xiao Fan, who was originally aggrieved, giggled immediately after hearing what Nurse Xiao Meng said.

Nurse Xiaomeng turned around and walked towards her dormitory. Xiaofan rubbed his hands together and looked at Nurse Xiaomeng's back with a look of eagerness.

While waiting for Nurse Meng to bring the candy, Xiao Fan glanced at Zhang Tianan and the others again, and asked Nurse Zhu nervously: "Sister Zhu, they are policemen, why are so many police officers coming to our house today? "

"None of your business, stop talking nonsense."

Nurse Zhu narrowed her eyes: "Also, I'm not your sister, don't call me Sister Zhu, you are Sister Zhu, and your whole family is Sister Zhu."

Nurse Zhu's surname is Zhu, which has the same pronunciation as pig. Sometimes this surname is called, which makes her feel awkward.

After being scolded by Nurse Zhu for a few words, Xiao Fan dared not speak any more.

Nurse Xiao Meng was very fast. She walked out of the room with a candy in her hand.

She handed the candy to Xiao Fan and said to him, "Well, I've got the candy for you. You have to be more obedient in the future, do you know?"

Holding the candy, Xiao Fan was very happy, he nodded and said, "Okay, I will definitely be more obedient in the future and help you with things."

· · Flowers · · ·

After Xiao Fan finished speaking, he turned around and took the cheap candy that didn't look delicious, and walked away.

He hopped away, very happy.

Zhang Tianai took her eyes away from Xiao Fan and asked Nurse Xiao Meng, "Who is this patient?"

Nurse Xiao Meng heard the words and explained, "Oh, his name is Fan Guoxing, and he is a patient in our mental hospital. His mind is very unclear. Sometimes he is like a child, and sometimes he is not so naive."

"He is more obedient. Occasionally give him a candy to eat, and he will do whatever we say. Sometimes the hospital is short of staff, and I will call him to help."

After speaking here, Nurse Xiao Meng stopped and did not continue talking.

...... .......

Fan Guoxing was a patient in the mental hospital. The patients were cared for and treated by doctors and nurses in the hospital, not to help them work together.

Nurse Xiao Meng still had something to say, that is, they would ask Fan Guoxing to clean up, feed patients who couldn't take care of themselves, and sometimes ask him to wash dirty things.

Fan Guoxing helped the nurses, and he had no complaints. The nurses in the Anhe mental hospital were very fond of this patient who was well-behaved and sensible and could help.

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