If the hospital is full of well-controlled patients like Fan Guoxing, the job will be much easier.

"You still let the patients work?" Jiang Yaxian asked.

Nurse Xiao Meng smiled: "Occasionally, occasionally, labor can also help patients recover anyway, so I let them work occasionally."

Lin Chen didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, and after talking to Nurse Zhu and Nurse Xiao Meng a few more words, they walked towards the aisle to the rooms where the patients lived.

Under the guidance of the nurses, several detectives have called together all the patients who hate the dead and hate the dead.

These patients stood side by side in a room, with a total of six people, the youngest in their twenties, and the older ones in their forties and fifties.

Their standing posture is not standard, they are crooked, some are barefoot, some are wearing slippers, and their clothes are quite dirty, it seems that they have not changed their clothes for some days. .


340 Interrogation of the mentally ill [4 more subscriptions]

After Lin Chen, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan and the others arrived, and under Zhang Tian'an's gesture, the detective began to question the six patients who had deep grievances with the deceased Zhou Ping.

"Zhou Ping is dead, do you know?" the detective asked.

Of the six mentally ill people, after hearing the police officer's words, only two cast their eyes at him, and the other four didn't respond at all, as if they didn't hear the police officer's words.

The two patients who looked at the detective, one of them with a scruffy beard, asked, "Zhou Ping is dead, is it true?"

Seeing that one of the six people responded to him, the detective nodded immediately and said, "Really, Zhou Ping was killed by someone in this hospital."

After a pause, the detective continued: "Did he kill him by one of you?"


"Six One Three"

The scruffy patient suddenly burst into laughter. His smile was exaggerated. It was a forced, not natural smile.

Of the other five mental patients, three were taken aback by his sudden laughter, and the other two laughed along with the shaggy patient.

The three mentally ill people laughed, and the three mentally ill people looked blank. When the criminal police saw this, he asked again, "Did you kill the deceased?"

It may seem problematic to ask a few mentally ill such blunt words, but whether they understand it or not, they still have to say it.

"Zhou Ping is dead... Haha," the scruffy man said with a smile, "I killed him, I killed him, I killed him, I wanted to kill him for a long time."

His words made Zhang Tiannuan, Miao Yunfei, and the others' eyes widen slightly, and Jiang Yaxian even blurted out, "This...the murderer has been found?"

The detective who asked was also surprised, but after the surprise, the expressions on Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan and the others returned to normal.

Although the bearded man said that the deceased was murdered by him, don't forget his identity. He is a mental patient. If he says it, it's good to be skeptical.

"You killed Zhou Ping?" The interrogator asked with a frown. He hoped that the person in front of him was a normal person, so that the case could almost be closed.

"That's right." The sloppy bearded man nodded vigorously, and said very seriously, "Zhou Ping is a bastard, he's not as good as a pig or dog. I'll kill him so that no one will dare to beat me in the future."

At this time, one of the nurses standing beside said helplessly, "This patient's name is Zhang Tie, he has schizophrenia, he is often in a trance, and he says things that we don't understand, police officer... His words, Can't believe it all..."

Another nurse also said: "Sometimes he sits alone on the chuang, and he can talk to himself for a whole day. After eating, when he asks who else has not eaten, he often raises his hand and says that he has not eaten. "

The interrogator who inquired heard the words, the expression on his face was not very good, and he looked at Miao Yunfei with his inquiring eyes.

Although the person in charge of this case is Zhang Tianan, but Mayor Miao's daughter is here, and the police who know Miao Yunfei's identity will naturally focus on him.

When Miao Yunfei was about to speak, another patient in his [-]s who couldn't stand up straight glared at Zhang Tie and shouted, "You fart, Zhou Ping was obviously killed by me, and I killed him. He killed."

"You just farted. You saw Zhou Ping so scared that he couldn't walk. No one dared to kill him except me." Zhang Tie also glared at the patient.

"I killed it."

"I killed it!"

The two patients quarreled loudly. They were fighting over who killed Zhou Ping.

Miao Yunfei had a look of helplessness on her face. Sure enough, interrogating a mentally ill patient is a very useless practice.

"Okay, stop, stop arguing." Miao Yunfei shouted.

It was just that her screams had no effect. Zhang Tie and the patient were still arguing loudly, and they were about to fight.

When the nurse next to him saw this, Che opened his throat and roared twice. Zhang Tie and the patient in his forties immediately became quiet.

Miao Yunfei took a few steps forward, came to the two patients, and asked, "Zhang Tie, right? You said that Zhou Ping was killed by you. What did you use to kill him?"

Zhang Tie tilted his head to look at Miao Yunfei. He raised his hand and said, "I use this."

"With fists?" the detective asked.

"Yeah." Zhang Tiedao: "Zhou Ping used to beat me with his fists, and I also beat him with my fists, killed him, and killed his mother."

Miao Yunfei asked the patient in her forties who couldn't stand up straight, "You killed Zhou Ping too?"

"Yes, I killed it. This shameless person took the credit from me. I am the one who has the credit. The good guy who killed the bad guy..." said the man in his forties.

Miao Yunfei sighed: "How did you kill him?"

The forty-year-old patient laughed. He raised his hands, made a clean-up with a gun, and said, "I, I used a big cannon to kill Zhou Ping with a bang, haha, I used a cannon, I killed him with a cannon..."

Miao Yunfei looked helpless, and Zhang Tian'an and Jiang Yaxian's faces didn't get any better either.

If you have never had contact with a mentally ill person, you are really helpless about their words and deeds.

Miao Yunfei's eyes immediately fell on the other four patients. Of these four patients, one was relatively young, looking only in their twenties, and the other three were older than him.

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