After asking if they were the murderer as usual, the four shook their heads, indicating that they were not the murderer.

Just after asking these four people who said they were not the murderer, Zhang Tie and the patient shouted loudly again, saying that they killed Zhou Ping.

One waved his fist vigorously, and the other said he had a cannon, which was hidden under his chuang, and asked the police if he wanted his cannon. If he wanted, he would fetch it and lend it to the police to kill.

Zhang Tian'an shook his head and said, "Zhang Tie and this patient with a cannon... It seems that we can completely get rid of suspicion in 1.6."

"Interrogating a mental patient... this is really strange." Jiang Yaxian gave a wry smile, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

Miao Yunfei said: "For them, interrogation is nothing. Now, let's find the key that Nurse Xiao Meng lost in this building."

"Yeah." The detective next to him said, "If the murderer is a patient, he will definitely need a key to go out. The key should be hidden somewhere in this building, or in a room. Just find the key. , this case should be able to break through."

"Then let me know and search the entire dormitory building." Miao Yunfei ordered.

Just when Miao Yunfei finished speaking, the mentally ill man in his twenties suddenly grinned, with an extremely weird smile on his face. .


341 Know who the murderer is 【Subscription】

This mentally ill young man in his twenties, with that weird smile on his face, was immediately captured by Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan and the others.

The young man's smile revealed strangeness, and Miao Yunfei immediately asked, "What are you laughing at?"

The young man in his twenties turned to look at Miao Yunfei and laughed again.

His smile made people look a little creepy, and the detective closest to him asked, "Say, what are you laughing at."

The young man looked at the detective again, and he said mysteriously, "I know who killed Zhou Ping, and I know who killed him."

After hearing the young man's words, although Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan and the others rekindled their expectations together, their expectations were not very high, because they remembered each other's identities, and they were all patients with mental problems. .

"Who killed it?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

"I know who it is, I know." The young man in his twenties still had a mysterious smile on his face.

If he is a normal person, with that expression on his face, maybe he really knows something, but unfortunately he doesn't.

"Just say if you know, who killed Zhou Ping." The nurse next to him interjected.

667 In their eyes, the nurse's words are more effective than the police.

The young man restrained the smile on his face, lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "I dare not say it, I dare not..."

"Why not?" the nurse asked.

"I saw who killed it, but I can't say it. If I did, he would kill me too." The young man said timidly.

When he said just now that he knew who killed him, everyone was skeptical about this patient, thinking that maybe it was a mental patient who was talking nonsense.

But after seeing his expression, a thought popped up in everyone's heart. When the murderer was committing the murder, shouldn't this guy really see it secretly?

If he really shows who the murderer is, then the case will go on easily.

"Song Tao, don't be afraid. There are police here. If you really see who killed Zhou Ping, you can say it. The police will protect you." The nurse also thought that Song Tao might really be watching. What's up.

"That's right." The detective stepped forward, reached out and hit the young man named Song Tao on the shoulder, and said, "Song (bbbh) Tao, right? Don't be afraid, we are the detectives from the Tianhai Municipal Bureau. Now the whole hospital is our police, you can tell who the murderer is, and we will catch the murderer without putting you in danger."

"No, no... I dare not say... He wants to kill me, you can't stop it..." Song Tao took a step back and let the policeman's hand slip off his shoulder. He didn't believe the police. .

"There are all the police here, so what are you afraid of? Hurry up, if you don't say anything, if you don't catch the murderer, you will be in danger." Miao Yunfei said.

After everyone said a few words, Song Tao slowly raised his head, looked at everyone, and said, "After I said it, you must protect me..."

"Rest assured that our police will not let the witnesses get hurt." Miao Yunfei's eyes were sincere.

After Miao Yunfei's voice fell, the atmosphere in the room became very quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on the patient Song Tao, expecting his answer to really identify the murderer.

Under the expectation of everyone, Song Tao turned his head, pointed his hand to the patient in his forties, and said, "He, he killed Zhou Ping, and Zhou Ping was killed by him."


No one expected that Song Tao would identify the patient in his forties. The patient had quarreled with Zhang Tie just now, and both of them said that Zhou Ping was killed by them.

Zhang Tie said he beat Zhou Ping to death with his fist, while the patient in his [-]s said he had a cannon, and he killed Zhou Ping with a cannon.

Both of them admitted that they were the murderer's patients. In the eyes of Miao Yunfei and the others, there was basically no suspicion. They felt that they were just talking nonsense.

Now that Song Tao has identified the patient in his forties, is he really suspicious?

"Zhou Ping was killed by him?" The detective pointed to the patient in his forties and said, "What kind of situation did you see at that time, tell me now!"

Song Tao still pointed his hand at the man. He said, "I saw a cannon in his hand at that time. He killed Zhou Ping with the cannon. With a bang, my ears were deafened."

Song Tao looked scared, his eyes were swollen and filled with fear.

It was just his words that caused Miao Yunfei and the others to have a few black lines on their foreheads.

It was Zhang Tie who played with that guy just now. They quarreled and said that the murderer was them. This Song Tao also looked like he was swearing. It really made people think he saw the murderer kill.

But what he said next was that the patient in his forties killed Zhou Ping with a cannon... Cannon... Where did the cannon come from in the hospital, how can you afford a cannon to kill someone by yourself? .

"Hey hey hey..."

The man in his forties raised his eyebrows at Zhang Tie, he showed yellow teeth, and said, "You son of a bitch, raised you, did you hear it? He even took credit for me when he saw that Zhou Ping was I killed it, I have a cannon, I have a cannon and I can kill anyone."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of holding a gun with both hands, facing Song Tao and shouting, "You actually saw the process of killing me, Song Tao, you have to die, and I will also shoot you a dog with a cannon. Mother. Raised."

"Ah...don't...don't kill me..." Song Tao seemed to be able to see that he was holding a cannon in his hand, and quickly hid behind the nurse, his body shivering.

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