Everyone was speechless, no one spoke for a while, and they all felt like being played by a few mental patients.

"This is the first time I've interrogated a mentally ill patient...hey...I really can't imagine what they would say..." Zhang Tian'an reached out and covered his forehead, very helpless.

Miao Yunfei sighed: "It's the first time I've interrogated a mental patient, and I really can't do anything about them."

"Haha..." Jiang Yaxian thought it was a little funny, a few policemen were being played around by a few mental patients...

Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen and smiled when she saw Lin Chen, she squinted at Lin Chen and said, "What are you laughing at, do you have anything to ask them?"

"Ask?" Lin Chen put his hands in front of xiong and said with a light smile, "Didn't you ask the result, what else can I ask?"

Zhang Tie argued with the man in his forties again who killed Zhou Ping, while Song Tao hid behind the nurse and did not dare to come out. The room became noisy. After the nurse shouted, they were quiet again. down.

At this time, a person quietly walked to the door of this room and reached out to Lin Chen's shoulder. .


342 Do you want to call the security guard [2 more ask for subscription]

Lin Chen was standing at the outermost part of the room. After feeling a hand on his shoulder, Lin Chen immediately turned his head and looked over.

Lin Chen immediately saw a man in a hospital suit standing behind him. Lin Chen was no stranger to this person. To be precise, he should have just seen him.

He was Fan Guoxing who helped Nurse Xiao Meng feed other patients just now, and asked Nurse Meng for a candy after finishing the work.

When Lin Chen turned his head to look at him, Fan Guoxing retracted the hand on Lin Chen's shoulder, and he held a plastic broom and dustpan in the other hand.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chen looked at Fan Guoxing and asked him why he put his hand on his shoulder.

Jiang Yaxian, who was closer to Lin Chen, turned her head to look at the door, and saw Fan Guoxing standing at the door.

Fan Guoxing looked inside the house, and then said to Lin Chen, "Is there anyone here who is disobedient? I will go to the security guard. They can make disobedient people obey."

Looking at Fan Guoxing's expression, it was like he wanted to help.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he shook his head and said, "It's okay, there are policemen and nurses here, you don't need to call security."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Fan Guoxing snorted, he stopped paying attention to the situation in the room, and began to clean the aisle with a broom and dustpan.

"This Fan Guoxing is really obedient. He helps the hospital." Jiang Yaxian said to Fan Guoxing's sweeping back.

"It's just sweeping the floor, this hospital is considered a conscience." Lin Chen said lightly.

"Is there anything more unkind?" Jiang Yaxian was a little surprised. She asked, "Why do some hospitals have no conscience?"

Lin Chen just smiled, and did not explain the reason to Jiang Yaxian.

When Jiang Yaxian saw that Lin Chen didn't answer her, she thought it would be fine if she didn't say anything. You're not the only one who knows, and it's the same when I ask others.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan gave up the interrogation of these six mentally ill patients. They were in a trance and couldn't believe what they said.

"First conduct a careful search of the dormitories of these six people, and after the investigation is completed, then strictly inspect the entire building." "Miao Yunfei instructed the detectives.

"Okay." The criminal policeman agreed, and immediately notified the other police officers downstairs to come up and start searching the dormitories of the six patients.

"Let's go." Miao Yunfei said, and walked out of the ward.

The group walked out of the ward, went down the stairs along the aisle, and came to the downstairs of the accommodation building.

After Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianni, Jiang Yaxian and the three women discussed the case, a few detectives came over.

Zhang Tianan asked them, "Has the relevant person in charge of the mental hospital come?"

"They have notified the dean, but they haven't come yet," the policeman replied.

Just after the policeman finished speaking, another policeman said: "Just now, the victim's family made a lot of phone calls, it seems that everyone in their village came to the mental hospital to seek justice for their children. I don't know how many people will come. ."

Zhang Tianan thought about the police force in the mental hospital and said, "It's okay, they can't stop them if they want to come. With the police force here, even if some people come, they can control the scene."

While several people were talking, a black Mercedes-Benz drove in from the gate of the mental hospital.

The black Mercedes was driving in the mental hospital, and soon, it stopped in a parking space in front of the accommodation building.

After the car stopped, the door opened, and a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman got out of the car.

A security guard passing by saw the man and woman getting out of the car and immediately called the dean hello.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly in response to the security guard's greeting.

The middle-aged man's name is Yu Gaofeng, and he is the director of Anhe Mental Hospital. The affairs of Anhe Mental Hospital are all decided by the director.

Beside Dean Yu Gaofeng, that person is middle-aged, but the woman is very fashionable. She is Yu Gaofeng's wife, the dean's wife.

The dean and the dean's wife walked in the direction of Lin Chen, Miao Yunfei, and the others. When they came to the front and back, the dean said apologetically, "I'm sorry, officer, I was dealing with something just now, so I'm late."

As the dean said, he was about to stretch out his hand to shake hands with Miao Yunfei.

Miao Yunfei signaled that there was no need to shake hands with her eyes. She said to the dean, "The scale of your Anhe mental hospital is so large, why don't you even install a monitor? Are you qualified?"

Dean Yu Gaofeng still had an apology on his face, he bowed slightly, and said, "Hey... police officer... we are also suffering. In recent years, the development of the mental hospital has been deteriorating, and many patients have gone to the public mental hospital. ... We have not many patients in Anhe now ... some of them are orphans without relatives."

"...Our mental hospital is about to make ends meet now. Those patients who have no relatives or who don't care about their relatives, we can't drive them away, can't we?"

"If the entire mental hospital were to be equipped with surveillance cameras, the cost would be... really unbearable..."

Dean Yu Gaofeng complained of bitterness. His frowning face made people feel that the current Anhe Mental Hospital was about to become a mess, and the Dean was helplessly managing this mess.

The dean's wife was heavily made-up, and on her arm was a bag that didn't look very expensive, but at least a few thousand dollars. She said to everyone: "Hey...you police officers don't know our difficulties, there are fewer patients. ... There are too many patients without family members ... Our mental hospital is almost unprofitable now, how can there be money to get those monitoring. "

Listening to the couple's complaints, Miao Yunfei didn't answer a word.

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