The dean (Zhao Le's) and the dean's wife already know the details of what happened in the hospital. The dean saw that many policemen entered the dormitory building, and how far has his case progressed.

Miao Yunfei ignored him, and the detective next to him told the dean that after investigation, a little nurse's key was lost.

Now the police suspect that if it was in the hands of a mental patient, he would have gone out at night with that set of keys.

After hearing this, the dean and the dean's wife immediately looked at each other with surprise and intriguing expressions in their eyes.

"Is that so." The dean nodded and said, "It must be that the key was taken by the patient, and the nurse is also true. I dare to hide this kind of thing. I must fire her."

"Now the staff of the hospital are also suspected, so don't fire the staff for the time being." The policeman looked at the dean and reminded him. .


343 Thinking about things [3 more for subscription]

After hearing what the police said, Dean Yu Gaofeng nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. I won't fire any staff until the case is solved."

After speaking, Yu Gaofeng took a step forward and tightly held the criminal policeman's hand, and after shaking it, Yu Gaofeng said: "Officer, I really ask you, we must find the murderer, we are in Anhe Mental Hospital. The reputation is not very good now, if this incident spreads, the situation our hospital will face will be even more severe."

"Yeah." The dean's wife stroked her long hair and said with a serious face, "Please, comrades in the police."

The detective said to reassure them that the murderer would definitely be found.

After learning a little about the situation from Yu Gaofeng, Yu Gaofeng took his wife and left, and walked into the dean's office of the complex building.

A large number of police poured into the dormitory building. First, they carefully searched the dormitory of Zhang Tie, Song Tao and other six people. After the search was completed, they found that nothing related to the key was found on their body or in the dormitory.

A policeman after the search came over to report the situation. After a few people listened to it, Miao Yunfei said: "The murderer needs to use the key to get out of the dormitory. When he returns to the dormitory, he also needs the key to lock the lock. He should have the key with him."

"Well." Zhang Tian'an nodded slightly and said, "I've seen it, there is a lock that can only be closed with a key. If the murderer throws the key after entering the dormitory, we can definitely see it on the grass. The current situation Come on, that bunch of keys must be in the dormitory building."

Miao Yunfei glanced at Zhang Tianan and said to the policeman, "Continue to search the entire building, and check the toilets and toilets more carefully."

The policeman trotted back to the dormitory building. After he left, Miao Yunfei looked at Jiang Yaxian and said to her, "Yaxian, I may have to stay here all day, or I'll have someone take you back first. Bar."

Hearing this, Jiang Yaxian smiled and said, "No, I'm fine anyway, I'll just follow you guys."

"Then you'd better not go to the corpse to see it, you will have nightmares after watching it." Zhang Tianai reminded Jiang Yaxian kindly.

"Haha." Jiang Yaxian chuckled lightly and said, "I'm not that stupid, don't worry, I was scared to death when I heard my head was cut off, where would I go to see it?"

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan immediately had something to do, so they turned around and left in different directions, leaving only Lin Chen and Jiang Yaxian in place.

Lin Chen looked at a playground in the distance, where the patients exercised and walked.

There are many patients there at the moment, some are walking, some are playing basketball, some are sitting on the ground, some are climbing on the trees, and there are various sounds from the playground from time to time.

Some are happy, some are terrified, and some are ignorant.

These mentally ill people live in this world in their own way.

"Hello..." Seeing Lin Chen staring at the playground over there, Jiang Yaxian called out to Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen turned his head, he looked at her suspiciously.

Jiang Yaxian said, "I think when you were looking for clues, you didn't speak much. It was Yun Fei and the others who asked. Stand aside and watch."

"Because I'm thinking about things." Lin Chen stretched out a finger and nodded his head.

"Have you thought of anything useful?" Jiang Yaxian asked curiously, blinking her big eyes.

Jiang Yaxian has long wavy hair, which was dyed a light wine red by her. When walking, the long hair trembled slightly, which was really beautiful.

As the daughter of the CEO of an entertainment company, Jiang Yaxian is more convenient in dressing up than Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianni, and some small accessories on her body add a bit of beauty to her.

"I think about it." Lin Chen nodded slightly, the expression on his face was a little serious.


After hearing what Lin Chen said, Jiang Yaxian's eyes lit up slightly, and she hurriedly asked, "What do you think is useful? Tell me now."

Lin Chen glanced at Jiang Yaxian and said, "I think I thought of it, but I don't want to tell you."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked towards a place.

After Jiang Yaxian heard Lin Chen's words, she stamped her feet angrily, looked at Lin Chen's back, and said, "What an annoying guy."

After scolding Lin Chen in her heart, Jiang Yaxian was bored standing here, so go to Miao Yunfei, she was over the corpse again, and Jiang Yaxian didn't dare to look at the corpse.

So Jiang Yaxian had to follow behind Lin Chen, wanting to see how Lin Chen found clues to solve the case.

Lin Chen walked in front, Jiang Yaxian was a few steps behind, and the two were walking in the Anhe Mental Hospital. Lin Chen raised his head from time to time to look at the treatment building and the comprehensive building.

When they came to the door, the two security guards in the guard room were sitting there smoking, with smiles on their faces, not knowing what they were talking about.

Lin Chen continued to walk in the mental hospital, preparing to visit the mental hospital.

Although Jiang Yaxian hated Lin Chen a little, she still took the initiative to talk to Lin Chen. When talking about a black material in the mental hospital, Jiang Yaxian said that she was not familiar with the mental hospital, and asked Lin Chen to say that the mental hospital had What black stuff.

Lin Chen talked about Fan Guoxing's work in the mental hospital. In fact, this is very common, and it is already an easy thing for him to sweep the floor.

Some mental hospitals are even more extreme. They will let the mentally ill do some hard labor, and will also undertake some simple small craft accessories for the mentally ill to do. No food to eat.

In some darker mental hospitals, some patients wish to have a full meal, but they can only be obedient. If they don't obey, they will be given injections and electric shocks.

Now many private mental hospitals, they are not mainly to cure patients, their purpose is to make profits and make money.

To give a simple example, some parents feel that their children are very rebellious, or have some mental problems, and have made a radical move, so they take their children to the mental hospital and ask the doctor to check whether they need treatment. .

After the doctor's examination, he will frown and tell you that your child does have some mental illness. Fortunately, he arrived in time. If he is treated by the hospital now, it can be effectively treated. If he arrives late, the disease will deteriorate seriously. Well, it's not easy to handle.

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