Some people may have a little bit of mental problems, more irritable, more withdrawn, etc., but when they come to the doctor, they will magnify your condition infinitely, and ask your family to send you to a mental hospital for treatment.

Your family members will definitely be willing to spend some money for you to receive treatment for your recovery. .


344 There is a problem in the mental hospital [4 more subscriptions]

After your family handed you over to the doctors and nurses in the mental hospital, if you resisted and showed that you didn't want to stay here.

In front of you, the doctors and nurses will smile and tell you not to be afraid. The family is for your own good. As long as you stay in the hospital for a while, you will be able to recover and be discharged.

In front of your family, doctors and nurses show an amiable side, and their tone is gentle and very nice, just like family members-.

But as long as your family members leave the mental hospital, if you dare to be disobedient, the first thing to do is to give you a shot of tranquilizers and other drugs to make you honest.

Those unscrupulous mental hospitals, they just want to make money, they rarely think about getting you cured.

If your illness is cured and you are discharged from the hospital, who will send money to the mental hospital every month?

Hospitals with a little conscience, they don't beat patients, they only give them injections and medicines when they are disobedient, while those with absolutely no conscience, they beat and kick the patients, and they beat them first if they are disobedient. One meal, and then let you take the medicine.

When the family came to see you, they found that you were covered in scars and asked the doctors and nurses what was wrong with you. The doctors and nurses would say that your condition has been unstable recently, and that the injuries on your body were caused by yourself.

In those unscrupulous mental hospitals, most of the medicines they give to patients are sleeping pills and calming drugs.

Taking this drug for a long time and living in this environment, surrounded by mental patients, over time, a person with a little mental illness becomes a complete mental illness. A healthy person will also become neurotic and move towards the mentally ill. developed in terms of.

After Jiang Yaxian heard this, she said, "No way, those unscrupulous mental hospitals have gone too far?"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth rose slightly, he looked at Jiang Yaxian's pretty face, and asked, "Have you heard of 'lobectomy'?"

"Loobectomy?" Jiang Yaxian repeated, shaking her head, "I've never heard of it, what kind of surgery is this?"

Lin Chen said: "The white matter of the lobe is the main part of the central nervous system. In 1935, at the neurological conference held in London, two neurologists published a research result, they damaged two The forebrain lobes of the chimpanzees are connected to other areas of the brain, and it turned out that the two chimpanzees became much more docile."

"The results of this research have given a great inspiration to a Portuguese surgeon, Antonio Egas Moniz, who believes that the operation performed on chimpanzees can also be tried on mental patients. "

"So, under the direction of that surgeon, Monis, they performed the first lobectomy on a mentally ill patient."

"They carefully sawed an opening in the patient's skull, and then injected ethanol through the opening into the anterior lobe of the brain to kill the nerve fibers in that piece. After the operation, the patient survived and his symptoms were relieved. Although the patient ultimately did not recover enough to be discharged, Monis still declared that his operation was a success."

"In those days, a cut was cut in a person's head?" Jiang Yaxian felt a little cold on her forehead.

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded and said, "After the forebrain lobe is removed, the ability to think for oneself will be lost, making people a walking corpse, leaving only physiological instincts. This is nothing to do with murder in disguise."

"Following the success of that lobotomy by Dr. Monis, another American physician improved the procedure in 1945."

"The doctor directly uses a hammer to dig a steel needle about the size of a chopstick into the brain from above the patient's eyeball, and then stirs the steel needle with his bare hands to destroy the patient's forebrain. This operation is not only simple and fast, but also does not require very Strict disinfection measures have been welcomed by many doctors."

Jiang Yaxian thought of a steel needle, which was stabbed into the brain from above her eyeball, and the steel needle was still stirring in her forebrain, destroying the forebrain lobe...

How painful that process must have been. In those days, even with anesthesia, it was far from the current level of medical care.

"The person who invented this kind of surgery is really cruel." Jiang Yaxian muttered.

"It's really inhumane."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "That's why this operation, which was called a great invention at first, and the inventor won the Nobel Prize, was banned by various countries after that."

"It's okay if it's forbidden." Jiang Yaxian looked at the nearby complex and said, "This mental hospital shouldn't remove the anterior brain lobes for patients, right? I see some mental patients, their eyes are dull, they are like walking dead."

"No." Lin Chen said, "You see those mentally ill people who are like walking dead, either because of their own reasons or because of taking medicine."

· · Flowers · ·

"It seems that if someone around you has a mild mental illness, it's better not to come to a mental hospital." Jiang Yaxian


"The regular ones are fine, the unscrupulous ones are another matter." Lin Chen said.

The two chatted while walking. These things that Lin Chen told were things Jiang Yaxian had never encountered before.

After talking about this topic, Jiang Yaxian smiled and said, "It seems that you know quite a lot. You know all these things."

"Why don't you say that you know less? What I said, it's easy to find out." Lin Chen shrugged.

Jiang Yaxian took a small step: "I'm all researching how to package artists, how to develop a company, why should I understand this?"


"Lin Chen, now I think my previous thought is quite ridiculous." Jiang Yaxian said,

"What do you think?" Lin Chen asked.

"The first time I saw you, didn't I think you were very handsome? I asked if you would like to be a star in my company." Jiang Yaxian remembered the first time she saw Lin Chen, her beautiful eyes With a smile.

She turned her head to look at Lin Chen: "Now that I know that you have such a great background, even Mohai Wanjia dare not offend you. Isn't it ridiculous that I asked you to be a male artist?"

After walking around the entire Anhe mental hospital, Jiang Yaxian received a call from Miao Yunfei, who asked where she and Lin Chen were.

A few minutes later, Lin Chen and Jiang Yaxian reconciled with Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai.

Lin Chen asked, "How was the search of the accommodation building, did you find the set of keys?"

There was a fine layer of sweat on Zhang Tian'an's forehead. She shook her head and said, "I have searched all the dormitories from the first floor to the fourth floor, but no suspicious keys have been found."

"I also found it on the fifth and sixth floors?" Lin Chen asked.

"I found it." Zhang Tian'an nodded: "I didn't find it either."

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